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Pauline Darkfury

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Everything posted by Pauline Darkfury

  1. Expanding a little on what Ceera said, if the issue is the merchant being able to eject/ban people from their store (but not the mall as a whole), a useful solution can be something like hippoSECURE owned and configured by the mall owner, not the merchant. With the proper setup, it can be set to only protect the specific coordinate cube that represents the merchant's store and set to only allow them to use it in "black list" mode, so that it never spams general visitors to the mall and only ejects blacklisted people from the merchant's specific area (eject rather than TP home is probably the better setup here, as it's not such a good idea to be forcibly sending someone away from your mall unless they have been banned by the mall owner/admins).
  2. Why is there not a "Parcels for Rent: Mainland" category? That would make much more sense than "Parcels for Rent: Estate", as parcel rental (rather than sale) on estates is a largely obsolete concept, IMO.
  3. I strongly recommend Novatech's HORIZONS holodeck system, for swapping objects around. It's a great system, very robust and reliable, max "scene" size is 14998 prims over 256x256x4096 (i.e. the only limits on size are SL's hard limits). Objects have to have both copy and mod permission to be usable with any holodeck system, but the only other real limits beyond that are your imagination and skill. At L$2500 for HORIZONS Pro (lets you create copy+trans scenes to give/sell to others), it's frankly a bargain, script quality is excellent, very talented creator who is more than happy to have intelligent discussions over features/operation of his products.
  4. /me is also rather irritated by this site ignoring the "Remember me on this computer" pref and redirecting to the wrong page after yet another re-login. :smileymad: The only parts of the SL web which really do need to force s re-login if someone has previously ticked the box to remember the login are LindeX and account admin/security pages (those pages already do that just fine). If people are stupid enough to tick the "Remember me" option on some public machine, frankly they deserve to have their account's reputation trashed and/or get banned. Let the rest of us that have a clue about these things have our preferences respected, please! :smileymad:
  5. Dak Deed wrote: Honestly those who complain usualy have something to hide or fear they are being stalked etc. Every single time you do anything someone can harvest your ip address. The loudest whiner about people using redzone I have seen is an Admitted Copy botter. I bought and put in redzone cause I had a neighbor who was copybotting all my builds... and contacting the lindens was useless... They admitted he was copybotting... but they said there was nothing they could do about it. So tell me oh haters of redzone.... and I use it only on my sim I build upon.. not sell upon... How else am I supposed to protect my builds since Linden Labs and their employees wont help us? I did move. Also... just a fyi... the copy botter complained to the Lindens because I had done the tortured alpha prim around my building platform/box, and the Lindens forced me to remove it. Aparently its against the tos to try and block perv camming. Dak, RedZone doesn't protect your builds from copybotters, despite what the advertising for it claimed (that was just to get you to part with L$4k for some false hope). It especially doesn't protect you against a neighbour, as they don't have to be on your land to copybot. As far as the tortured alpha prim goes, that won't block camming anyway, as it's trivial to just derender the blocking prim, but if LL forced you to remove it there must have been some sort of other issue, such as the bounding box for it being well outside your land. As Ciaran has already pointed out, following the procedures provided by the DMCA is your only option. That means following up with RL legal action beyond the DMCA takedown, if need be. Don't bother telling us that you can't afford a lawyer, that's not relevant, and you just need to find a lawyer that will work on contingency. If the DMCA complaint meets certain criteria, it could be well worth their while (DMCA has provisions for some quite large damages, depending on circumstances). If you think the RL legal process is just too much hassle, that's up to you, but it's your only option if the copybotter persists after takedown. At this stage, unless you want to block a large number of legitimate people who have media disabled because they are not willing to sacrifice their privacy for your false peace of mind, RedZone is almost entirely worthless for you. I personally abhor the copybots, but right behind them in "scum of SL that should be removed urgently" is RedZone and any similar device (not the people who have been conned into buying it for false hope, because they didn't understand the serious invasion of privacy, but the system itself).
  6. No problem. My guess that it could be SVC-6570 is for the objects which end up at 0,0,0, that's the issue that's hopefully resolved now. That issue hits when an object is taken, deleted, or returned. If you're seeing objects moving to other locations, you've got a different issue, and hard to say just what that is.
