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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. You must be careful not to put your objects in "share with group" but only SET to group. Also, don't "deed to group" except for televisions, and then when you make the roles with different powers in the group, make sure the power "sell group deeded objects" is NOT checked off for tenants. You must avoid "share with group" so that items can't be returned or moved by various people in the group, sometimes with malicious purposes, i.e. inserting a script into a modifiable object, or returning a no-copy object, which destroys it when it is returned from land. In order for your tenants to use media, you have to give them the power to "deed objects" so that you don't have to run and do it all the time for them. But you should refrain from giving them the "sell deeded objects" power to avoid people stealing expensive TVs from each other. When they are ready to move, you can come and sell the deeded object to yourself for O, then transfer it back to them/
  2. The system of SL Mentors was disbanded some years ago and no longer operations. To get live help you can go to Help Island or Orientation Island or go to NCI, for new citizens or The Shelter.
  3. No, no, there are not less but way, way more. I used to see them only occasionally in about a dozen sims where I have rentals. Now I see them constantly, a huge stream, and more aggressively, i.e. buses on water, cars on rail tracks, etc.
  4. Look, this is a pretty simple principle here and I don't understand why some of you are having such a hard time getting it -- or aggressively posting contrarian messages. NO ONE RESIDENT OF SECOND LIFE SHOULD GET TO HOG THE PUBLIC RESOURCES OF LINDEN LAND INTENDED FOR THE USE OF ALL RESIDENTS OF SECOND LIFE. It's a pretty basic principle. Yes, there are other violations like "selling on Linden Land," long an official Linden policy, although apparently not spelled out in the TOS. You can't solicit or sell in sandboxes or at infohubs or welcome areas, there are signs up forbidding this, they are prosecuted and we can see cases on the police blotter -- why would you get to do this on Linden *roads* just because you scripted a self-navigating sim-crossing device??? This notion that they are "fun" and "a ride" and "you're a meany if you don't get it" is contradicted by the obvious: there are way, way too many of them (I count dozens of them an hour crossing areas where I own land) and they are inappropriate in a number of ways -- cars running on railroad tracks, buses running on open Linden seas, etc. The Lindens should put out scripted vehicles like this to maintain quality and appropriate themed content --they used to do this on the SLRR with trains (the late and great Nigel Linden who is sadly missed, he died in real life). I realize there are challenges and the Lindens may not want to put out a product until it is "their best" but we are being overwhelmed by these idiotic things, they fly in the air, they crash into people, they pile up on land -- they have to go! What's most annoying is the sense that the Lindens are allowing this, despite numerous abuse reports for cause, because it's a free load test for them. There's also the issue that the Lindens never met a script they didn't like. Even the most destructive scripts, they tend to deal with not by deprecation but by saying "well, you can't sell that on the marketplace but..."
  5. This was perfect, thanks! I didn't see the unicorn, but I found the horse rezzer, and the great thing is, it has a "fly" mode, so that people can fly their horses up the hill to the path from my house. I was wondering how I was going to work this, and whether I'd get those horses to walk on the rope bridge. This is a great option as you can get horse and buggies, double riders, etc.
  6. Oh dear God, I can't believe all these people turning up here to praise this awful action of the Lindens that will flood the market needlessly and once again punish Mainland land owners, rentals agents and other businesses. We've been ravaged so many times, and now this. There doesn't seem to be any good reason why these parcels couldn't be going to those who already own on the sim. To characterize these people as evil big land barons blah blah is ridiculous -- they might be non-profits or poor people who just happen to have land in SL to realize their dreams. And why can't there be land barons, for that matter?! They pay the tier around here. I just never heard a good reason why this couldn't have been done in a way to give the people already on a sim first dibs -- it seems technically possible. The Lindens should simply accept tickets with offers to purchase abandoned land. There won't be that many tickets, truly. And existing landowners -- have a care. Can't we prevail upon you to have a conscience? IM your neighbours first and offer your land, rather than dumping it to Governor Linden and the ravages of bots and flippers.
  7. I'm looking for a merchant who has a ridable horse and has a vendor that sells such horses for temp or permanent use, I want to set them up on a property I just bought next to this lovely Linden-made bridle path. What I don't mean are the Amaretto type horses that you "wear" to ride. I mean horses that you can actually use "sit' to mount and then steer to ride. There used to be some like this on the old Mexico sims. If there was a vendor to sell Amaretto type horses I could consider that, too, but it looks to me that all the available vendors for that system involve you having to put horses you've already bred yourself into a vendor, and I am looking for something to start from scratch as I don't breed the horses (and don't want to right now). Any other ridable creatures welcome -- I have Jesrad's ridable bison for example!
