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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Phil Deakins wrote: Maybe most of the thread was removed because it had gone off-topic even though the OP joined in with the off-topic discussions. If that's the reason for the cuts, you'd better get your party organised quickly, Trinity, before this discussion also gets axed I'd more or less go with someone having gotten offended by soething that was said and reporting the whole thing.
  2. Maelstrom Janus wrote: I'm really baffled as to why some people feel this overwhelming desire to protect a big greedy company like lindens when what they need is a good kick up the backside which makes em look at whats going on in world, how much it costs etc etc.... conditions in sl are nowhere near as good as they were - lag's apalling, tp failures are abysmal crashes are worse than ever.. Problems that were supposed to have been rectified havent ( border crossing is the most obvious example) and each new little technical whiz lindens add just screws things up a tad more. All topped off with a customer service headed by a few rude and useless indivuals those who are just to willing to quote tos even when a problem is one they generated and who like the late little lamented oskar linden felt that you ought to go down on bended knee because youre lucky enough ot be using sl - even if you are paying their wages. I dont pay a membership fee anymore - if sl can keep loosing paying members because it chooses to believe a few forum regs good luck to it.... Still angry that Linden Lab won't pay up to cover those data overage charges? Get over it - they're not required to. This has been covered quite well the last time you complained about it - and at that time, you said you were going to leave. Leave already.
  3. Czari Zenovka wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: I know some people are in the 'upgrade or f off' camp and consider anyone with a less than optimal setup not worth worrying about, but I don't think most people feel that way. Clearly if you're going to be somewhere with a whole bunch of people you want to reduce your ARC/weight. A person might have the zoomiest rig and Internet connection in the world so none of that matters, but ignoring the fact other people are not at the same hardware level is to say the least selfish. Well spoken! I vividly recall the "ARC Police" since I was taking a 10-week class at that time and the instructor was adamant about us (the students) attending class with an ARC in the green. I found a skin with painted clothes on it that I used for that class. Several years later down the road I take a class at a large school in SL called "Let's Lessen Lag" and discover that scripts are what really lag a parcel or sim's performance. I rezzed the free script counter at home and began pulling scripts out of all my modifiable hair/shoes/jewelry/clothing, etc. I am much more conscious of script usage now and try my best to keep my wearable scripts on the low side. Yep, scripts actually do cause server-side lag, and I have one of those script scales, too. I enjoy stepping on it just about as much as I enjoy stepping on my scale in RL: it so seldom has good news. It may just be the fact I'm going to different venues but it seems to me I've seen more places lately, especially ones expecting crowds, where a script counter is right at the Landing Point. Sometimes with a suggestion, sometimes required. Nonetheless, reducing the amount of work everyone else's PC has to do to rez you is a good idea, so that part is important too. LOL re: the comparison with stepping on a RL scale, which is why I don't own a scale RL. :matte-motes-tongue: One school where I take classes (and where I got the script counter) has one that shows the script count on each student in a class, or else it's a cumulative one...not sure. I do know that the instructors check it prior to each class, or at least the classes I've taken they did. I've never seen anyone called out, unless it was in IM; maybe the regulars there know to have a low script count to attend class. I've seen script counters at the tp in point of some large stores as well but no requirement to under a certain limit. It is not so much the number of scripts one has as the amount of memory they use and the time it takes to process them. Personally, I hate those blasted counters - all of them. Most are highly inaccurate (they count scripts that are currently in a stasis/"paused" state into the memory usage) and some go so far as to list how many scripts one has that are coded in Mono (no, Mono is not the end all, be all. Some scripts do not have any performance boost from being Mono compiled). Others even sit there and set the "red zone" for memory usage as being above 8Mb. Have these people ever bothered to actually look at the sorts of scripts that are out there? One of the more "popular" multi-tools used by certain groups of people, if worn with the main attachment AND HUD easily adds 8Mb just by itself. And I use it for various functions it contains. I have yet to find a good, low memory attachment and HUD system that allows for point to point teleportation within a Sim using pre-defined points the user has added in and allows for the transort of up to eight other users at the same time.