  7. Alexi, I have to say that my own observations on teleport reliability are considerably different to what you report. Teleports and region crossings have been quite reliable and generally fast for me for some time now (with usually around 100-150 scripts in attachments). It's possible that there has been a very small increase in disconnects for me during crossings and TPs in the last approx 2 months, compared to the period immediately before then, but the instance of that happening has been so small that it could easily just be "statistical noise". If there's a memory leak causing you issues with failed TPs, it's almost certainly your viewer, not the server. It's probably fair to say that pretty much all of the viewer leak memory, but the more recent ones are greatly improved over older ones. It could also be that you have corrupted data in your local texture or object cache (the cache is stressed by TPing), so would be very worthwhile clearing all local viewer caches and seeing if that helps. You also don't mention just what viewer you are using, it might well be worth trying a different viewer to see if that changes the failure rate for you. As far as server memory leaks go, the indications from performance degredation over uptime on heavily loaded sims are that the leaks have been greatly reduced over the last 6 months or so. Statistical analysis of dilation and frame rate on a heavily loaded Class 5 suggests to me that the situation is greatly improved over what we had mid-2010. You should also consider whether your teleport failures tend to be related to entering/leaving specific sims, as an overloaded sim could easily make the failure rate far worse, particularly if it suffers badly from SVC-3895 (Mono rez lag, hopefully going to be finally addressed in the very near future). When a sim is badly impacted by the Mono rez lag, everything essentially stops for rather too long, and that can cause TP failures due to the sim being unable to process your TP in/out in a reasonable timescale.
  8. If the door appears to be locked when you try to enter the house, either something has gone wrong, or you've got the wrong house. The door should never be locked when the owner clicks it. You can check the location of your house on the My Mainland page: https://secondlife.com/my/account/land.php If you are still stuck after looking there, take advantage of your enchanced support included with Premium, and use the Live Chat Feature: http://support.secondlife.com/
  9. Rental Central is a long-established place where many landlords/estates advertise (I have a stall there on platform 2, or you can find one of my main rental vendors listing all vacant parcels at the location in my sig).
  10. Tips for renting some or all of a private island/region from an estate: Make sure you know who the actual estate owner is if renting. Most estates will try to assist you in finding new land, but will not compensate you for lost L$ if you are subletting and your landlord does not pay the estate. Read the estate covenant carefully before paying anything. You are bound by the terms in it and may not get any refund if you later discover that the covenant has something in it which is a problem for you. If you have bought a parcel on a private estate, you only have limited rights to that land, and the estate can reclaim the land from you. LL will generally not intervene if you feel the land was reclaimed unfairly on a private estate. Buying estate land is only the first stage. There will always be some sort of tier payment required, make sure you understand the arrangements and fees. Private estate land has the highest cost from LL in monthly tier charges and LL must be paid on time by them, so don't expect a great deal of sympathy from your estate if you can't pay them on time (unless you have been a very good tenant for a long time). It's kinda harsh, but estate owners and managers don't want excuses or complicated arrangements over payments, they just want the agreed amount on time. Shop around, there are many estates out there, many different covenants, many different styles of estate region. The size of the estate doesn't really matter all that much, just make sure you find the land that is right for you. If the worst happens and you login one day to find that the estate has folded and your region is offline, don't panic too much. Any tier already paid to your estate is probably gone, unfortunately. Your objects are not gone, however. If you put a ticket in to LL, they will normally put the region back online for 24 hours as a goodwill gesture, to allow you to retrieve your objects. Get to know who the estate staff are and how to best contact them for any land/region support you need. If you own the entire region (or most of it), the estate owner may be happy to give you EM (Estate Manager) rights for the region. This gives you a great deal of control over the region, such as the ability to restart it on demand, change the terrain textures, adjust terraforming limits, the position of the sun, control the estate level access lists, etc.
  11. Mainland rentals are possibly the most affordable way to have some land to call home, with less commitment/risk than buying mainland and paying LL directly (if you rent from an established person who is unlikely to take your rent and run). The key limitations are: You can't have ownership level control over the land, as the landlord has to retain ownership for LL tier purposes. You can't typically use your own group as the land group, as the landlord will almost certainly have the land deeded to their group. Different landlords offer differing levels of control over the parcel options. Most will be happy to get the options set in a way that works for you, some will allow you to do that yourself. The land is likely to have some rules, but these are most likely to keep the land pleasant for everyone renting there and avoid conflicts. The key advantages are: No purchase price for the land No 30 day tier cycle with inconvenient tier levels from LL No Premium account required Rent is typically in L$ per week, sometimes with a discount if you pay 4-weekly or monthly. Small parcels will typically be cheaper than if you paid the LL tier on them directly, as the landlord probably is paying tier on a full region or more. If the landlord has vacant prims in the same region, you may well be able to rent additional prims beyond what your parcel size would normally allow. Some rental spaces are in a region where the landlord owns the entire region or a significant portion of it, vastly reducing the issues with lag, litter, problem neighbors, etc. The land may be "no covenant" in LL terms, but the good landlords tend to set out some form of covenant / ToS / rules to ensure that all tenants can peacefully enjoy their land. Many landlords will move you between their rentals at no extra cost, whether it's just to a different parcel that you'd prefer, or to move to larger/smaller. You can probably get some expert assistance, within reason, from your landlord for typical land issues, such as being able to clearly see your parcel limits when building in the sky, helping you understand how SL land works, helping you get started, etc. Landlords are busy people, but will often help with something where it makes the tenancy a success and avoids them having to deal with problems later. There may be some community space or features available for tenant use.
