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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. That's right Love, you are a programmer so you would know. I've always thought it was more possible (to remedy the MP thief problem) but never said due to my script/programming-challenged nature. So why do you think they don't remedy it? I mean sure it's easy to see the benefit for LL, but it's a logical error to assume a possible motivation equals the true reason.
  2. It is fair when the other platform is a direct competitor of SL think other 3D chat platforms where people sell their creations, the answer is right there. Well I'd say it's more fair than some other comparisons. But...SL still has unique features compared to, say, Kitely. I believe it's much more expensive to live here in SL, for one.
  3. That's right Love, you are a programmer so you would know. I've always thought it was more possible (to remedy the MP thief problem) but never said due to my script/programming-challenged nature.
  4. I don't think it works to compare SL to other venues, nor does it work to compare SL to RL. All variables need to be fairly equal for these kinds of comparisons to be used in the formulation of accurate decisions. I know it's tempting to make such comparisons if your income in SL is high, or higher, than a typical RL one....but the comparisons don't hold because of so many differences. And also because they only hold true for the very very few who earn a RL income here.
  5. This is the saddest thread ever. As FatherTheo said earlier, they are going to the absolute worst segment of SL to try and increase revenue -- the creators.
  6. I also pay 5% of marketplace sales, 4% to sell lindens, and tier on four regions. I have no plans of stepping outside second life. I mention again, I am not a 3-D model seller, I am a merchant in Second Life providing abundant customer support, most of which is not for my products but for free basic lessons in how second life works. Edited 3 minutes ago by Pamela Galli Pamela, you greedy capitalist pig!!!!!!! ;0 Have you heard merchants called that? I have...
  7. If they are too shy to post as merchants on this thread to confirm they would like the survey too (the thread has gone off topic a few times but that's the actual topic). They can simply click a like on the OP to lend support without having to comment, perhaps help guide them towards that. I'm sorry Charlotte, I can't do that. Thinking upon this further (MP changes), and gaining additional information on just how expensive it would be to make significant changes to the MP, I would be guiding them to participate in an untruth -- something that keeps us from focusing on the main core or real issues that need to be addressed.
  8. Well said FatherTheo And worse than that, the announcement is couched in a type of spiritual lingo (some will need to suffer for the health of the whole), and rather than being unitive it is actually very divisive, pitting merchants against those who want more land/benefits. If I've learned anything in life, it's to never accept the framework a corporation uses for a debate, most expecially when that framework is used in marketing manipulations. Like you are saying, there are other ways for LL make up for their dwindling income due to loss of land sales. They simply chose the easiest way, gunning for those with little power to affect their situation, while calling them 'partners' -- it reflects how they truely value those who create here. Sadly, it's a manipulation the masses accept easily. Already I've heard talk of "those greedy merchants", usually by those who don't understand that to earn a significant amount of money here you have to work at it as hard, or harder, than a RL job -- those who critisize often 'work at it' a couple hours an evening most nights, and 4 hours on Sunday, yet think they should be earning what we earn. Or else they have failed businesses, and are taking satisfaction in seeing those who are still successful fail. Not long ago I ran into a woman who runs a successful sim to help those with a particular health problem. A very nice woman, but when I told her of my financial worries here she said "why don't you just create for freeee". I said, well, if I could even work a full time job someplace else I'd have no energy left to create in SL, because I have health problems too. I hope I made her think a little, about the plight of artists. It is very strange, that so many think we should give to society for free. You run into this with those who work in the helping professions too. And then..there's these people who think everything on the internet should be freeee. I think a good percentage of those live in mom's basement. Perhaps some are retired, wealthy, or supported by a wealthy spouse. I have encountered people with high-paying jobs, even celebrities, trying to nickle and dime me here. Okay, end of rant
  9. I like this idea, and I remember someone earlier in the thread mentioned that quite a few people sell mostly inworld, or at least a lot compared to MP. Yes there is hope -- we are not powerless. We could give incentives to buy inworld -- perhaps gifts. What about the Casper vendors that have, or had, a store connected to them. Last time I looked it wasn't operational, but it did lead one to his own store listings connected to all his vendors. Many people could create setups like this.
  10. Commission fees...cashout fees....buying lindens -- I probably missed a few on top of those..
  11. "They saw something on the internet and thought that's how SL should be" -- I think that's a good epithet for most all past problems. And they're still doing it...looking at other 3DModeling sites and thinking they should imitate fees, while not taking into consideration the differing characteristics that make up SL. Kitely too...much more expensive to live and work along with other variables...so the comparison doesn't hold..