  4. Phil Deakins wrote: It's all a bit muddy - not just the windscreen In your post, you said that neanderthals are our ancestors and left Africa about 300,000 years ago. Later you said that homo sapiens began to leave Africa about 60,000 years ago. It seems that both can't be true because we are homo sapiens - I think My understanding (from TV documentaries) is that neanderthals were already in Europe when humans (we) arrived from Africa. I was born soon after that and I can tell you that a guy had to be really desperate to fancy a neanderthal woman, but it could have happened, and the DNAs could have been mixed. The actual existance of Denisovans (thought to be in the eastern lands) may be a bit debateable. The evidence for them is only one bone from a finger and 2 teeth. It could turn out to be a red herring. Your relative, who has all 3 DNAs might be decended from Marco Polo. He was from Italy (neanderthal and humans) and spent some years in the east (denisovans). Does s/he have a tendancy to occasionally and unintentionally lapse into speaking mandarin? IfyouwishtogettrulytechnicalPhil, ourcurrent"branch"iscalled homo sapiens sapiens - or at least, the last time I checked, that was the official designation. It seems to have changed in recent years.
  5. Drtamersameeh wrote: It's not that awesome job t be an SEO consultant, as they don't earn that much money, so that I would falsly claim to be one. But to your surprise, I am a pediatrician, a writer and an SEO consultant. Of course, you won't believe and I won't bother proving something to someone who suffers from personality traits that make him/her project his inner struggles in a virtual world "MMORPGs". Really, I know a psychiatrist who won't charge you much. This will be my only direct response to this troll: Kid, you know nothing whatsoever. You are nothing. You've made a claim that you cannot possibly back up (seeing as no one has access to the banking information of any company without breaing a great many laws to acquire it). Furthermore, you do not even have enough skill to at least make your original post somewhat credible (It's Linden Dolar, not Lenden Dollar". The fact that you fall back on personal attacks and "insults" that are quite old (and just about textbook types these days) makes you a failure even at being a Troll. About the only way this could have been a success for you is if you had set out to fail utterly. And now, with all of that laid out for you: Have a good life. You'd do well to focus far more on your studies than to obsess over MMOs and Bitcoins. Maybe then you'll amount to something someday.
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: Solar Legion wrote: Generalized Reply Because I Cannot Be Arsed To Respond To Individual Posts Right Now: This "user" is not an SEO consultant. This "user" has no way of knowing who owns any checking account in any country. Please do not feed the Trolls. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww............But we were having fun! This has been the most excitement I've had all day. Sorry man - watching how this thread has balooned .... This is one of those times that I wish general zccess to the Internet was controlled by some sort of strict test. Then perhaps there'd be fewer people claiming to be this or that when they are called on their crap.
  7. Generalized Reply Because I Cannot Be Arsed To Respond To Individual Posts Right Now: This "user" is not an SEO consultant. This "user" has no way of knowing who owns any checking account in any country. Please do not feed the Trolls.
  8. Czari Zenovka wrote: Metalcoldreaper wrote: And heart would the staff members at that club ever say something like that to a paytron? who just wanted some equal treatment? Voice is enabled at this club and its not like i was demanding to have voice. (Bolding mine) *Sigh* I thought we covered that. We did. Now we've entered the realm of "I don't agree with you, you're a meaning, I'm reporting you!" Some users .... would be eaten alive on some of the forums I frequent.