  8. Blondin, those lotteries existed long before you came or before Mia became a Linden. There's no reason why *another* Linden can't run them! So why don't they?!
  9. Linden Homes harmed the mainland rental business, there is no question, and some of the private island business. I simply had to cease my program for low-cost newbie homes on one sim and convert it to all ages and I have to run the other sim remaining at a loss to keep my 365-days-or-less only program, it's only a pain to manage. There are something like 50,000 of the Linden homes, and while a lot of them are oldbies who used their 512 this way, that also prevents oldbies from making the mainland better with mainland purchases or joining groups and contributing tier to group projects. Linden stores, a notion that was contemplated at one point when Xstreet was taken over by the Lindens, would make it even worse. The Lindens argue that they have to streamline the newbie experience and that having too many choices and too rocky a path to the market means they have to have socialism. Except...those problems exist because of state intervention in the first place, not only in breaking search and never making it usable again, but in refusing to allow newbies rental agencies to advertise in welcome areas. So fearful are the Lindens of the free market and advertising and commerce -- and so hysterical and fierce are their oldbie supporters on the forums who hate commerce and hate the idea of newbies being exposed to a billboard -- that the normal, natural thing of real life never happens -- people travel here, never see a Motel 6 or a Hilton billboard on their way from the airport, and never get a hotel even to start, let alone a condo or a home. And as a result, the teeming market filled with people willing to serve newbies at a low cost, willing even to give them free housing if they want to start in their themed communities, are never integrated into the new-user pathway -- and deliberately so, for only ideological reasons.
  10. Well, to build a set to match your novel, you'd have to own or rent land. You could rent it temporarily or for longer term from residents inworld or you could buy it to control it more. Depending on how complex the scenes are, you might need more or less land. I don't know what 2-L means. But if you mean going around the world and finding already existing scenes that sort of match your book that you would sort of adopt, on the mainland there isn't an issue with filming these locations but on islands you have to see their covenant policy, some allow filming with credit, others don't, etc. You could just ask.
  11. Had it not turned out that way and the bid went through, you do have the option of filing a ticket saying you don't want it. This used to be easier to do, but it was deliberately made harder because people abused the system, just to jack up prices in general, bid on a lot of parcels, keep others out of the market, and then essentially do chargebacks. I think the Lindens control this better now. It is put in your name inworld to sale for you, and if you opt not to take it, and file a ticket, it will be taken back. If you buy it, it will immediately raise your tier (it takes you through menus asking you if you want it). There may be something different and changed -- I haven't gone on the auctions in about a year because they are so unscrupulous -- but that's about it. Another thing you could have done was post ad offering it for sale even before the auction and explaining what happened -- then someone might take it off your hands and you'd reimburse yourself. BUT the down side to that is that in order to take possession of it such as to sell it again, you'd have to tier up. Even a second of tiering up is billed as a higher level for that whole month.
  12. Actually, they have Linden stores already but they don't seem to get much advertising. They are inworld. They're called Busy Ben's Vehicles, Galleria shopping mall, and I forget the other one, boats 'r us or something somewhere. They used to get more traffic when there was more of a call for them. Every each, they run a lottery for these stories and you have a random chance of winning a free tier-free store.
  13. You can abuse report it but that might literally take months to get attention -- or never get attention. It's part on Linden Land if it is on a road. So go to the HELP and find where to submit a ticket (go to the very bottom of the page). On the pulldown menu, click Issue on Linden Land and also paste in the SLURL. If you put that there's a problem like this on Linden Land, they will get to it quickly.
  14. Normally an object that another person is wearing or has put inworld that can act on you cannot do that unless you click "YES" when a blue screen drops down or you see chat that asks the question "animate your avatar?" To turn off animations, go to the top of the screen and look for STOP ALL ANIMATIONS.
  15. Prokofy Neva


    The biggest reason I hear is that people have friends build for them and they don't want items to return. Of course, they could group their land, put their friends in the group, keep it closed, and then put autoreturn on, but that's too many steps. If you have a closed group, then you have the chore of always having to invite people into it and make sure the roles don't get messed up.
  16. Enjoy the freedom of the mainland -- refund any time. Get a huge parcel of 4608 meters for only $1700 a week, 1054 prims. Beautiful bay view, roadside, perfect for store/home combination. Skybox, pets welcome. 10 percent off for 4 weeks, instead of being locked in for 4 weeks. Leave any time! Join the group on your own, no waiting for invitations. Then get ban/media/plant powers. The Mainland is the most flexible option, and if you have a premium account, put 512 m2 tier in our group and get $250/wk off your rent. Take it out any time. Freedom!
  17. Oh, I didn't know about the Broken Elderglen portals, I've been there lots of times but I don't think I saw that. There's still that beach one though that's missing. Yes, I found the hidden bottle one on Nautilus.
