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Pauline Darkfury

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Everything posted by Pauline Darkfury

  1. Personally, the auto road vehicles on the roads don't bother me all that much, although I do think it's wrong to advertise/sell on Linden-owned land, so that part should be removed from them if they are to stay. Pushing AVs on Linden land is just wrong and they need to stop doing that. If those issues were fixed, then I'm generally supportive of auto-vehicles on the roads as long as they are not causing a major performance issue, littering, or harassing other residents. The scripting in some of them isn't that great, from what I've seen, with needless script per prim stuff, but overall they don't appear to cause a huge lag issue. Where they are totally wrong, however, and entirely harmful to the experience/immersion of others is when they are spammed onto the SLRR (road vehicles, that is). Auto road vehicles on the SLRR is just 100% abuse in my book. The SLRR isn't all that big, and it's just not fair on those who want to use it as intended (a public railway) when a road vehicle blunders its way along the tracks.
  2. It's good practice to put your sky boxes/platforms/stuff above 1000m if you can, and at least 100m away from other sky features. The reason for saying above 1000m is that it keeps the sky pleasantly clear for other residents in the region both today and in the future when graphics cards support longer draw distances with reasonable performance (i.e. it gives the folks on the ground a realistic and pleasant sky view). More than 100m from other sky features gives people reasonable privacy and importantly is the range of shouting, so minimises disturbance for both you and them. If you can't go above 1000m for some reason, try to make it at least 500m, or do something to make it look cool from below (e.g. there are some lovely sculpt floating islands which while they totally break the rules of reality, at least they look nicer than just a big square when viewed from below. None of the above is really enforceable if it's contained within the owner's parcel limits, but it's good karma to try to build sky stuff in a way that doesn't upset people or give them a big lump of ugly right in their view. Ignore those rules, and you deserve to get a big lump of ugly right in your view…
  3. There are billing support toll-free numbers for a number of EU countries at https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/ Are none of those local for you? Have you actually tried putting a ticket in at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ ?
  4. You need to put a billing support ticket in to Linden Lab at http://support.secondlife.com/ The billing support people should be able to tell you what information is missing from your account and add the necessary info if you're unable to add it yourself.
  5. I think the reason that it came up at Andrew's OH/UG is that it's a server change, and most notable server changes get discussed there. There has been some input from landowners / landlords, myself included, although I wouldn't want to claim that those present were a broad representation of mainland owners. Overall, I see this as a positive change, just needs a bit more work to be a great change. Anything which reduces the cases of abandonments slowly filling with junk is a good thing. The tech Lindens seem to have taken on board concerns raised by myself and others that some human oversight of the process is needed for things like the badly cut 16s, 32s, and 96s; that preference should be given first to neighbours and existing landowners in the region, before it goes to open sale; and that larger parcels should probably continue to go to auction to make it fair for everyone. Andrew certainly seemed to get and support the idea that existing landowners in the region should be given some preference/consideration, and I'm hopeful that they will enhance this process in due course. So, not perfect, but not necessarily the last we'll hear on it, more a first step towards improving things. As for it not being discussed properly with landowners, I share the concern that there's currently no in-world OH/UG for land issues, and in particular for general mainland issues. We need some sort of in-world meeting(s) which cover mainland, LDPW, and estate issues.
  6. Holger Gilruth wrote: You be a premium to rent land in mainland but you can rent land from persons who own a full own sim then you dont need to be premium member. Even if it means you can under some circumtances rent mainland without premium you will have problems to contact the support chat if anything goes wrong No, premium is never required for any type of mainland rental, only to buy mainland (or to buy a complete private region direct from LL). The amount of land onwed by the landlord is not relevant (although larger landowners (1 region or more) like me will be able to give you a much better rate, as it costs us less per sq.m. to LL every month). The tenant doesn't need support chat if there is a land problem, as they should be taking that issue to their landlord (who is likely to be a Concierge customer and have enhanceed support for land problems). In some cases, LL support will refuse to assist with land issues if contacted by someone who is not the owner of the land (or at least an officer of the land group, which is not a role likely to be given to tenants). Some landlords _might_ give you a small discount if you contribute the 512 sq.m. of tier that is supplied with a Premium account to their group, but that's not always a practical thing to do, as landlords tend to get their tier in multiples of 32768 sq.m. on a monthly basis from LL, so a tenant contributing 512 sq.m. does not actually immediately reduce the landlord's tier costs (and won't reduce their costs at all in some cases).