  9. Pussycat Catnap wrote: The fact that (s)he didn't say what the club made as a result of her help, but only mentioned his/her own tips - lend credence to my claim. So if the club did make profit from the dancer's efforts... and the dancer was not a predator... such shold have been what his/her post was about... But instead, the post was very self focused. Frankly, it really doesn't matter. I'm not sure if you've worked as a dancer (or even as an escort) before but ... most of the clubs I worked in/for (and at least one I helped to create, gone now sadly) use more "standardized" tipping systems that automatically take a certain percentage of the tips offered. It was very rare that they took nothing out of the tips at all. The average I have seen is five to ten percent for Hosts, DJs and Dancers/Escorts. The absolute most I have ever seen was something akin to twnety five percent on one of - if not all - employees tips. This club quickly learned the hard way that such is not something that is appreciated (especially when most clubs at the time - and even now - did not pay their employees anything else).
  10. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Heart Brimmer wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: Its generally unwise to hire dancers in a club, and even less wise to visit a place with them. They are nothing but primma-donnas that go AFK on daceballs / dancepoles and then demand to be paid by -BOTH- the venue and the visitors and expect to be treated above the visitors and above the DJ, host, and owner. Worthless predators, the lot of them. And giving one the power to boot people out of your venue... really foolish. I was a dancer for the first 2 years in SL and believe me, I did NOT go AFK, did NOT use pre-made gestures and was definitely NOT a prima donna. I worked hard every shift I had and the tips showed that. The least amount of L's I made during a 2 hours shift was 5000L and the most I've made was close to 15,000L. So please do NOT lump all dancers into one category. Edited to fix a typo. How many of those clubs you worked in made profit as a result of your efforts? That was your only job, did you manage it, or just vampire leech off of them? Your tips only show you as a predator, unless your club made more. You are doing it again Catnip .... Speaking from personal experience here, those who fall into the category you're talking about (and rightfuly so) end up spending far more than two hours to get even half of what Heart claims she has made. I make it a point not to tip any dancer who cannot pull off anything better than stock gestures. Beyond that, how well I tip (and how well I was tipped during my brief stint) was directly proportional to how well I could describe any particular action and the thought that went into it. Sadly, those who put real thought into their text ... are a dying breed.
  11. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Blaz Neuman wrote: A dancer in a club suddently decided my av was out of the rules (no animals, when my usual av is a man with a wolf's head and tail, not even a real furry)... I answered her "I'm just a man with a wolf mask on... do you ban masks?" She then switched to "your tail is causing lag" I answered "ok I give up, I'm leaving" and said in the local chat "Ok folks I have to go, appears that I can't have a tail " She ejected me before I had the time to tp. Its generally unwise to hire dancers in a club, and even less wise to visit a place with them. They are nothing but primma-donnas that go AFK on daceballs / dancepoles and then demand to be paid by -BOTH- the venue and the visitors and expect to be treated above the visitors and above the DJ, host, and owner. Worthless predators, the lot of them. And giving one the power to boot people out of your venue... really foolish. Be very careful when making such generalizations. Like most types of Role Players (and quite frankly, this is one of the few times I will be so adamant on this one ... "Dancers" in Second Life clubs are Role Players by sheer technicality) there are good ones and bad ones. You've had quite a few run ins with the bad ones ... I'm willing to bet that not a single one of them had any real experience with what most of Second Life calls "emotes" .... beyond spamming premade gestures. I've known quite a few "Dancers" who did not have the sort of attitude you describe. They are all posessed of a level of experience which is well above and beyond that of nearly all "serious" Second Life Role Players I have encountered to date. There is a reason I laugh at places that purport to teach people how to dance (or anything else really): Not one place puts any emphasis on the text or the imagination. Anyone going to such places is certain to be placed in the "bad" category.
