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Dillon Levenque

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Everything posted by Dillon Levenque

  1. :-). I like that song too, but please don't ever give us no more Oprah nor Kenny niether, for that matter. Janis was in a smallish outdoor venue; had a bottle of Southern Comfort by her side on the stage, It was a Blues festival. I also saw some guy who called his guitar 'Lucille'. He wasn't half bad either ;-)
  2. Thanks, Ceka. That's twice in one thread someone's posted a link to a song that is my favorite for the group in question; 'Southern Cross' is by far my favorite Crosby, Stills, and Nash song. I of course like California Dreamin' too, but only because I live here. My fave of theirs is the first one I heard: "Monday, Monday". By the way I had a brief glimpse of them, too: I am sooo old. Before 'Crosby. Stills, and Nash', or 'Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young', was Buffalo Springfield. I have called him Neil Yawn in other places, but I've always loved this song. Happy Rez Day :-)
  3. This thread is not the place for this discussion. You want to get it on, start your own damn thread. Stop polluting Hippie's.
  4. Dresden, you might have psychic powers! That is my very favorite Janis song (I always change the lyric to 'a t-girl can be tough'). Naz tells me that it was originally done by someone else; I've yet to hear that version but I will at some point. By the way, I once saw Janis live; I'm that old.
  5. Lia Abbot wrote: Oh Dillon, you must be so glad you're not typing utter nonsense any more! (special thanks to Dres for the gif; I knew I'd find uses for it ;-)
  6. Finally. Someone who understands. Don't forget, Our Lady is still out there somewhere. We must be vigilant. We must be pure. We must make stuff up as we go along. I do hope that at long last, Marigold will don her fabled skin-tight latex superheroine costume. It's time to get serious.
  7. Ceka Cianci wrote: besides i am oweder tomowwow..i turn fie yee's owed tomowwow.. he hates when i toke wike dis wike i am wittew "el oh el" my birfday song =P Happy Rez Day! (one day early) :smileyvery-happy:
  8. Kenbro Utu wrote: Bizarre. I bet the acoustics were atrocious though. I hadn't thought of that but you're probably right. 'Course most of the audience had 'water ear' anyway, so maybe it didn't matter. As for bizarre, that was to some extent my point. Listening to the people who were there and who appeared to be just local people who came for a swim, it was an enchanting experience. And in fact in Second life we do that sort of thing all the time.
  9. Ian Undercroft wrote: Having lived about 10 miles from Bramley for almost 20 years when I was younger, I'd never realised that it was a place having any culture. Eee-by-gum, you live and learn. Oh aye ;-). Apparently the Baths are about to be closed, which seems a shame. I gathered the concert was at least partly in aid of gathering support to keep the place going.
  10. Driving into town this morning I heard a story on CBS about an unusual concert. A twenty-piece orchestra played on an artificial island in the center of a public indoor swimming pool at Bramley Baths, in Leeds. There was no seating for the audience; they were just swimming around as usual. Listening to audio and some of the comments from people who were there I was struck by what a Second Life-ish experience it was. I felt that someone should contact everyone who was there personally and explain that we do that sort of thing in Second Life ALL THE TIME. I know there are a lot of Brits here; get to it! And by the way if anyone has a link to a good video I'd love to see it; all I could find was this news article; it does have a vimeo but not an especially good one. Bramley Baths Article Does anyone else have stories like this?
  11. LOL, Ceka! PERFECT! Might not apply to you, though. I can believe he'd steal your heart, but there's no way he'd steal your bike. I've seen the pics.:smileywink:
  12. Charolotte, where do you find this stuff? That is incredible! And incredibly funny. You forget sometimes how much brilliance and how much humor the people that inhabit this space have. Awesome. I did have a bit of a problem with one of the early scenes but I'm letting it ride;-).
  13. Far OUT, Keli! Very cool poster :-). I think I might even have an idea of what Ms. Darwin's plans for it are, too. Hope I'm right.
  14. Angelique LaFollette wrote: Did you know that 97.3% of all statistics used in conversation are invented on the spot? Rubbish. It's only 82.4%. :smileyhappy:
  15. Okay, okay...I'll try checking in once a day, then. Now will you stop nagging me about it? Jeez.
  16. Lillie Woodells wrote: @ all I don't know what happened before my time and I won't try to figure any of it out, but I do want to say this. I like everyone who has posted here. I try my best to get along with everyone. Sometimes it doesn't work because there is almost always one turd in the punch bowl who finds delight in trying to get a rise out of me. Let's please keep this thread about Hippiestock 2. I would hate to see people getting angry with each other all over again about stuff that happened last year or even later. Again, I'll state I don't know what happened and I won't try to take sides, but I can understand Celestiall's point. If you know someone is going to make you miserable, stay away from them. She had no idea what would happen there. In a way it's good that people are stating why they didn't come. That way we know what went wrong as well as what went right. How else can we try to change things for the better? So in true hippie fashion I say: Peace! You do good work, sugar.:smileyhappy:
  17. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the metaverse. Wear St. Brok tee. Check. Wear katana. Check. Hmm.... Wear Beretta. Check. What is it with the legs on these chicks?
