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Pearl Vollmar

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Everything posted by Pearl Vollmar

  1. Magnet Homewood wrote: There may be something to Pearl's theory. I have a listing that has been duplicated - the listing is there and completely normal, while there is another listing with the same picture but different title and seller too. The date it was listed: 9th Sept 2010 Magnet, can you please post that on the jira? I'm not sure the Commerce Team reads these posts here.
  2. I hope so Darrius. The answers to the tickets, as you know, were not helpful but I still hope they might be using the info we provided to try to fix the problem.
  3. I wrote that info on the jira. It would be interesting to know if the others affected also listed their products during that time.
  4. Don't know if this info helps but I just realised that all products affected in my store were listed for the first time on the same date. Not sure I can tell the exact date, but I can find out the month and year at least. edit: products were listed between Sep 7-10 2010
  5. Nice that they got back to you. I believe this issue is a complicated one to fix, it will take some time and there's not much we can do but wait. My listings still look the same though. The only corrections are the ones I made myself, i.e. changed the wrong pictures. edit to add: By saying there's not much we can do but wait I meant we are powerless. Unless we all act together and pull our products out. But we know this won't happen. There are still people who believe this is something that is only affecting "a few merchants" and can't see the bigger picture.. I don't like doomsday theories, but I feel what we see might just be the tip of the iceberg. On the other hand, I do believe they are trying to fix the problem. I just think they should comunicate with us, let us know what's going on and how long (more or less) they'll need to fix it.
  6. Czari, I opened tickets too and got answers from Dakota who clearly didn't know Brooke had asked me to open those tickets. My ticket has been closed with the same text you got, that they had offered a solution to the case and it was closed. That's why I suggested you contacted Brooke directly. Opening those tickets only cost me energy. Sorry to hear you went through the same experience :-(
  7. Josh Susanto wrote: >It is more fesible to say that you will not require the migration until x days after the SLM is working as expected and the database is clean and functional. Thus the construction "not before", meaning: possibly later (and probably MUCH later). Giving people dates for things at least creates the impression of a viable schedule, so, even though I still think it's bunk, I have to respect LL for starting to do it in a less senseless way. I agree with you Josh. What we don't need is possible issues caused by DD on top of all this mess that is already occuring. And the date being June makes me think the borked listings are a much more complex problem and will require a lot of time to fix.
  8. Bitte Schau mal hier https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4587 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/ATTENTION-Listings-on-the-Marketplace-are-borked-Everyone-check/m-p/1457545#M18915 Viele sind betroffen. Falsche Bilder, Falsche creator. Ein riesen Chaos. Auch wenn dein Laden OK ausieht, es kann sein das dein Produkt in andere Laden ist. Es hat nichts mit Direct Delivery zu tun, auch wenn du noch nichts gemacht has, es kann sein das du betroffen bist. Bitte and die Jira Voten! Danke! Pearl
  9. Emma du bist nicht alleine. Shau mal hier: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4587 und hier: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/ATTENTION-Listings-on-the-Marketplace-are-borked-Everyone-check/m-p/1457545#M18915
  10. Gostaria de avisar a você que o Marketplace está enfrentando um sério problema. Vários vendedores, inclusive eu, estao com seus produtos com fotos erradas, com o nome de outros vendedores, descricao errada e vários outros erros. O erro foi apontado no dia 28.03.2012 mas até agora ainda nao foi solucionado. Aqui está o link para uma discussao no forum sobre o assunto e o Jira com fotos e informacoes. Por favor votem e informem os que você conhecem que possuem uma loja no marketplace. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/ATTENTION-Listings-on-the-Marketplace-are-borked-Everyone-check/m-p/1457545#M18915 https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4587
  11. They should at least post an official note on the status grid about it. I have come accross people who don't believe anything that isn't said by LL officially. My feeling is that they are aware of the problem but simply don't know how to fix it. They are just as lost as we are.
  12. I'd like to share this blog post with you guys. Please share it and spread the word http://www.dgp4sl.com/wp/2012/03/31/the-fiasco-called-marketplace/
  13. I just realised I have double listings myself now. As I edited those that had the wrong pictures, I now see they are products that are under a different merchant but with my picture.
  14. I first contacted Brooke by sending her a notecard with the ticket numbers and she answered by im'ing me. So now I am sending her ims so we both can read offline messages and answer through email.
