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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. I disagree. I think some type of community Christmas event is a great idea.... and hopefully the Lindens/moles will have all the kinks ironed out and rules (and prizes if any) will be stated in a way where there is no confusion. If things are stated clearly then I dont anticipate much drama.
  2. Why use attacking and emotionally-charged words? You almost won me back when you admitted that maybe "cheater" was too strong of a word. But you lost me again when you attributed "malicious" intentions to people who had not broken any stated rules. Perhaps a better phrasing would have been: “Someone not exploiting this loophole should not lose out on prizes they worked toward by someone who takes advantage of it.”
  3. I dont understand how you can NOT have a rule and then call us cheaters for breaking a rule that did not exist??? If you spell out a rule and we break it intentionally after it is spelled out, that is one thing. But if there isnt a rule, how can we know we are "breaking" it? Calling us cheaters is offensive wording Derrick. Please consider rephrasing it. Being called a cheater because I broke a rule that I did not know existed takes all the fun out of it. We had been doing all this fun exciting community building, sharing SLurls and helping each other along. It was fun and exciting to be a group working together. But now I feel offended/hurt and I dont want to participate anymore. Also, I have been maintaining 12 premium accounts, which is roughly $99 USD a month for linden homes. Now I am questioning if I want more than 1 because I dont like being put down by the management of the company that I am paying.
  4. this is my alt's place. No orbs and no forced TP. It is an open house so feel free to go in to look around, have some coffee (machine in kitchen) or pet the cats. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Barstough/113/33/33
  5. I agree that it is extremely difficult to find a lot of buckets on your own. There are a few really talented hunters who excel at that sort of thing, but most of us dont. What I have really enjoyed about this event is how the community is coming together to help a lot of people feel successful in collecting a lot of buckets. There are some who are in it to "win" on of the top 10 spots.. and that is perfectly fine. But what thrills me is how so many of us are interesting in helping each other out... we may not win anything extra individually, but we are taking our friends and community with us by sharing what we find and giving each of us the pleasure of finding more because we are helping each other. And that dynamic has made this event become really fun for me.
  6. I dont use security orbs in Bellisseria, and I dont like orbs in general. But I do understand the issue from the other side. This is a true story that was relayed to me: Someone has a nice home and they have an orb that ejects people in 15 seconds, as per covenant. Then a nearby neighbor puts up a pumpkin.. and the link to it is near their property line. People TP into the link (intended for the neighbors) and before things rezzed clearly have stepped into their land and gotten the orb warning. Maybe they miss the warning ..easy to do if you are trying to look around and not reading local and they get ejected. Now someone gets upset at being ejected and reports it in group chat, giving the SLURL to the pumpkin. Someone else in group chat finds orbs a pet peeve, so they make a big thing of it, get others stirred up, and people come to visit and test to see if the orb is illegal. And even though it is legal, some take it on themselves to leave terse IMs to the orb owner about how can you put a pumpkin out and have your security orb on? The poor orb owner who doesnt even have a pumpkin out ignores the first terse IM, but by the third and fourth one they are starting to feel harassed. Please remember that people have the right to use security orbs on their property, providing the orb follows the covenant rules. Please do not try to make someone feel bad for having a legal orb out.
  7. I noticed that on various threads a lot of people are sharing where their pumpkin is located. I thought.. hummm ... maybe we should start a thread for this. (I am not sure if people are interested in doing this or not, but figure I will give it a try). NOTE: please ONLY post your own pumpkins (or those of your alts). Please do not post other people's pumpkins because they may not want them posted on the forum. I will start: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lost Caves/40/173/24 (No Orbs or Forced TPs.)
  8. Jay remember the top 10 get the grand prize, so dont give up. As they say in Galaxy Quest: Never Quit, Never Surrender.
  9. I am willing to bet she is kidding. Not sure (of course) but that seems like a lot of pumpkins.
  10. I dont use an orb at my homes but I have a casper orb for my development area for my store. If I were to use an orb, I would prefer to use casper's, but I would set it according to the specifications that are laid out in the covenant. That way I would not have to manually add all of my alts to it because casper already knows them. I dont really agree with the idea of limiting all or Bellisseria to use only the LH ones. However, since I dont use security orb, I dont really have a very strong of an opinion on the matter.
  11. I dont have any issue with people having orbs, or people who set a forced TP inside their house. But for the short duration of the hunt, if you both use an orb and have a forced TP to inside the house (esp with doors closed), please consider a longer delay on the orb so we have time to figure out how to get outside. My fingers just are not fast enough to pancam and then TP to the street from inside the house in under 15 seconds. I would be very grateful if for the duration of the pumpkin hunt event you were to set it to at least 30 seconds OR temporarily turn off the forced TP to inside the house -- or at least leave an exit door open. All the same, I would like thank you for putting out pumpkins for us to hunt. The more people who participate in putting out pumpkins, the more fun we all have.
  12. does anyone have any idea of how many candy pumpkins are out there? I heard someone say that someone else (not sure who) has broken 800 already. Personally I am no where near that number... but then I am not particularly skilled at "hunts" If there really are over 800 people who are participating by putting out pumpkins, that is kinda exciting!
