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Artorius Constantine

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Everything posted by Artorius Constantine

  1. Pulled all the listeners and added a state entry with one in it. Originally I only had one listener in the On_Rez state. I added the others tweaking but that didn't help anything. Seems to work. Ran the alt test and it passed but now the rezzed object is acting up! I didn't even do anything to it grrrr. At least the base is listening now yay! Edited to add, that was definitely the issue. I did the same thing to the rezzed object, ie moved the listener to a state_entry instead of the on_rez event. Works perfectly for everyone now Thx!
  2. Yes on Transfer permissions. That's tricky enough on games, especially with prizes. This one is simple, it's all full copy for the next owner and nothing else. I got lost in the listeners I think. I have always added the changed owner reset because listeners tend to stick to the last owner. Even when not assigned that way. It's kind of a catch all for me when I use listeners. I normally close them too but in this case the object dies right after most messages so didn't think it was needed. You think it's flow then? I started moving the listen around late last night and adding new ones. I just did one where I slowed down the messages coming from the rezzed object and that seemed to work. Maybe it just wasn't getting time to change states before the message was being sent? I'll move the listen to a state entry and see what happens.
  3. This is a matching game. The brain rezzes a bunch of gravestones and renames them all. Touching one of them rezzes an object, like a bat or a skull, that object uses llRegionSay to swap messages with other objects and the rezzing object. Regionsay "I'm a cross" on rez then listens. if message = "I'm a cross" Regionsay "me too" and do stuff Then if message = "Im a cross too" do stuff. Now the problem is the rezzing object, after the touch event that rezzes the llRegionSaying object it stops listening, I think. Works great for me, not for the next owner. I do have the new owner check first. This is the Rezzing object script. The "clear" message is from the brain to clean the playing field. default { changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_OWNER) llResetScript(); } on_rez(integer start_param) { llSay (0, "Ready"); llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_NAME, "Tombstone"]); llListen(-3333,"","",""); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llRezObject("Small Cross", llGetPos() + <0.0,0.0,1.5>, <0.0,0.0,0.0>, <0.0, 0, 0, 0.0>, 0); llListen(-3333,"","",""); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) { if (msg == "clear") { llSay (0, "Clear check"); llSleep(.5); llDie(); } if (msg == "me one") { llSay (0, "me too check"); llSleep(.5); llDie(); } } } The rezzed objects is giving it's messages fine. I added the Listen after the touch event to try and fix the issue. that wasn't in the first draft. the rezzing object only has to do stuff on a Clear command from the brain or a match command from a rezzed object. It doesn't need to hear anything else.
  4. I'm just gonna put new games in this thread lol. Don't wanna spam the place. I did a couple new ones that are twists on old games. Sounded like a good idea. A Simon clone where you knock on Gnomes Heads =) Funny noises. It's next to the cave by the Whack-A-Troll. Just finished my best yet! IMO. It's the old school picture matching game in full 3D. Beach themed, beautiful shells and stuff. Proud to say I scripted it myself from start to finish. Was a fun challenge and what I think of as a game lol High detail mesh objects, particle FX, all the fun of the classic memory game in 3D. There's a Beta version set up already down on Sunset Beach and I'm almost done with the Spooky graveyard version. I can even expand the playing field to a full region hunt! There is a store on the sim but that's back in the back corner. The landing point is far from it. 75% of the place is just for fun =) The Gondola ride is getting close to done. Then I have to set up for Halloween!
  5. Once upon a time a cross dressing wolf lived in the forest... wait...that's the wrong story. OK this guy named Jack found a magic mushroom....No that's not right either. Well, just get close to, or touch the big red mushroom by the landing point to play my new Fantasy Quest Chain Game. The Three Little Gnomes. Solving one challenge will create the next. You only have 5 minutes per challenge. Prizes for every challenge won! Good Luck! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Midnight%20Forest/86/109/24
  6. Process started Saturday afternoon, not a busniess day, Sunday, not a business day. Monday, money hits Paypal. OK I'll pay for that.
