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EnCore Mayne

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Everything posted by EnCore Mayne

  1. learned it from a vid Torley has on the net. simple cut and paste huh. i shoulda known. where were you when they changed from the Xstreet Magic Box? since that horrendously revolutionary act i've been quite shy learning how to navigate the Lab's tightrope. haha, right there in plain sight</sarcasm>
  2. yes, there's a STOP ANIMATIONS button in the Skins & Options tab, but one should be able to override the cycled hand poses should they be on, no? as to glitch, you mean i'm bugged? this doesn't happen to anyone but my self?
  3. when i update a product and associate it to the current listing the folder i've associated remains in the Unassociated tab. the listing is updated (it shows up at the top of the Listed list) so when does the Unassociated listing show it's been done? can i manually delete the Unassociated listing with confidence it's updated the item? what ever happened to the creator being able to download the listing with no fees? to be sure it's updated i have to purchase it and incur the sale's fee. fair?
  4. how do i create hand animations/poses that override Maitreya's built in hand poses? (using Blender) i've tried setting the anim upload priority to 4, 5, & 6 but Maitreya's poses win out in every occasion. my Oracul and Body Language bento hands lose to Maitreya too.
  5. uhuh, all the best are on Flickr now. follow your favourites and they'll show up in your People you Follow page when they post. some of my favs (all with blog links for each of their posts) https://www.flickr.com/photos/59125167@N05/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/131318089@N02/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/150423249@N03/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/lindalindaleinmayo/ wish they'd change their naming convention so you could see the individual blogger's name
  6. as far as i know the Lab viewer has no way of derendering objects. Blocking, as it is in the Lab's viewer doesn't make objects disappear from view like Firestorm's "Derender" or "Derender & Blacklist" selections. as to the objects reappearing on a timed basis (i'm assuming using only the "Derender" selection) i've never encountered that. you'd probably be better suited to tp away and returning. any of the "Derender"ed objects will reappear. not so with the "Derender & Blacklist"ed items. those will never return unless you remove them from the Asset Blacklist.
  7. all the derendered items are put into your Asset Blacklist (Firestorm Menu>World>Asset Blacklist). simply choose the item you want rerendered, right click and Remove.
  8. two suggestions: 1. use a poseball, 2. freeze your camera (using Firestorm's cameratools)
  9. nothing personal but i've never had a single post reply that you've ever made be helpful to me at all. please don't be offended if i disregard your input. i'm sure you make sense, just not to my level. cheers.
  10. choosing to defer from the controversy (even tho i do love a good debate) i'd just like to reiterate that i thought KT's solution to my request was bang on and i indicated so in my reply. in other words, hallelujah, it works! now, i do admit, there are many ways to skin a cat, points can be taken from both sides; however, KT's intuitive grasp of the problem, using only the language and logic of my original post came up with not only the solution i was asking for, but an additional resolution i was eventually going to run into once i plugged in his code. searching for all instances of a string (Freya, freya, FreYa, etc.) seems to be managed astoundingly well by checking the converted lowercase inventory names against the lowercase instance of the string. once again, an intuitive solution to the problem my tiny brain was going to eventually have to reckon with all served in two lines of code. GENIUS! or Villain? Only God Knows ....
  11. newbie here. i'm running a script on a prim that lists all of the objects of its contents contents_total = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT); for (counter = 0; counter <= contents_total; ++counter) { contents_name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, counter);//strings objectlist += contents_name;//list of object names } all well and good so far but i want to check all the listed items for a specific string. if it contains that string of characters somewhere within the item's name (eg. "Freya", or "freya") i'd like to delete that item from the list. possible?
  12. why does Search suck so bad? can't we have something better?
  13. so, how do i import an .anim file into Blender/Avastar like i used to be able to do with .bvh?
  14. you should wear the applier as a HUD. taking that in mind, it should be sufficiently small enough not to overwhelm your screen. after it's placed on your screen, just touch it and a dialog menu will ask you which layer you'd like it to be applied to: tattoo, underwear, or clothing.
  15. Brilliant! been thinking about this funky implementation. how startling to have it freely given without asking for it. a million thanks. everyone should be using this! works for collision openings too. the way-too-confusing bit is the prim cutting. the only reason for cutting the prim (if it acts as the door) is to cut away the excess prim area so the axis of the prim's rotation is at the remaining volume's edge. not necessary if you use the script in a 0.01m "hinge" for a complex door build. at this size, it's of negligible significance if it's cut or not. in this case the script goes in the root as the hinge/axis point. definitely a must have script Wulfie!
  16. i agree with you Alyona. there are far too many unknowns available for users to communicate with their consumers. everytime i add a demo i'm never sure what to expect. in this case, the attachment is a prop needing to be attached for the embedded script to activate the animation. if the JIRA issue Whirly referred us to is anything to go by, it's a known issue and is "resolved" shortly after being posted. meaning what i'm just not sure.
  17. could mean anything. as the handful of Lindens looking at it left what was the curious involved community nothing but cryptic and arcane mumbledegoop (including an earlier SVC reference i'm not allowed to access). this issue, as reported by a Mole in 2018 has been going on since my early days (forever). it's open to the public to view but the common everyday user has no way of commenting without sending a snail mail authorization to the Lab's offices. we're now just in for the ride. sigh. oh for those days of angst and revolution before the Ruskie V2 came out.
  18. first i've heard this bafflegab from an authorized Lab authority. i take it this Linden means they are going to be confering with US the users ("stakeholders")?
  19. when i detach my scripted animated attachment it stops my AO from functioning for a short time. i've noticed this with other's attached items as well. is there something we're missing in our animation scripts?
  20. nope. not thinking it's all that important to me. if i ever notice it missing, i might, but until then all's good.
  21. i DID have the assist disabled. i fiddled with a number of options for that but all of them, including the disabled option, left me with that assist message coming up. so..., long story short, i just unchecked the LSL Client Bridge altogether.
  22. this system message, as stated in the Title of this plea, just started showing up recently in my chat. not sure where or what it's coming from. any hints as to how to disable it? (doesn't appear to be Firestorm related). it can't be any attachments since i changed the avatar to Test Female and relogged. same message. ...sorry, it IS a Firestorm thing. disabling the Preference: Firestorm > Extras > "Enable LSL-Client Bridge" seems to remove it.
  23. yup, that was it Whirly. how embarassing
  24. just uploaded a new item and none of the .png files showed. looks like they upload but the creation page doesn't show any thumbnail. tried converting to jpg, no go. tried uploading a random unrelated jpg and that shows up fine. never had any problems getting photos showing before. what gives? the files were named AD1, AD2, AD3. changed their name to "anything else" and voila! all good. FULL.
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