  15. My report to Brooke about editing borked items this morning might be of interest for some of you. I foudn an im from her when I woke up this morning. She asked me to give details of how I reach my products when I try to edit them, and this is what I wrote to her: I have used several ways to got to the borked products. I'll try to give you as many details as I can about each. 1. First Case: My products showing someone else's pictures I came to the product through my storefront and opened the link. From there I could click on "Revise Item" and change the picture. When I try to find the product through Merchant Admin - manage inventory, the product can't be found by search Products that only have the wrong picture no longer have any related items 2. Second Case: Pictures are correct but other merchant and/or other description I find the products through both my storefront and Merchant Admin 2a. Trying to edit product through the link to the product (storefront) If I click on the link, some redirect me to the Marketplace start page others take me to the product but I cannot edit from there because the product isn't mine. 2b. When I try to edit the product through Merchant Admin When I try to edit it, the product appears inactive and has a different picture (not mine) and related products have disappeared. I haven't touched those as others who have done that now have two products, the correct one and the borked one I think to tell people to fix things themselves will not work. This issue is much more complicated than that. It has a snowball effect.
  16. Czari, I'd advise you to contact Brooke directly. Opening the tickets only made me more upset. Tickets are being handled by Dakota and he (or is it a she?) he only told me what everyone who's reading this thread and the jira already know. My last response was that they were interested in knowing about products that are showing the wrong the pictures only and cannot be edited by us. The advice is still the same, edit the product and change the picture yourself. If you can't, the other merchant has to edit their product, not you.
  17. Exactly Sassy, I have loads of products too. And to ask me to contact the other merchant? I have no idea who sells that cowboy hat or that green dress that shows in my storefront. And why should we have to correct them ourselves. I think I'm just going to delete the ones I have access to, take them from the magic box and wait till this mess is over to relist them. I still hope the Linden who contact me inworld will be able to fix this. I'm tired...
  18. So, I went online and there was a notecard from a Linden waiting for me. She wanted me to submit a ticket with details explaining why I couldn't edit my listings. Ok, I took screenshots, and submited two tickets explaining what was happening and attached 5 pictures.The Linden who contacted me asked me to let her know when I submited the ticket so she could look into it. I sent her the notecard with the ticket numbers and the answers I got in my email almost immediately after I submited the tickets. Please.. tell me Dakota didn't tell me the other merchant has to edit their picture in order to get it right in my product! Case: 01381041 Avatar: Pearl Vollmar Type: General Marketplace Issues Status: Waiting for Customer Acceptance Hello Pearl Vollmar, Thank you for contacting Customer Support regarding another merchants products showing your image on their listing. The other merchant must edit their own product listing and change the image. Regards, Dakota Linden Case: 01381043 Avatar: Pearl Vollmar Type: General Marketplace Issues Status: Waiting for Customer Acceptance Hello Pearl Vollmar, Thank you for contacting Customer Support regarding an issue with Search returns showing invalid information on the Second Life Marketplace web site. There is an issue with corrupted search information and the Dev Team is actively working to address the issue. Another users products are showing up under your Marketplace store with one of your product images on the other merchants listing. If one of your products is found to have another sellers image, you can edit the listing to delete the incorrect image and re-upload the correct image for the product. Please also check the Related Items section to ensure that any related items linked to your product listing as correct and appropriate and do not belong to another merchant. Regards, Dakota Linden
  19. FYI - I mentioned my business partner who is in a coma in few days ago. I found out this morning that he passed away overnight. I just hope there was family around him when he died. This is a sad sad day for me. Rotten India: Born 03/02/2009, Died 03/30/2012 I'm really sorry Marcus! My heart goes out to you.
  20. Is there a Jira for this? I'm totally burnt out with this huge listing mess and certainly don't want to go through any issues with direct delivery.
  21. Hi Darrius, sorry, I didn't explaing myself well. I know how to edit the post, what I would like your help with is the text, since you are so good at it :-) I changed the title already so people would pay attention as this is no longer my cry for help. When I first posted I thought I was alone in this and even thought someone was hacking my marketplace account or something and messing up my listings. I was totally confused and desperate.
  22. Darrius, I would like to change my first post and make a summary of what's going on with some advice such as "do not touch your borked items" and what we've experience so far. People need to know that they might be affected even though their listings seem to be ok. I'll include a link to Jira as well. I think as this thread grows longer, people will tend to skip some posts and miss some very important information. Do you think you could help me with that?
  23. Gael, I have pointed that out several times and keep telling people who are sighing in relief that they might be affected but are just not aware of it. Keep asking them to vote and watch the Jira but I'm not sure they are doing it. A lot of people are not even aware of this problem. I've been trying to tell everyone that basically EVERYONE is being affected one way or the other. @ Darius. LL's advice has got to be a joke. That was one of the first things we all tried to do and have reported it doesn't work. I cannot edit or unlist items that aren't mine even though they show up as such. When I checked my store today I realised that pictures on borked items have changed except for the cowboy hat that is still there. Merchant names have changed as well. I wonder if that's being caused because the other merchant unlisted their borked item and mine switched to another one.
  24. Because they were going to do maintenance work and because this is urgent. It's beyong me why they haven't done anything about it. Seriously, I don't remember seeing a mess like this on the marketplace ever, and although I've been in SL long enough, this time they really surprised me.
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