  7. Darrius Gothly wrote: Could you please point me at a Wiki page, Release Note, Document, Jira or provide here a more detailed description of exactly what it means when "limiting L$, IM, and object transfer for accounts who are limited to estates" My understanding of that is it turns the estate into a walled garden for AVs who are restricted to just one estate, they won't be able to interact in any way with AVs elsewhere on the grid. It'll be for the 13-15s who are being allowed to login, but only to private regions owned by their sponsoring estate (if they have a sponsoring estate, otherwise they can't login anywhere at present). So, innocent little Timmy's innocence will be spared from being given evil main grid content, until he turns 16.
  8. Hi Oskar, seems like some form of SNAFU with this morning's roll. I've just had 2x BlueSteel regions whipped out from under me unexpectedly, and they have come back up on the main channel.
  9. The 40 AVs limit on mainland is a subject of some controversy when it comes to one small parcel using a significant chunk of that limit. In some ways, a 4096 sq.m. parcel really is only entitled to have an average of 40 * 4096/65536 = 2.5 AVs on it before it becomes an unfair use of region resources. That said, however, many parcels sit mostly empty a lot of the time. So, it really depends just what you need. LL don't tend to enforce the fair sharing of region resources very well, and there isn't a precise rule that says you can only have the average number of AVs supported by your parcel (some landlords will enforce such a rule, e.g. I won't allow a 20+ AV club on a 4096 on my rental land, it's just not fair on my other tenants). Having the full 40 AVs there at any time is going to upset other people, as they will not be able to access their land (and you're unlikely to be able to get 40 AVs onto your land reliably). If you wanted to have around 20 AVs there for maybe 1-2 hours a week, that would probably work ok, as long as someone else in the same region doesn't try to do the same thing. There is also the lag issue caused by that many AVs — you should ask people coming to larger meetings/events to try to minimize their attachment scripts (they don't need to eliminate them completely, just try to avoid being a "script bomb" with both HUDs and body attachments). So, it really depends on the specifics of what you are planning to do. If you want to have 40 AVs on your land reliably, or to have 20+ there for 8+ hours a day, you really need to look at owning/renting an entire region (either mainland or private).
  10. Please note, that if the marketplace has recorded a particular delivery as having failed, you will most likely not have been paid for it, and SLM will eventually auto-refund the customer. So, the better thing is to explain that to the customer and offer to sell them the item in-world where there are far less delivery issues.
  11. Personally, I think it's clear enough to label it as estate parcels for sale, as that matches all of the in-world terminoligy and what people are used to. If you try to change it now, you're just going to introduce more confusion, not reduce it. If you want to be pedantic about it, you really can't buy any land in SL, as it's all just rented from LL, then often sub-let to tenants (sometimes several times over).
  12. Lexie has already acknowledged this, so I think we're getting it soon (plus removal of the estate parcels for rent category, since that really just duplicates estate parcels for sale). http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion/Can-we-have-sections-for-mainland-private-estate-and-homestead/td-p/705197
  13. You should be able to setup payment/billing info at https://secondlife.com/my/account/billing.php If you're unable to enter payment info there for some reason, you'll need to put a ticket in for billing support via http://support.secondlife.com/
  14. Ahh, I suspected it might be dynamic based on what you answer to certain questions. I answered "None of the above" to "Which of the following best describes your most active role in Second Life?", which might explain it (I didn't feel any of the answers fitted me, as I have a number of different roles, all relatively active). I suspect that question may well influence later questions, as would Premium vs. not, etc.
