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Dune Ravenwood

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Everything posted by Dune Ravenwood

  1. I find you offensive but rating you as an adult would be ridiculous considering your beliefs.
  2. My vote would be for Patch Linden to model EVERYTHING!
  3. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I got my Patch Linden Bear. It is as cute as he is but not quite ;-)
  4. Thanks for ideas so far everybody. I was attacked by self replicating prim balls last night lol and after the amusement wore off I went elsewhere for the day and this morning it was all gone. I just don't want where my stuff all gets returned or something.
  5. I have been reading some info about what are the best "About Land" - Options settings for a 1024 m sized plot on the mainland. I read conflicting advice so I would like some of your best advice and experiences for preventing a griefer from attacking or doing damage on a private plot. Should all my settings be checked for Group only? etc. Thank you for your advice.
  6. LMAO omg is this venture going to fail big time.
  7. There is some pics and info here: http://secondlife.wikia.com/wiki/Linden_World
  8. Noma Falta and Da Blues Preacher are 2 great live musician/singers who always put on a great show.
  9. Thank you for these pics and posts so far. I love reading and seeing them. Makes me sometimes wonder if it is mesh and marketplace that helped change/kill parts of Second Life. Please more posts and pics.
  10. The 2 pictures below are the from the Romeo sim which was the original location of the once famous AussieBoys Club from way back in 2007. In it's prime this place was vibrant and filled with party people, shops, several dance floors, a large park and small beach. It was the very first place and club I came to as a brand, new noob in November 2007. Now it lays barren and abandoned.So many great SL places are empty or completely erased as their sims vanished.We all know places we once loved but are all gone now, what were some of your favorite places which are now long gone? Please post pics if you have them....
  11. There I was sailing innocently on the Blake Sea when I hit a sim crossing which catapulted me through the air and into someone's home where I finally came to rest with my face buried in a woman's crotch. Before a word was spoken I was whisked in the air again and was suddenly back on my boat sailing as if nothing happened. Many many times I wanted to recreate this scenario but to my dismay it never happened again. If your the woman and reading this....come back here you naughty girl! ;-)
  12. 1504 square meters 516 prims, flat mainland by roadside 600 Lindens http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sundana/45/172/32
  13. I had this also happen to me. I wanted the land badly and was afraid of waiting and loosing it, so I bought it under my name outright and it worked. Then I deeded and donated the land to my group. If I understand correctly I will be charged for tier on my next bill but then after that it falls under the group 10% discount and no tier will need to be paid or am I stuck? Will the group 10% discount take effect on the next bill? So damn confusing.
  14. I just had land deeded to my group and sold it for L$600 but did not receive my Lindens for it after someone bought it. Is there a catch??? grrrrrrrrrrr
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