  12. Banned completely from all land whether commercial or residential, and not just RZ, but also CDS and any other system which invades privacy or I can't be confident will behave sensibly. My rental ToS actually bans all security systems, other than hippoSECURE supplied and configured by me for the tenant. In exceptional circumstances, I'll allow an alternative security system, but only if I can satisfy myself that it won't cause excessive lag, invade privacy, or spam people outside the parcel it's meant to be protecting. RZ & CDS are worthless for stopping serious copybotters. CDS doesn't claim to stop griefers, RZ claims that but fails miserably because it can't ever reliably match alts. Penalty if I find someone with RZ objects rezzed, instant object return of the prohibited objects on the first occasion and a strong reminder that it's not permitted (it was always in my rental ToS, but there are now clear signs up as well). 2nd occasion, unless they can come up with an extremely good reason why they need to be told a 2nd time, all objects retuned, tenant evicted without refund, and probably banned from all of my land. So far, to my knowledge, nobody has attempted to use RZ on my land, but it's a hard line, zero tolerance issue for me.
  13. A very common issue (largely on mainland, where you can't call on estate managers to intervene with problems) is parcels which have auto return set to 0. Turning off permission to rez and for objects to enter does not work reliably, there are a number of well known ways for objects to end up on your land even with both of those options disabled. The only reliable method to avoid junk prims gathering on your land is to set auto return. This is especially important if you are not willing or able to police the usage of your land on a daily basis. At times, mainland can be plagued by junk objects / litter on parcels which don't have auto-return set, and have absentee owners. It can sometimes be extremely disruptive and very difficult to get LL to respond to all of the issues caused by it. Please remember that you have to set auto return on a per-parcel basis, and that it will be reset to 0 by subdividing, joining, or buying/selling parcels. Both you and your neighbours will benefit from auto return, and you can enjoy SL safe in the knowledge that any random junk which does find its way onto your land will only be there for a limited period of time.
  14. This sounds very much like SVC-6570, which Andrew thinks should be addressed by the changes about to be promoted from the Magnum RC channel to grid-wide. If you see it happening again after this week's rollouts are complete, please post details on that Jira ticket. (You should probably clear out any objects at 0,0,0 after the rolling restart gets to you, then watch for new stuff appearing there.)
  15. http://secondlife.com/land/lindenhomes/ should let you claim your Linden Home. I'm not sure what should be behind the "Get Started" link. If all you want is to use your "free" 512 sq.m. on a Linden Home, there's not really much else to know about Premium. You get L$300/week stipend, 512 sq.m. of mainland tier, and enhanced support at http://support.secondlife.com/ (more ticket types and Live Chat). Other than that, Premium SL in-world is mostly the same as Basic SL, but you can buy mainland beyond your basic 512, and incur tier charges for that on a monthly basis.
  16. Going by a conversation I had with Andrew in-world and his later posts to https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6570, this week's release for the main channel is last week's Magnum release: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_Magnum/11 http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server_Release_Status_Whiteboard has not yet been updated for this week, with just hours to go until new code lands on main, and a little over a day for the RCs. The per-channel release notes do not appear to have been updated either. :smileysad: @Oskar, you can do better than this, I appreciate there's a lot of pressures on you from different directions, but this is vital information which mainland and private estate owners/managers/support staff need, as well as those of us developing/supporting technical products in-world. Getting the release information out in good time helps the technically minded residents to help you and the other tech Lindens make SL better, and we all benefit! :smileymad:
  17. See http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-dollars/ta-p/700107 for the first steps on using LindeX. There are more details on the process linked from the LindeX pages themselves. If you have never made a payment to LL, your account will be unable to sell L$ on LindeX, and you will need to make some sort of payment to LL to enable this (either upgrade to premium or buy a small quantity of L$, then wait 7 full days before you are allowed to sell up to US$300 of L$). You can check your current LindeX trading limits at https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php . Alternatively, see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/L$_Marketplace for alternatives to LindeX which may be of particular use if your home currency is not US$. If you have LL tier to pay, however, LindeX may well be the preferrable option, as any US$ gained through there can be directly applied to tier, without having to take it to PayPal and back again.