  12. Czari Zenovka wrote: Margareta Loring wrote: Club owners that do not want voice can disable voice on their parcels. That's what I do. Problem solved. I'm actually surprised that clubs, especially busy ones, do have voice enabled. This one apparently did so it wasn't that he was speaking on voice that was the issue (from what I can ascertain from the OPs posts) but that either (1) his mic was causing lag as referenced in one of the postings - the way I read it the OP may have complained he was lagging and was told shutting off the mic could help (2) his mic was having some issues which could have caused his voice to be garbled or the mic was making a screeching noise or (3) there was mention of a voice morpher being used so that could figure into it...all just guesses based on reading through the posts. As Solar mentioned in referencing things older residents remember, I recall the brewhaha voice caused when it was first introduced. I think the concern was that no one would text anymore and public gatherings (ie. clubs) would become a cacaphonious disaster. I worked at a club during that time which had a "no voice" policy. Someone made "No Voice" t-shirts which I saw around the grid as well. Good times! On the subject of SL voice in general, there are a couple of places that I go where voice is used regularly such as in certain classes, but generally it is requested that students ask questions in text so a bunch of open mics don't cause feedback. I recall in one class hearing a squealing nose due to someone having their mic open and they were asked to shut it off. My personal experience with SL voice is that it can be iffy - sometimes it works well and others times, not so much. If I wish to voice with a friend one-on-one, we use Skype or Yahoo or another service while in SL instead of the official voice system. Indeed, those were very interesting times. One of the clubs I go to has voice enabled and they handle the use of Voice in an interesting way. The DJ is free to request that users either not use voice during their sets or to simply shut it off until they are done with their set (parcel shut down). This policy is good for forcing users to find a balance between the Voice chat volume and stream volumes.
  13. And everything else aside: As I said, your issue isn't exactly an isolated incident. Many voice users have had a plethora of issues that result in being asked to shut voice off (be it politely worded or not). All one can truly do is comply, send in a complaint and then try to get to the bottom of what is causing whatever one's issues are. In your case, at the minimum, it is mic lag. This is someting you may or may not be able to fix - you may need to punch a hole in your firewall for SLVoice.exe, you may need to exempt it from virus/malware scans. You might have your bandwidth turned up too high in the client. There are many reasons for such a lag. To go back to my own issue (volume being inconsistent) - It is an issue I have no real control over. No matter what headset I use, this same issue crops up again and again. I have chosen to leave voice disabled unless someone directly requests I communicate with them through it. I then warn them that they may have to fine tune the volume on their own end, as my end is "balanced".
  14. Heh, this PC is a hodgepodge. It started life as a used PC from a school and has been upgraded over the years. The case itself is actually older than any of the components inside it.
  15. Masami Kuramoto wrote: Solar Legion wrote: Unless he went back and edited the post I originaly replied to (some pages back - and knowing this kid as I do, it's likely that he has done so) - You'll notice that he changed his claim halfway through this "debate". Hahaha! Good luck finding a post in this thread that I edited. Either way, it does not matter. Second Life and OSGrid are not web pages, they are not web sites. The distinction in this, for the general public, is semantic. You should consider yourself lucky that Mr. Deakins called your goof a "small mistake." If I had said similar nonsense, he would be all over it. Thank you for taking - and failing - this basic reading comprehension test. Thank you for being sokind as to also take - and pass - the test for an inflated ego. Run along now and go on back to the playground. It's time to leave the adults alone.
  16. Mesh is and will always be ... hit and miss. I write this a a global reply to all here, though Catnip? Not everyone has the time or patience to redo an entire shape to fit "proper" proportion. Sadly, even after geting some aid, I myself am in that category. To add to my frustrations, some of my best looking outfits do NOT fit a "proportionate" 6'2" male.
  17. Unless he went back and edited the post I originaly replied to (some pages back - and knowing this kid as I do, it's likely that he has done so) - You'll notice that he changed his claim halfway through this "debate". Either way, it does not matter. Second Life and OSGrid are not web pages, they are not web sites. The distinction in this, for the general public, is semantic.
