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Cinos Field

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Posts posted by Cinos Field

  1. I'm not sure *what* LL themselves could do. SL can't really be effectively summarised with Linden activities. Perhaps, I'd imagine, they could collaborate with in world groups and businesses to send users to areas that will appeal to them.

    Creators could pitch in with limited freebies. So you'd have, for example, an option at the start to get a good newcomer version of a furry avatar or a human one (that can actually wear clothes, unlike the starters...) depending on your interests, get teleported to a newcomer friendly area that's in line with your interests - even if they involve adult activities, which LL needs to stop being shy about - and that kind of stuff.

    A welcome package and some guidance? Beyond that, I really don't know. No tutorial can really go through all of SL's systems.

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  2. I do think it's important to distinguish between fleeting lewd fantasies and actual beliefs... sometimes I might enjoy feeling like, well, an object, or less valuable than others. Isn't that what they do in Gor? What I mean to say is there's really no harm in living in out submissive fantasies, yes?

    I'm sure we can agree on that part. What I just don't understand is what makes doing that in Gor makes it that much more detestable than other locations. Except the books being horribly poorly written. But that's true of a lot of popular RP settings... :P

    edit: I really have no stake in the argument, it's not like those sims allow furries anyway. I just don't understand why roleplaying hard BDSM stuff in this particular setting would be so much worse than others.

    • Like 1
  3. I generally aim for dark clothing with some kind of (eccentric/flamboyant) flair, as well as sharp but not unpleasant contrasts. Generally with more coverage than bare skin, though not exclusively so... mainly because you stand out a lot more being modestly/formally dressed in our scantily clad virtual world.

    Favorite stores would be...

    For moddable clothing: Neve, CLBlue, Krankhaus, Mutresse, AsteroidBox, Razor

    For non-moddable clothing that's still customizable enough: L&B, Blueberry

    • Like 1
  4. It I ever do this, I can tell you exactly why: because you IM'd me despite me being right there in front of you, possibly already chatting in public.

    Generally from what I've seen, a lot of people have a preferred approach. Either local or IM. And those of us who do might generally budget out attention towards that. There only a limited amount of attention one can pay, after all.

    • Like 7
  5. 6 minutes ago, MyAlt4099 said:

    What I mean is everything that a ToS-compliant viewer allows me to do with the item, plus everything allowed by the LSL architecture combined with that item's scripts.

    Here's an example I thought of that might not be obvious.

    Let's say I have an item that I want to apply my own textures to, but the item is no modify. It does come with a HUD to apply textures to it, but by design, it doesn't let me use my own textures, just the ones that came with it. If I were to figure out, through trial and error, how the HUD communicates with the item, and get it to accept my own UUID, then I'm in the clear, right? Even if I need to exploit a bug in the script? In other words, my understanding is that the burden is on the creator to ensure their scripts only do what they intend. Is that correct?

    In fact, that gives me an interesting idea. I don't have any plans to do this—not that I'd have any moral issues with doing it—but what if the creator sold other textures for the product using the same applier system, and they enjoyed a monopoly on it because only they know how to get the appliers to work. What if I figured it out, and then started selling my own compatible appliers that compete with the ones the creator put out? To be clear, I don't mean ripping off the creator's textures; I mean making my own textures that are entirely my work. Am I correct in assuming that would be allowed?

    What you described isn't really an exploit, no.

    But generally a better option is to just favor buying moddable items. :P It'd save you a lot of time while also supporting better creators.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:
        listen(integer channel,string name,key id,string data){
            key owner=llGetOwner();
            key user=llGetOwnerKey(id);
                llRegionSayTo(user,0,"Time for bye-bye.");
                llInstantMessage(owner,"Ban this person: "+(string)user);

    On of several checks to determine whether the signal is legit.

    I can't even think of a situation in which this check would do anything useful, pertaining to this topic, given that realistically the same person would have to own all the relevant objects if they wanted to scan through all eleventy billion channels.

  7. Indeed there's nothing wrong with doing what you want with your own items. Purchasing something automatically includes the right to take it apart to whatever degree you wish. (and SL-specifically, though not legally - as long as doing so doesn't violate the "no modify" permission.)

    Any potential ethical dilemmas come from how you use the knowledge you've gained, but curiosity itself should never be shamed.

  8. A major one:

    Groups that don't allow you to post links.

    Especially so if it's a creator group, someone asks where to get a product by that creator, I link it and some helpful moderator chimes in like "please don't post links in chat". Okay, I'm sorry for daring to help someone send you money.

    SL in general desperately needs fewer cargo cult rules that serve absolutely no purpose. I assume the idea is to avoid phishing links, but then you could just forbid those. Because if a moderator is actively watching the chat, they can be selective. If not, those phishing links will still get posted.

    • Like 1
  9. 46 minutes ago, AyelaNewLife said:

    On a purely technical note, is there any reason why Maitreya cannot add butt physics to the body without breaking existing clothes? Changes to the shape of the body can be done, just not without invalidating existing content.

    The question came up in another discussion, and I don't know enough about the specifics of body making to answer this one.

    Only that your butt would clip through old clothing, since Maitreya clothing isn't (generally) rigged for physical butts.

    • Thanks 1
  10. This isn't a new thing, griefers have been doing it for a while, only with far more obnoxious methods in the past.

    It's not bannable as per se to take permissions from a sitting avatar, but it is a violation for the creator to abuse those permissions.

    Assuming that you didn't actually mean they steal prims, which is not possible, but I assume that's a typo.

    • Like 1
  11. Nobody really knows. There was this idea of it meaning that they're investigating your account (for copybotted items or such) but that's probably not the case.

    It's safest to just assume that it's some kind of routine reboot of the account servers, I think. But as usual, I wish the Lindens were a little more talkative about these ancient mysteries.

    • Like 2
  12. 7 hours ago, Naisuki said:
    • Furry Discrimination. (I Know there's a giant population of them on SL, and for good reason too. Just don't expect me to change to a furry avi if I wanna peek around your sim. Hell would be raised and 'discrimination' thrown around if it was the other way around.. Reason I know this is I ran a RP sim at one point and I had legit death treaths and was called Hitler for not allowing full blown Furry avi's.)



    I have *never* witnessed furry sims that don't allow human avatars to at least visit. Like, over almost 14 years of SL I've not seen it a single time, whereas I still run into the reverse. (I keep a human in my pocket for those occasions)

    Also, fresh new pet peeve: hunt locations that place the items roughly 4096 meters in the air and don't clearly label which of 10 teleporters at least goes to the correct skybox. Bonus points if there are ban orbs strewn about the sky to make flying there a more difficult solution.

    • Like 2
  13. 2 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

    I'm not sure about this. The only true way to know what someone is wearing is with a scanner HUD or inspecting, etc. And it is certainly a niche product, because higher wuality costs more, so the masses gravitate toward the plastic, rather than the leather, so go figure.

    There are a lot more Fiats and Kias on the road than there are Cadillacs, Mercedes, Rolls Royces combined.

    While that's true, I see Belleza bodies all the time (well, Freya at any rate, rarely the others) and they have a similar  position on the market. I. E. Quality/beauty over performance. It might just be that it's much older than legacy, of course.

    I do actually inspect almost everyone I see, unless I recognize the Maitreya shoulders or the Hourglass mega-butt. (mainly to get ideas for new looks for myself...) So far I've seen three Legacies in the wild.

  14. It is a little peculiar how everyone is very vocal about how good the body is and how there's tons of support, but when you're actually in-world, almost nobody wears it, and beyond the initial big brands that spontaneously started supporting it, nobody else has begun to.


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