  7. That's almost exactly what I finally did. The boat rezzer now sends an llRegionSayTo to the first effect rezzer that rezzes the effect and the trigger. After being triggered that one then sends an llRegionSayTo to the next rezzer in line that rezzes the effect & trigger then dies. It also kills the effect so no prim litter or resetting of that now. Each effect and trigger is rezzed in a chain then goes away. If it doesn't get triggered the chain ends. No waste, no running listeners except the rezzers and they are listening for "object" & msg on -xxxxx channel. if no one is on the ride it is taking no script time at all. Love it! The Pirates are popping off cannonballs perfectly! Now I just have to build all the FX lol Thx everyone, I love this Forum!
  8. Yeah I think it went phantom in an earlier attempt and I kept using it. Rezzed a new one =) I can't make it physical. It's a prim floating in water and if it got physical & affected it'd probably get knocked over after the first hit. Unless I rezzed a new one after every trigger. hmmm. I bet I could rez all the triggers and the FX with a llRegionSay when a boat is rezzed then nothing would be running unless someone is on the ride. Gotta think about that. They could die after being triggered or X minutes. One effect being triggered could also RegionSay the next effect & trigger to rez. I bet that would reduce the script time a lot. No one on the ride then no open listeners or running sensors. hmmmm The boat is using key-framed motion so that's why Volume detect didn't work. I thought it would still detect the avatar. The boat rezzes as phantom so coliisionFilter won't work. That's why I was trying to detect the avatar. I got the sensor working great with a 2 meter sweep every 3 seconds it doesn't seem to be lagging anything down and the timing is pretty good. I guess that's the way to go. I deleted all the earlier attempts, I'm like that. If it don't work toss it lol. Now I'm fighting with the listeners but I think that's just lag. Usually those work great for me.
  9. I'm using llRegionSay and that's all good. The problem is I can't get the boat to trigger anything but a sensor. I thought llVolumeDetect or Collision Filter by object name would do it but nothing reports any collisions. I should be clearer about the seated avatar, There will only be a boat with an avatar, they don't travel empty. I guess they could but the rezzer needs a touch to create one so normally that's not an issue. I don't need to check that, just when the boat reaches x,x,x location or collides with an object so I can send the llRegionSay and drop the rocks lol. I guess I'll look at a repeating sensor again. Grabbing the ava in range would be easy enough. I have just heard that they are really "server loader uppers" and was trying to stay away from them. I only have a Homestead so I want to keep script usage as low as I can.
  10. Working on a Gondola Tour and trying to trigger FX as the boat passes with a seated avatar. What's the best function for this? I can't seem to get anything to trigger except a sensor and that's a lot of lag to leave 3 or 4 of those open all the time.
  11. Troll fun! lol Still need to add the sound FX but it's fully playable. 
  12. I love to create stuff and I always end up bingeing on one thing or another. Right now I'm jonesing to stretch my scripting skills and make some more fun games. Hunt & Catch? Hard hunts (like trying to find a 4-leaf clover in a field of 3 leafers)? Board games? Random prize games? hmmm Twister? Oh! Whack a Troll! OK I'm gonna go work on that one lol. Chasing things down like the fairy is fun but I think that is over too quickly. No gambling games, not into the money thing. Want to steer clear of any possible TOS violations.
  13. I thought that was them because the symbols the same. was hesitant to download because what I have works. Of course, it's probably time to update my opensim software too but it works. if it works don't fix it. I blew my laptop out last week (with compressed air) and now the fan doesn't work =( Updated my Firestorm viewer, well at least I tried too. It won't run so I had to revert. Getting no love from the updates!
  14. event(key id){ if(test) { doStuff(); } else { doOtherStuff(); } if(test2) { doAlternateStuff(); } doStuffRegardlessOfTest();} Love this explanation! Keeping it as an example in my script folder.
  15. Yeah, what she said! Second time those semi-colons after the if got me! Simple If statement, no semi-colon Gotta beat that into my head. Man I miss Basic lol
  16. I use chrome and do it all the time with the back button. Going back 3 pages from the checkout takes you right back where you were.