  18. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: Lia, it sort of reminds me of this scenario: (I won a free trip to Paris, but I didn't go because the guy at the back of the plane pissed me off. Boy did I show him.) Again, an analogy that is deeply flawed. It would be more like this: (I won a free trip to Paris, but didn't go because there was a guy on the plane, who was on my last plane ride and made my life hell. Even though I tried to avoid him and and did not fly for three months, he found me on this plane, and moved up to sit behind me, and punched my seat for two hours, and then tripped me when I tried to go the he bathroom, called me name vile insulting names, harassed me, threatened me, and will follow me around Paris harassing me...and apparently no one will stop this person. [on the contrary, this person's "friends" cheered them on, and will harrass by proxy] And...this person is going to be on the plane to Paris) My not going to HS1 had nothing to do with something as nonsensical as "I''ll show him". It had everything to do with me not wanting to have anything to do with that person...as they had harassed me, and I did not want to be anywhere near them. Period. This thread is an example of the "souring" that still radiates from that person. Factions & Cliques. Guess, I'll stick to my non-socializing ways in SL. That way I avoid all this. Celestiall, I really don't want to do this because it will put me into some strife, and strife is something I've done my best to avoid on the Forums and in SecondLife. I have jumped on a couple of people but only on blogs not connected/sponsored by SL. But since I know you and like you, and I also know Dee and I like her too, I'm just going to stick my nose in here. On the person in question (and I have a pretty good idea who that is), I do think you are overstating the 'co-opting' of Hippiestock. That person had a lot to do with all of it, right from the start. I know this because I've been told so by someone who doesn't post on these forums any more but also had a bit to do with putting Hippiestock together and who is someone I'd never question. Personally, the few exchanges I've had with 'that person' have been amicable. Having said that... I saw a lot of stuff on the old GD forums that made me turn away. That person was involved in some of that stuff and my recollection is 'that person' was usually responding, however viciously, to attacks. I didn't like it but somehow I got the idea that if there was even a hint of an injured party in all of that it was the person we're talking about. Again, I was not there for the start of all of the festivities. I don't recall seeing your name there anywhere and I am damn sure not going to go back to the archives and re-read any of those. It was bad enough seeing it once. And what you are talking about may not even be forum-related; for all I know you might have been harrassed inworld. If so, my next paragraph is meaningless. I've never really gotten into a snark fight in the forums and I never will. I don't mind fighting; I just don't see the point of doing it here. I'll argue until I get tired of hitting the wall, but after that I'll just mouth off and ignore. Really, there are only a couple of people on the forums at all that I consider 'beyond the Pale' and one of those doesn't seem to be posting any more. Even so, if I knew those people would be at Hippiestock it would not in even a small way deter me from going. I suppose, if I knew one was an official Hippiestock organizer....yeah, that might put me off. Not sure. That thought came to me while I was typing the prior sentence. But since I WAS at Hippiestock '11 I know that organizers, managers, whatever, were all lost in the throng. I never even saw Hippie! It was an event. Armed with that memory I'd go to Hippiestock '12 even if I knew someone I completely despise was the official greeter. I don't know if any of the above would be true had I been harassed inworld. That's what I meant earlier. Were that the case...dunno. Well, as usual, I've talked a lot and said not much. I hope some of this made sense. I also hope I don't lose any friends over this.
  19. Keli Kyrie wrote: Something about your post made my ears burn. Quick, aren't you?
  20. DQ Darwin wrote: Hi Void: I fully agree. Any change of this sort should come with all restrictions imposed as in "OFF". Those with the interest to pursue the program further whatever their respective reason may be, need only go to a linked site present on the main page brought up with http://my.secondlife/ and view a simple video tut. Yeah, I have to agree with Void and you on the default question. I had an email yesterday from someone we know; she mentioned getting an email notification about a post from some else we know; it was of course the Feed. I gave her the directions on how to limit the chaff and I think I even mentioned that I found it odd the default would be EVERYTHING YES EVERYTHING PLEASE. As it happens I probably won't use it much if at all; I don't use Twitter and it 'looked' to me a lot like Twitter. I don't have anything against it and I do like having a way to contact someone now and then when we're not inworld, but there's no way I can keep up with just a general chat stream running in the background all the time.
  21. Nice! Why am I not surprised that everyone digs that suggestion? I don't even really like the feature but I may have to use it now and then just so I can toss off a 'slumming' reference.
  22. Perrie Juran wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: @Perrie: Good on ya, but I still say lose the hat if you decide to do another pic :smileywink:. /me laughs I had to really think a minute trying to figure that out what you were referring to and then i finally remembered my lingerie pictures. No, I don't dress like that in either world. Those pictures were more so for a goof. And as far as the hat goes, it has become almost like a trade mark for me In World. It only comes off when I get in water (don't want to ruin it) and one other situation (I'll let you figure out what that is). The day that Linden Lab loses my hat is the day I quit SL. :smileyhappy: I kinda got the idea that pic was a goof and my response, then and now, was just going along with the gag. I just enjoyed that it happened. Not a lot of guys with that kind of confidence. Can't come up with any ideas on what that 'other situation' could be but I'm sure I'll figure it out one of these days. In the meantime let's hope LL doesn't lose your hat.
  23. Void Singer wrote: no, no, his argument is that all "adult heterosexual male humans" think exactly like him, but that none would ever say what they think, because he's a unique flower that is honest about it..... now that's he's painted himself into that corner (they're all the same, but he's different) he's FINALLY trying to reach for the window of "majority".... too bad it's out of reach because he doesn't know a majority of men either.... I'm having a lot of fun watching him bury himself under his own arguments... especially after he missed the mark so widely with his implied insults. PS want some popcorn? Thanks, but I'll pass on the popcorn ;-). I think maybe the discussion won't continue; it's gotten pretty quiet. @Perrie: Good on ya, but I still say lose the hat if you decide to do another pic :smileywink:. I think Torley just decides which av to use at the spur of the moment. I do recall that post in which he spoke of his female voice, though. I've long suspected that occurs in many, and of both genders. Some people listen, some don't. Some don't like it and really that's too bad. One should be able to live with oneself. There's no need to be public about it if you don't want to, but you should never be personally bothered by it.
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