  18. Masami Kuramoto wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: The reason I mentioned the word 'resource' (as in URL) was to point out that, the fact that something is a resource (that is accessible on the internet), does not make it a website or even in a website. A resource on the internet may or may not be a web page/website. SL is a resource but it isn't a website. An OS grid is a resource but it isn't a website. Understand now? Probably not. From IETF RFC 1630 ("Universal Resource Identifiers in WWW") by Tim Berners-Lee, 1994: This document defines the syntax used by the World-Wide Webinitiative to encode the names and addresses of objects on theInternet. The web is considered to include objects accessed using anextendable number of protocols, existing, invented for the webitself, or to be invented in the future. Access instructions for anindividual object under a given protocol are encoded into forms ofaddress string. Other protocols allow the use of object names ofvarious forms. In order to abstract the idea of a generic object,the web needs the concepts of the universal set of objects, and ofthe universal set of names or addresses of objects. So here we have something that is a document is a resource with a URL scheme allows embedding audio-visual content supports hyperlinking but is not part of the web according to Mr. Deakins. The web, which calls itself "world wide" and was "considered to include objects accessed using an extendable number of protocols, existing, invented for the web itself, or to be invented in the future," turns out non-extendable after all. It remains flat, just like Mr. Deakins' world. And not a word of it means that Second Life, OSGrid or any other, even remotely similar system is a "web page". Further, as is your usual tactic, you have distorted what has been said to suit your own means and agenda. Sorry sparky - reality begs to differ with you. When you're capable of presenting an argument without distorting the other person's words ... then perhaps you'll be taken seriously. Until then - why don't you go off and enjoy that lovely little world you seem to love so much and leave everyone else alone? You can take everyone that has "left" with you as well. Their ramblings in a forum for a bit of software they've supposedly left behnd will not be missed. No need for further responses - you'll just try to distort anything further that is said and quite frankly, not everyone has the time or desire to feed your attention cravings.
  19. Dillon Levenque wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: You make an interesting point about purchasing a mid-range PC. My thinking has been that by purchasing the best PC one can afford it will last longer, but I've been rethinking this and wondering if it's better to purchase less expensive PCs more often considering the hyperjumps in technology. I'm glad you mentioned that and would enjoy hearing types of PCs (ie. basic stats) that are mid-range but would still run the V3 viewer on higher than 64m draw distance. I have some input regarding PC specifications. I noticed this the other day on Inara Pey's blog. She does a great many viewer reviews; I have frequently seen her stuff used as reference links to posts with questions about viewers. She has posted the specs of the PC she uses to evaluate viewers, and suprisingly enough they are modest to say the least: Computer: * CPU: Intel Q6600 Quad core, @ 2.4GHz * Memory: 3GB DDR2 (PC2-5300) 333MHz * OS: Windows 7 SP1 32-bit * Video: nVidia GE9800GT 1GB That's only a tiny bit better than mine, and I've been longing to upgrade mine for some time: I'm due. For the record I recently switched to Firestorm, current version, and am having no problems at all. The machine I and my room mate use (he uses it for games, I use it for games and SL) runs a Cor2Duo at aboyt that clock speed, has 2GB of DDR2, 800MHz ram, an nVidia GT 430 with 1GB of onboard memory .... and is operating on XP Pro Service Pack 3 (many of our present programs don't run right on later versions of Windows/have no upgrades or viable alternatives ... and is more of a personal quirk) ... And I can run Firestorm on Ultra settings with a few tweaks: Water reflections down to minimal, shadows off for the most part (it runs with them on and almost maed out well enough) with the Draw Distance set down to 128 meters.