  12. There are a LOT of people that ONLY have land because they are able to recoup some of the cost with some MP sales. This fee increase is making it so some of these merchants/land owners will have to give up their land -- LL is shooting themselves in the foot with too great a fee increase. And yes there are a lot of people watching this thread too shy to post on forums, and I've had emails from some -- they don't like what's happening.
  13. I don't have many issues with listing on the MP either, and yes the change people are wanting (most of them) would be VERY expensive.
  14. Chic, the time to get upset is now...before we're suddenly getting 30% taken from our income. I've been ill with a chronic disease for quite some time, but I work a bit here and there when I can, and would have trouble dealing with other jobs at this point. I don't suddenly want 30% taken away from what I need to live on each month. I want to do what I have been doing for over a decade and sell new things when I'm able, or sell from my large inventory that is still useful to many residents. Plus...my daughter has brain cancer....and I want to send her Amazon care packages and visit her in San Francisco as much as possible before she dies -- I can't do that with such a severe reduction in income.
  15. Charlotte, I think your initiation of this survey is great, and I would welcome many MP changes, but I don't understand why you don't believe we have any power of negotiation on the proposed commission increase. Grumpity said we are partners, and partners hash things out in an attempt to approach a measure of fairness. So I would very much like the #6 I stated to be included in the survey you are proposing. I think Arwen's, Pamela's, and ChinRey's analysis is spot on -- that changes in the MP features will bring us none or very little increase in income. I think you are imagining you can increase your income, or make up for at least some of the loss, through MP changes, but I feel our income would only be increased via an attempted negotiation on our commission increase.
  16. 6. How much more would you willing to pay in commission fees over the 5% currently set for each sale? And do you think it's a good idea to charge purchasers an additional sales tax, and if so, what should the amount be?
  17. The birthday gift is a ruse. Land sales are down due to numerous mistakes they made over the years, from the sudden increase in fees for educational institutions to the homestead fiasco and beyond, and their income is down because of it. Simply not listening to what the residents of SL wanted, for the most part. And now they are expecting merchants to pay for their mistakes. I'm understanding of the mistakes, and I doubt anybody else could have done better. But when I make a mistake with my customers, even one I had no control of at the time, I don't charge my customer more for it.
  18. How important do you think the ability for multiple avatars to access a MP account is -- either store managers or partners in business? I may be wrong, but I think very few need that ability, and so time would be better spent working on other features we need.
  19. Oh hell, I'm usually way too nice ----- F Off Qie and Sirc lol You know, even if she's actually seriously mentally ill, the woman needs to be trained !
  20. Umm, I'm not Pamela - is ot ok if I post a reply anyway? Time is money and the listing process is horrendously awkward and time consuming, at least if you want to present your work properly. Anything that can simplify and streamline that process is definitely worth a little bit. Replacing the horrendous "related products" function with a proper cross-listing promotion system increases the chances buyers will shop more than a single item in your store. A good, efficient redelivery system would also save time and make the customers a little bit happeir and more likely to shop again. Getting rid of the dodgy listings (outdated, non-functional products sold by people who have left SL and can't offer support and downright scams) will shift focus more towards the active and serious merchants and also make the customers happeir and more likely to buy more on MP. Cleaning up all those almost-but-not-quite-duplicate demo and color variant listings and moving the gacha items to their own category will make it easier for buyers to find what they are looking for which again makes it more likely they will shop on MP. A stricter enforcement of the listing rules and a simplified flagging process would icnrease the overall quality of MP and make it more likely that people will shop there. It would also save time for many merchants, time they waste flagging the ToS violating listings their own serious works are buried in. Bulk editing to add time limited special offers and such across an entire store or product group would make marketing much more efficient. Being able to highlight specific products in your store would improve MP's quality as a marketing channel. Better statistics = better planning Those are just a few examples. But I have to agree, 30% is way too much in any case. 10-15% perhaps but not more. Well, I think Pamela knew my post was a bit tongue in cheek, and replied accordingly. But actually I think we do need to focus on the top priorities, because realistically LL can't do all of it, and I like your list. I would agree to a 5% increase in our fees bringing the commission fees up to 10% for each sale, along with a 5% sales tax for purchasers -- we sell our stuff way too cheap, and our race to the bottom with prices has not served us well. So I think LL could remedy this by adding a sales tax for purchasers too.
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