  15. Doing a 50% path cut works, as Peter suggests. If you have a thicker door, or are a little obsessive about detail, a 25% path cut works better, as it puts the hinge on the corner, not the middle of that side. Use one of the following path cuts if you'd prefer that: B=0.125, E=0.375 B=0.375, E=0.625 B=0.625, E=0.875
  16. …continued On a scale of 1 to 7, how accurate are the following statements? 1 - Not accurate at all 2 3 4 - Neutral 5 6 7 - Completely accurate I use Second Life to escape from my real life My Second Life persona is a reflection of my real life personality I often use Second Life to connect with real life friends I often connect with Second Life friends in real life I wish that Second Life had more real life brands Second Life's greatest strength is its ability to allow me to create anything I want Second Life is a great way to meet new people with interests similar to my own I want my Second Life identity to be disconnected from my real life What is your real life age? Under 18 years old 18-24 years old 25-34 years old 35-44 years old 45-54 years old 55 years old or older Decline to answer What is your real life gender? Male Female Decline to answer From which country do you typically access Second Life? Australia Japan Brazil Netherlands Canada Spain France United Kingdom Germany United States Italy Other Which of the following languages do you speak, or write, most frequently? Arabic Italian Chinese (either Mandarin or Cantonese) Japanese Dutch Portuguese English Spanish French Other German If there were one thing that you wish that Second Life could do, which it currently does not, what would that be? We may conduct targeted user focus groups in the future. If we do and you would be willing to participate, please supply your avatar name and email address below. Thank you!
  17. Which of the following best describes your most active role in Second Life? (select only one option) Community manager Content creator/developer Land reseller Merchant Real life organization (e.g., enterprise, education) Solution provider serving real life organizations Venue owner None of the above When did you become a registered Second Life user? Within the last 30 days 2-3 months ago 3-6 months ago 6-12 months ago 12-24 months ago Over 24 months ago How likely are you to recommend Second Life to friends or family? 0 - Not at all likely 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Extremely likely On a scale of 1-7, how valuable are each of the following as part of your Second Life premium membership? 1 - Not valuable at all 2 3 4 - Neutral 5 6 7 - Extremely valuable Extended support Weekly L$ stipend Linden Home Land ownership rights Other If there were one additional benefit that you could add to the premium membership, what would that be? Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of Second Life. 1 - Not satisfied at all 2 3 4 - Neutral 5 6 7 - Very satisifed Customer support System response time User interface of the Second Life official viewer Finding fun things to do System stability Web shopping experience Finding new people to meet On a scale of 1-7, how often do you participate in each of the following activities in Second Life? 1 - Never 2 3 4 - Neutral 5 6 7 - Very frequently Combating with SL armies Customizing your avatar Creating objects Listening to live music Attending live events Engaging in adult activities Exploring new places Dancing in a club Role-playing Shopping Meeting new people or socializing Playing games On a scale of 1-7, how accurate are each the following statements regarding your Second Life experience? 1 - Completely inaccurate 2 3 4 - Neutral 5 6 7 - Completely accurate It is difficult to meet new people in Second Life Harassment from other Residents significantly impacts my Second Life experience Second Life price levels are too high Second Life inworld controls are too complex System performance has a strong negative impact on my inworld experience It is difficult to find fun things to do in Second Life Linden Lab policies have a strong negative impact on my Second Life experience On a scale of 1-7, what would you like to see more of in your experience using Second Life? 1 - Not interested in seeing more 2 3 4 - Neutral 5 6 7 - Very interested in seeing more Easy building tools Integration with social media (e.g., inviting friends from social networks, sharing SL activities on social networks) Easy avatar customization tools Games Comprehensive profiles (e.g., interests, hobbies, friends) Tools to connect with people with similar interests On a scale of 1 to 7, how frequently do you use each of the following? 1 - Never 2 3 4 - Neutral 5 6 7 - Very frequently Combat games (e.g., Call of Duty, Halo) Facebook Facebook games Flickr Gaia Online Habbo Hotel IMVU Meetup Social community platforms (e.g., Ning, Google Groups) OpenSim The Sims Strategy games (e.g., Civilization, Starcraft) Tagged Twitter MMORPGs (e.g., World of Warcraft, EVE Online) YouTube On average, how much time to do you spend in Second Life EACH WEEK? Less than 5 hours 20-30 hours 5-10 hours 30-40 hours 10-15 hours 40-50 hours 15-20 hours 50 or more hours How many Second Life accounts do you use on a monthly basis? One 2-3 accounts 4-5 accounts 6-10 accounts More than 10 accounts Which version of the Second Life viewer do you use most often? (please select only one option) Second Life Viewer 2 Second Life Viewer 1.23 Phoenix Viewer Imprudence Viewer Emergence Viewer Kirstens Firestorm Other What is the primary feature that you value in a viewer? Approximately how many L$ do you spend PER WEEK in Second Life? Zero L$5,001-L$10,000 Less than L$500 L$10,001-L$25,000 L$500-L$1,000 More than L$25,000 L$1,001-L$5,000 Please select all of the following on which you spend L$ on a WEEKLY basis (please select all that apply) Adult content or activities Donations to real world not-for-profits Housing or other buildings Animations or gestures Full avatars Land - purchasing or renting Attending events Furniture and other home decorations Inworld tips Avatar skins Gifting to friends Uploads Clothing, shoes, or other avatar accessories Hair Other On a scale of 1 to 7, how often do you obtain L$ from each of the following? 