  20. 16 wrote: Solar Legion wrote: Cannibals act counter to the survival of the human race as a whole. The British Empire acted on two very distinct grounds there: Their own societal morality and in the best interest for the continued survival of the human race as a whole. is pretty interesting the way you said this can understand the conclusion in the second part when accept that the first sentence is true. or accepted as a truth/moral. true or not. and applied universally to the human race as a whole + consider this only true if the cannibals kill and eat at a rate more than the rate they breed and raise/grow to an eatable stage is pretty gross this. but in principle is the same as growing/raising cows and sheep + maybe is just way more basic tho like is it that we dont eat each other in modern society bc is just icky. or bc is alternative food sources or is it that we just dont want to get killed and eaten ourselves. if this is the answer then is more about self-preservation than survival of the race as whole. survival of the race as a whole being a byproduct of self-interest + is even more interesting i think when go down this path proprogation/breeding is the one thing that is universally stronger than self-preservation. like those little praying mantis guys. they got it really hard. to propogate/breed they risk getting eaten by their girlfriend. which happens a lot is a kinda weird balance in this that helps the mantis to survive as a species. the female mantis eat the male bc he is just food + human beings got a few more brains than mantis tho. like is not necessary to eat your boyfriend just bc you hungry. even when he sometimes tastes a bit yummy when you lick him (: actually ewwwww!!! is even more gross when think about that. altho sometimes like just some tiny little times if he is like really really really yummy ??? umm! nah!!! jejejjejeje (: i prob shouldnt have said that. i think it maybe detract from my serious argument somehow. but oh! well (: There are very few species for which the act of cannibalism does not cause some form of damage to them, be it on a genetic or simple tissue level. Humans are not one of the species which can engage in this act without damage. Those engagedin this act diminish themselves and - when they reproduce - the rest of the species. No morality involved.
  21. 16 wrote: on survival less than 200 years ago my tipuna/ancestors were headhunters. cannibals even they not subscribe to the moral that all men are created equal. in the same way that: sealion is not a seal. kahawai is not a eel. kiwi is not kakahe to survive they live according to the universality. kill and be killed. eat and be eaten i am Ngapuhi. i am not Ngati Whatua or Tuhoe. i/we am not them. they are not me/us. they are creatures like any other. and i/we am a creature just like any other to them also. just the same as a bird in the sky and a fish in the water. is how that goes + this horrify the British Empire when it come here. like totally unchristian and heathen savage they get even more horrified when my tipuna Hongi Hika get invited to England. he was darling of the Establishment. a actual forreal headhunter. get introduced to the Royal Court even. he get lots and lots of presents and gifts off them. so that part was ok on the way home tho he stop in Australia. he trade all his presents and golds that he get off them for guns our warriors armor up and they went down the country and killed all them other creatures they found. 100s and 1000s of them the Empire went mental over that. and impose the all men are equal moral on us. so cant kill anyone now. or eat them the Empire was pretty brutal to us in how they went about imposing that. so not much different really + edit: i change from kill or be killed. eat or be eaten. to kill and be killed. eat and be eaten is my bad to say or. bc leads people to think i am saying something i dont mean ok Cannibals act counter to the survival of the human race as a whole. The British Empire acted on two very distinct grounds there: Their own societal morality and in the best interest for the continued survival of the human race as a whole.
  22. Hoshi Kenin wrote: Gee -have a problem with someone having an opinion different to your own? I have news for you. Your idea of a 'vendetta' is their 'opinion'. It may be hard for you to accept, but they have every right to post that opinion. I know it must be terrifying, but other residents do not behold LL on the lofty pedestal you do. Accept this, and your forum experience will be easier. I have no issue with a difference in opinion. I have an issue with people whose vendettas blind them to reality. The sooner you learn how to tell the difference, the better your forum experience will be. I do not "hold LL on a lofty pedestal", kid. I hold reality on a pedestal. But hey - it's not like you're coming into this quite late in the game with no clue at all.
  23. Maelstrom Janus wrote: Im sure all these words from NON-LINDENS are very comforting but you'd think a linden would take a few minutes to check this story out and come and issue a strong denial that it could ever happen or re-iterate the circumstances in which it might happen..... Gee - have a problem with Linden Lab? Too bad - if it had actually happened before, such news would have been splashed around every forum and personal blog by now. Seeing that such is not the case - it doesn't happen. Period. Take your vendetta elsewhere.
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