  18. Pauline Darkfury


    The suggestions in the other answers are technically accurate (About Land->Covenant, and the Region/Estate window), but are not always the full story. Many people rent their private island from a major estate, so the listed estate owner may not be the person you need to contact, depending on just why you are trying to find the owner. One thing to look for is if the entire region/island is owned by the same person or group — if that is the case, they are the de-facto owner for many purposes, and the good estates will allow them essentially free reign over the region (within the limits of LL ToS), as long as the tier is paid on time. The land ownership is shown in the About Land window or parcel info. If the parcel is 65536 sq.m., that's the entire region, and the person/group owning it is shown in the parcel/land info. Even if the parcel is not the full 65536, there are a number of reasons why a single owner may choose to divide their land into a number of parcels, and you can check for the total number of prims allowed on their parcel being equal to the entire region (15,000 for a full region, 3750 for a homestead).
  19. You may find http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Configuring_your_firewall_to_allow_access_to_Second_Life useful either personally, or to give to your ISP, to help them positively identify SL traffic. As the others have said, SL is not P2P sharing, but a badly designed/implemented/configured P2P detector at your ISP may get falsely triggered by the patterns of network traffic generated by SL. The wiki page above should contain everything they need to positively identify SL traffic and exempt it from any P2P filtering, throttling, or alerts they may have. If that's the issue and your ISP just can't cope with that, you need to change ISP to a company that has competent technical staff, and will benefit from doing so in the long run, as they will continue to damage your overall net experience through flawed anti-P2P systems. SL does use a lot of bandwidth, especially if you have parcel audio, media, and/or voice enabled and in heavy use. If the overall issue is bandwidth / total traffic, you may wish to consider disabling some of those optional components (streaming audio, media, or voice), at least at times when you don't actively need them. Alternatively, upgrading your Internet service tarrif to allow higher overall bandwidth usage may be a solution.
  20. Rya Nitely wrote: Well, maybe not protecting teens, but protecting SL from any bad publicity involving 'children' that could have a huge impact on its success - and so it is protecting all us merchants. Tbh, as long as they are seen to come down like the proverbial ton of bricks on the absolutely forbidden content (sexual ageplay, and other things which are not ever acceptable in adult regions), and have a token form of screening for the 16s and 17s, the rest is just a marketing opportunity and the publicity can rapidly be spun into free advertising. If you step back from it and think about the freedom SL offers, the policy support for diversity and tolerance in Community Standards, it's easy to spin anything that doesn't cross that completely uncrossable line into a good thing. There will be kids lieing with impunity about their age to bypass the screening (How do I know this for certain? That's what I did decades ago while a teen, before SL had been conceived and before the general public knew what it meant to go online, never got caught, as I was sensible enough to RP being 18+ successfully). The trouble here is that they have gone way beyond the token form of screening and are actively damaging the economy with the current measures.
  21. Brooke, you need to completely ditch the over-zealous keyword matching when people manually edit items. It's wrongly forcing listings to A rating when they should be ok as a M. There are also cases being reported in the in-world SL Commerce Merchants group chat of G items getting forced to A inappropriately. At the very least, it should be disabled for manual listing edits, as it is wrongfully limiting the visibility of our products.
  22. Welcome, Brooke! Thank you (whichever Linden(s) are responsible) for finally fixing WEB-2308, it's much appreciated. Communication does seem to have been a bit lacking from the Commerce Team in the last few months, so please do try to engage with us over the important issues, and recognise that this needs to be a partnership between creators/merchants and LL, where both sides should prosper from good, honest, and frank communication. There's two rather important issues that I can think of which are outstanding with SLM. Firstly, there's the tiny default size of the description field when editing listings (some browsers, e.g. Safari, do allow us to drag this larger, but Firefox does not) — a much larger default size would be very useful in trying to provide well-written and informative listings. Secondly, we really do need some ability to format our listings, so that we can draw attention to important information, and make things a bit more readable for customers. Bold, underline, italics, lists, a choice of colours, and limited range of sizes (e.g. larger for section headings, smaller for the small print). For the cherry on top, being able to insert URL links to slurl.com and *.secondlife.com would be wonderful.
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