  17. "No. Not even Whole ones." =) Awesome answer! i needed that. Download & Use the RLV viewer. There are options in there for it. I've never used it so can't help with it but it has the ability to put the contents of a folder on your avatar with an outside script.
  18. Not sure if it will work but it compiles. The first listener is never removed so (I think) it's still active. integer ch=-13577; //Same unique 5 digit number as controller. integer ch1=-13578; //Same unique 5 digit number as controller. integer ch2=-13579; //Same unique 5 digit number as controller. integer side = 5; //Side to apply the texture to. // ALL_SIDES = All sides of the object. // Numbers 1-8 = Face number of the object. integer side2 = 6; //Side to apply the texture to. // ALL_SIDES = All sides of the object. // Numbers 1-8 = Face number of the object. integer side3 = 3; //Side to apply the texture to. // ALL_SIDES = All sides of the object. // Numbers 1-8 = Face number of the object. integer side4 = 2; //Side to apply the texture to. // ALL_SIDES = All sides of the object. // Numbers 1-8 = Face number of the object. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// default { state_entry() { llListen(ch,"",NULL_KEY,""); } listen(integer ch, string name, key id, string msg) { if (llGetOwner() == llGetOwnerKey(id)); { llSetTexture(llGetSubString(msg,0,-1),side); llSetColor(<0.5, 0.0, 0.0>, side ); llSetTexture(llGetSubString(msg,0,-1),side2); llSetColor(<0.5, 0.0, 0.0>, side2 ); } llListen(ch1,"",NULL_KEY,""); { if (llGetOwner() == llGetOwnerKey(id)); llSetTexture(llGetSubString(msg,0,-1),side3); llSetColor(<0.5, 0.0, 0.0>, side3 ); } } }
  19. Zero sales since the new search was implemented. Usually I get a sale every hour or two at the least. Been several hours now and zero sales. LL did take my search money, both for land I have and land I no longer have. Also took $10L for a failed image upload that still hasn't been refunded. Gonna go work in RL awhile. =(
  20. Yep looks like the new search is the culprit. Just tested it (as per the comments on the Jira) and all listings after July 2015 are unavailable.
  21. Due to the new search maybe? I have 3 items with Spidora in the title but quick fill doesn't find any of them. Circus, sideshow, illusion, should all return multiple items yet find nothing. NaS-T, 98% of my listings start with that word, finds less than 20% of my store. Not good LL!
  22. Well I thought I had it figured out. I logged in to find all 3 of them had reverted back to the no copy/ no transfer original texture with a copy in inventory. I friggin deleted those so it has to be a script function sticking calling them back. Gonna take one to the test grid and see if I can fix it. I I wish the builder had included untextured versions instead of just these with no perms. FP should be FP.
  23. This is strictly my opinion. Firestorm for years as a builder. That said, the "update" is apparently broken (at least for me) and won't run so I'm a version behind. The SL viewer is for inventory clean ups and refreshing and a few settings in preferences have to be set there. Otherwise I hate it and never use it. just don't like the way the menus are laid out. I like the pie menus. Black Dragon for touring and taking pictures. Beautiful graphics! I have an old copy of Imprudence I use for my home server VW. Nice and light but I think they haven't updated it for awhile now.
  24. Yeah, I uploaded a texture I made (with the supplied ao map). I did a quick test from local and it looked good so I uploaded it. I put it on and poof! there was now a no copy texture stuck in the inventory. Trying to make this a vendor board so it's pissing me off. It keeps changing perms because the texture just appears in the inventory with bad perms. My texture, full perm that I uploaded was gone and it was suddenly back to the original no copy texture and in the inventory. I finally got one to clear by using a scrubber script, I had to put in a new script so it would read, texturing it all with the default wood, taking a copy then the new rezzed copy seems to be OK. I'm thinking the builder used a script to call the texture by UUID and that the script properties are sticking. Like Hover text does.
  25. Yeah what they said. Hover text height is now connected to the Z height of the object the script is in. The easiest way to raise it is to add \n lines. stretch it on the Z axis or just put another object higher over it with just the hovertext script. A really tall object will have text floating high above itself. At least that's what the server deployment log says. They changed it not long ago.
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