1 - Never 2 3 4 - Neutral 5 6 7 - Very frequently Adult services Camping Dancing Gifting from other Residents Playing inworld games Purchasing L$ from Linden Lab exchange (LindeX) Purchasing L$ from third parties (e.g., DX Exchange, AnsheX) Receiving a premium stipend Second Life employment Selling items on web Marketplace Selling items inworld Taking inworld surveys Inworld tips Other Do you consider yourself to be a member of a community in Second Life (e.g., vampire, furry, music, education)? Yes No Which of the following communities are you a member of in Second Life? (please select all that apply) Adult-themed Music Art Religious Business Sporting (e.g., sailing, fishing, soccer) Educational or not-for-profit Tiny Furry Vampire Gorean Other role-playing Goth Other LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) Do you rent and/or own land for personal, non-business, use in Second Life? Yes No I am not sure what Second Life land is Please select all of the sources from which you rent and/or own land in Second Life? (please select all that apply) Own region(s) purchased from Linden Lab Rent land from Linden Lab on the mainland continent Rent land from a third party on a private estate Rent land from a third party on the mainland continent Which of the following types of venues do you visit in Second Life? (please select all that apply) Conference center Live music venue Dance club Sports venue Gaming establishment Theater Learning or education center None of the above continued…
  18. Put a billing support ticket in, they should be able to tell you why it's failing. http://support.secondlife.com/
  19. Can't be certain, have never encountered that particular error. My guess is that it could be caused by your real time clock on your local machine (time, date, and timezone) being incorrectly set. Certain types of encryption/security systems rely on the clock being relatively in sync between client and server (typically using GMT internally as the common standard). What viewer are you using? Does relogging fix it?
  20. Premium is not required for either mainland or estate rentals. Please note that Search / Land Sales / Estate, as suggested above, does not get you a comprehensive list of the available options. It omits mainland rentals which are considerably more affordable than estate rentals (but with a little less control over the land for the tenant, and some other differences — estate is the high end product, mainland is the basic product).
  21. A more accurate statement would be ""Linden Lab does not generally get involved in transactions between Residents, other than where they are obliged to do so due to RL laws and/or legal action" (my addition in italics). When LL get a properly filed DMCA takedown notice, they are obliged to follow particular procedures by law and will remove the infringing content that they can identify. That's what causes the "IP REPLACEMENT" stuff. As for the nonsense going around about people being banned over it, it's just a hoax started by malicious evil people who take pleasure in causing drama and distress for others. Treat it with the contempt that it deserves. The only people likely to get banned are those who actually steal the content in the first place. LL know that most of the people with infringing copies are also innocent victims. Additionally, if they were going to ban you for it, they would do it based on the log of people that had the item in the first place, so deleting it after they have removed it would not save you (but that's not happening and is not going to happen, unless you are a copybotter).
  22. Yes, makes no sense to me to have 2x parcel categories for estates and no parcel rental category for mainland. Merge the 2 estate parcel categories, kill one of them, add a mainland rentals category, and then it would reflect (virtual) reality.
  23. It depends on the ticket type, tbh. Some ticket types are usually answered within 24-48 hours, others can sit for months. There were some signs recently that there was a bit of a push to try to reduce the backlog on some ticket types. If it's a genuinely important and urgent issue (e.g. account security, billing, or something similar which is likely to prevent you using SL or expose you to risk or loss), I'd be politely but firmly following it up regularly on Live Chat (at least weekly, but daily for a severe issue), asking for the current status and ETA on a full response. If it's something like asking to buy an abandoned parcel on mainland, that's normally neither urgent nor important (it might be to you, but it really isn't in the big picture), so in the interests of being fair to everyone and not trying to jump the queue, I'd just let that sit until it eventually bubbles to the top of their list.
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