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Pearl Vollmar

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Everything posted by Pearl Vollmar

  1. After having to stop selling my hairbases templates because of dishonest people, I still have people writing me to ask me if I could make an exception and sell them. Since unfortunately we can't always tell who we can trust or not, I came up with the idea of offering them in affiliate vendors. Before I offer them to everyone, I'd like to try it out with 5 people who'd be willing to sell the hairbases in their shops. I'll be charging a fee for the affiliate vendors in the future but these 5 people will get them for free of course. I have 83 hairbases (different colors and 2 styles) and the hairbases are mod/copy (I'm working on new styles at the moment) I used to make them no mod, but because I started getting ims from people who asked me to make them mod so they could have the perfect match to their hair, I decided to change that. I cannot have all hair colors available in SL in my shop, that would be impossible. Below is a rough draft of my advertising: Fior di Perle Hairbase Affiliate System, with 83 modifable hairbases, is a great opportunity for skin and hair designers to offer an extra service to their customers. Description: - Caspervend System (reliable deliveries) - Hairbases cost L$ 150 each - 50% comission - 5 Multi vendors - 5 Single vendors (1 for each hairbase style) - 83 Single vendors (for each single hairbase) - 5 demo vendors (customers pay 1L but money is immediately refunded) - Vendors are no mod but if you need smaller vendors I can make them for you. - Redelivery terminal - Free updates - Customer service for you and your customers ** You can make copies of the vendors and place them in different locations ** You dont need to join a group. Updates are sent directly through the system. ** Owners can buy from their vendors but will pay full price. ** The vendors are no transfer and for that reason no refund is possible If you need different colors to match the hair you sell specifically, contact me for custom work (this will cost you an extra fee which will depend on the number of hairbases you order) If you are interested please send me an im inworld with a link to your store. If you aren't interested in helping me with this test, ideas and feedback are welcome. Thanks in Advance Pearl
  2. That looks great! That skirt looks so much better than sculpt and prim skirts.
  3. I believe this will get better with time. People are still learning.
  4. Venus Petrov wrote: Unrigged mesh skirt. Rigged mesh skirt (demo). I would buy the not rigged one in the picture and not the rigged one, even though the leg shows through. The dress looks great. :matte-motes-smile:But I understand you were looking at movements and not the dress itself.
  5. Demos and freebies show on SL account history. I just saw that. Any other changes you guys noticed?
  6. Demos and freebies show on SL account history. I just saw that. Any other changes you guys noticed?
  7. How can I change the picture in my forum posts? I think it's about time I put something better than the default pic :-) edit: I've tried to find where this is done but no luck..
  8. How can I change the picture in my forum posts? I think it's about time I put something better than the default pic :-) edit: I've tried to find where this is done but no luck..
  9. I'm looking for that lock script too. If I find it, I'll post it here for you.
  10. I just went ahead and bought the Caspervend. Hope it works :-)
  11. Hi Tara, I did look for older threads. Didn't find many though, but it was where I found out about Caspervend. Thanks :-)
  12. Thanks Sassy, I don't really want to use Hippo either. I'm looking at Caspervend at the moment. Reviews are good.. but we all know how reviews can be fake.
  13. I'm thinking about starting an affiliate program and am looking for a vendors. I know of hippo but was wondering if there are other ones out there. I would like to have something that allows me to send the vendor to the affliates so they can rezz them themselves. Any suggestions, recommendations and experience? Thanks for any help.
  14. Thanks for the info Zanara. I think it is always good to know some technical information since I'm not an expert. I think DD is basically a good idea. I am just afraid about how this will be implemented. And by afraid, I don't mean I am panicking or losing sleep over it. I've learned it's not worth it. I am more concerned than anything else, but waiting to see what happens.
  15. Josh Susanto wrote: [people hate change.] I didn't until the Lindens taught me to. That about sums up how I feel. I do not dislike change, but my hair goes up in horror when that comes from LL.
  16. I wish LL would stop having "brilliant" ideas. What's wrong about magic boxes? Why change that? Please leave my inventory alone!
  17. I have one ad in categories right now and had one featured on the homepage for a week. I never came across any of my ads. No matter how much I refreshed. I sold one from the one featured on the homepage. I don't understand how that works. And I don't understand the statiscts they show us on the report.
  18. Spring reminds me of gardens, flowers, birds, even Easter, but not beach... and what about skins? Well, we do wear a skin during spring break, whatever that means. :-P
  19. Did I understand it right? People have to log in to the marketplace to see the products even if they are in the general category? :womansurprised: I checked it myself. We can see the general items withouth logging in. For a moment I thought they had made the marketplace kind of a closed thing only for members. My sales are slowly going back to normal, at least demos are going out.
  20. @ Zhoie yes, it gets tiring. I am changing all my pictures to make them go back to the general category, most of them are and were in the general category, so I cannot see the connection. @ Toy I'm not glad to hear it isn't only happening to me, but at least it shows me that I'm not the one at fault.
  21. The email acknowledging your DMCA should come pretty fast. If you don't hear from them in about 2 days, send it again. You have to follow their directions as to the format , otherwise they will simply ignore it. If you'd like a DMCA template, send me an email pearlvollmar@hotmail.de and I'll send it to you. Good luck!
  22. Yes, Zhoie, I noticed that too. I am not the type that complains if I have a bad day, or even more than one, but the difference is so big that I couldn't help but noticing. I would like to know what I have to do to fix this, rather than wait for them to do something. So they changed something that is affecting my sales, what do I have to do get them back to normal then? I fell I am completely in the dark. I have no idea what I have to do. Change the title? Keywords? I am completely lost! I wish they would let us know. I am not against changes, I've learned it doesn't help anyway, but I would like to know how these changes work. I know what the changes were (thanks Tatiana) but not how they are affecting the marketplace, so I can't adapt accordingly.
  23. Hi Tatiana, I had checked that and nothing was unlisted. I used to sell a lot of demos every day too, and not even those are selling. It is really strange. It's been like this specially since the last time the marketplace was down. It's been so quiet that it's almost spooky...
  24. I came here to check if anyone had started a thread about this or if it was just me. Since last changes it is just dead. I used to sell at least 10 items a day in the marketplace before the change, now it's down to 1, maximum 2. I haven't visited these forums in a while so I don't know what the change were. Can someone please show me where I can read about it so I know what I need to change in my listings in order to be seen again? edit: I noticed a drop on sales coincidently (or not?) after the last recent changes, or better, the last two times the marketplace was down last week.
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