  18. You can't. And there's an odd thing about this -- a person who has logged into SL in other groups might show a more recent date than their log on your group which they might not have put the tag on for ages. I *think* that's how it works and that accounts for the discrepancies. I used to think that the log-in date for a group -- any group -- was that person's last log-on in SL in general. Now, I think it's log-on using that group tag?
  19. I don't think I have all of these or have even seen all of them, and I lost one that I know was on a beach somewhere in one of the newer continents. Here's the spot where Magellan crash-landed. You can still see the smoking airplane parts and if you look hard you can even find a little Magellan bear. (Look up in the sky and you will see the Aztecha Sky Temple, an old build by Foolish Frost made in 2005 as an "answer" to the Magellan crash). I'll work on some more soon.
  20. What they could do is not drop tier, but fill in the gaps between the steep hikes of tier that make people have to jump from 8192 to 16,000 plus when they only want 10,000.
  21. The Lindens won't do this. Unfortunately, when Andrew Linden said "no, it's not going to be available for other people" -- that was the last word on it. Trying to change it involves a JIRA with 1500 votes at the very least. Did anyone make one? If they are not doing this because server-side coding it is too hard, your suggestion is even more labour intensive and complex. Also, 512s didn't always sell on the auction. They sat there unsold.
  22. I imagine the workd of the auction involves having to deal with all those cheating, manipulative land dealers. They deliberately bid high on some pieces to drive the price up in general and drive others out of the market. Then they have a "story" about why they can't take the auction win. Then the next lowest bidder has to be found. There was a simple way to deter this: have public lists of all those who take part in each auction, so that through public pressure on manipulators, the practice would cease or at least be mitigated. *The old auctions used to do this, and it was indeed a factor that prompted better behaviour*. The Lindens refused to change the ebay code they got to publish the auction winners and failed bids.
  23. If the viewer enables sale of land set to Anybody or Somebody, I'm simply failing to see what is so complicated about coding a routine that does this: Day 1 set to agent with largest holdings Day 4 set to agent with second largest holdings Day 7 set to agent with third largest holdings or Day 1 set to 1 of randomly-generated list of X agents Day 4 set to 2 of randomly-generated list of X agents minus 1 etc.
  24. Sling, You are likely right -- the problem with Mainland for people with large parcels in particular is the cost of tier. Quite a few of the abandoned do say "abandoned for Zindra". People were forced to move to Zindra, couldn't get their land sold at a time when everyone else was doing the same thing, so they dumped it. So you're right, what could likely happen is this: o abandoned land at choice location sells for $1/meter to bots o the bot owner jacks up the price to $7/m or more o the people in the sim now face a new expense -- more than $100 US to buy a 4096 m2, and then add $25 tier or more -- possibly putting them into the in-between bracket where they are forced to tier up way more o so they can't add that $125 initial cost plus renewing $25 or $40 cost or whatever each month, so they don't buy o a new buyer comes into a lovely residential neighbourhood whose view he loves, and creates a club or store and puts traffic generators and junk all over it. People who love the view other people have created in sims seldom think about what they've just done to impact the view. o Faced with either land with spinning signs and junk inducing a sale to "buy back the view," or a club that won't leave or also puts the land to sale to "buy back the view" people simply abandon their land. They may or may not move to another sim -- more likely this is the point where they will go and rent on an island instead. So while the Lindens get an initial big sink in the $1 sales that increases L$ commissions for them, and they get an initial big pump-up of tier of the bot owners and some sim owners who manage to grab the dollar land, they will then face another round of abandonments in 3-6-9 months. I would predict summer of 2011, just like summer of 2005, which was one of our worst summers in SL when the land market cratered after a wrenching tilt to the islands and cornering of the market by some big land dealers, and a glut of abandoned land that sold for $1/m automatically in those days, as it will soon now.
  25. What the hell are LL playing at? Is this some sort of sick experiment to see just how angry they can make tier-paying resisents? It's often commented that Lindens don't have the slightest clue about in-world. This has got to be one of the most perverse moves by LL in recent history. Indeed. I couldn't agree more. I don't think it's a sick experiment, exactly, as that would imply conscious will and planning; it's more like allowing coders who think only in terms of start 0/1 alternatives and who have absolutely no interest in the world, it's economy, what happens to it because of their code, etc. -- and letting. It's what I call "insect politics" as in that movie "The Fly". Remember when he was still half-man he tried to think, should he eat his girlfriend or not? The exigencies of one creature take over the whole world because there is nothing to stop it. Some of the coding Lindens are extreme Stallmanites, anti-copyright/'anti-property/free open source blah blah types and the land market only irritates them.
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