  13. Maybe those who have strong opinions on the orbs might consider starting a new thread on that topic??
  14. I love that you said that. I feel the same way!
  15. The way I understand it, the master count is kept remotely on a server and the huds are clients. The client count is updated in memory when you detach it. Depending on lag, the hud may or may not consider a logout the same as a detach. If you crash or log out "uncleanly" while still wearing the hud, then when you log back in, it shows the last hud-saved amount and not your most current amount. The server knows the correct amount but hasnt had a chance to communicate this to your hud. To get your hud to display the correct amount you need to 1. detach and reattach so it isnt stale 2. get the server to talk to it by registering a new data entry...e.g., click a pumpkin that gives you candy (not one of the ones who tells you that you already got candy from this pumpkin) 3. If the parcel you are on doesnt allow you to run scripts, you need to leave the parcel to enable scripts to run. The safest way to assure your hud doesnt mess up is to detach it before you log off and then attach it when you first log back on.
  16. Lost Caves is another one with a LOT of pumpkins, esp the stilts along the pier
  17. just a friendly reminder.. this thread is supposed to be about why people participate in the "Its the Great Trick Or Treat Event, Bellisseria" not about security orbs
  18. well something unexpected and very pleasant happened... the Bellisseria Community has come together to support each other and help each other to find these pumpkins. I am SO loving the community sense of esprit de corps! I love it that people are sharing their locations and one person has even put hours and hours into preparing a list of locations for us to visit. And some of the homes with Pumpkins are extremely welcoming. I have received Friendly welcomes by greeters (and at times from the homeowners themselves). Some have left gifts for us. This started as a personal quest for me, but now it has become about community.. and I am really loving it
  19. I once saw a place where a certain resident had banned a slew of people (including myself) because of our association with another resident who she did not like. I did not count the names but there a LOT of them. On this hunt itself, I ran into ban lines from this same individual at two locations. I am not going to name her or embarrass her... any resident has the right to ban whoever they want from their property for whatever reason they want. But there were about 10 names on the ban list.. including mine. I have to admit it hurts my feelings a tad to be banned.. I like to think I am sweet and lovable.. but I will defend her right to ban me because it is HER property. Likewise, while Cheetah may be using "fifty" literally to mean a lot (without doing a specific count) ... she raises a valid point about the banlists.
  20. I have to take back what I said earlier about using BelliPin/BelliFind to find pumpkins. Bellisseria is BIG and some regions dont have any pumpkins at all. The most I have found on a single region was five .... so it is HARD to find them. Using a tool to assist in the search makes sense.
  21. Mostly I love your posts. But this one I find myself disagreeing with. The Event is open to anyone in SL. You get a prize if you find a single pumpkin.. and you have already posted a location on this forum so anyone who cant find at least 1 isnt reading very carefully. Pumpkin locations are limited to Bellisseria.. which makes sense to me. If it was open to anywhere in all of the mainlands.. think how difficult it would be to find a pumpkin because there would be so much more area to search. I dont think this is "crappy" at all -- I think it is a nice event. But without help from others it is extremely difficult. Fortunately, we dont have to do it "alone." One of the things I have most enjoyed about this hunt is how Bellisserians are helping each other (and anyone else who cares to join their group) by posting pumpkin locations. And Az has put a lot of time and effort into making a master list available to everyone.. for which I am very grateful. You can find his master list (updated a few times a day) at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Esplin/137/20/38 A person certainly doesnt have to put all that time/effort into it, because just finding one pumpkin gets them a bear prize. But sufficient resources are there between the list and the group chat to let anyone find in excess of 400 Pumpkins. For those who want to compete for the big prize... go for it! For those who just want to explore and have fun... go for it!! And please go visit Cheetah's place.. she has an interesting property, worth the trip to go see.
  22. I came and looked around and even took a ride on your pizza delivery truck. I am afaid that your parcel with all its food goodies in SL made me hungry in RL.. hehe.. gonna go grab some lunch. PS... I am impressed with how much you were able to pack into a 512 LI allowance parcel!
  23. Bellisseria's Great Trick Or Treat Event .. is it a hunt? is it a chance to explore? Is it a Quest? is it a contest? I have been hearing a lot of different opinions on what the event means to them. Some see it as a contest and want to Win because.. well because it is great to be a winner. Some are after a specific prize (e.g., one of the special bears). Some treat it like a quest... where they get a feeling of satisfaction by watching the number on the HUD tick upwards. Some see it as a fun excuse to explore Bellisseria. Others see it as a way to get out and see some very "cool" Halloween decorations. And there are probably dozens of other motivations. For me personally, it is kinda like doing a quest... I don't really want to win anything... I mean we all get a bear just for participating and one bear is enough for me. I do love to explore Bellisseria and do so regularly (by horseback, by boat, by motorcycle, on foot, etc) -- so I don't really need an excuse to explore. But there is something fun about watching the numbers on my Hud tick upwards as I find places. I dont really care if others have higher numbers, but it feels good to watch my own numbers grow. Kinda like a small sense of personal satisfaction or something. What about you? What does the event mean to you?
  24. I was very busy on a build and did not check forums or SL pumpkins yesterday. After reading this about 91 I went to my pumpkin and it was stalled out .. frozen.. after only 83. So 91 is not a magic number and it is not clear if the number of touches is a key or if there is some type of non-recoverable communication glitch between the pumpkin and the server that happens at random times. At anyrate, for those of you who were unable to touch my pumpkin on lost caves, I am rerezzing it as soon as I post this.
  25. Quartz, I also found two pumpkins that were untouchable and used infrared to assure nothing was covering them. I assumed it was some type of glitch where the owner would need to take into inventory and rerez, so I did not report it to you. In fact, I am not sure I even reported it to both pumpkin owners.. I think I got called afk when I found the 2nd one
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