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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Rendering the avatar is a special case. It is a more complex process than rendering in the rest of Second Life. The idea with avatars is to save CPU cycles on users' computers and the SL servers. The idea requires your viewer to download all the textures that make up your avatar and its clothes; a shape, skin, top, pants, hair, and shoes textures. The viewer ‘bakes’ those into a single composite texture. You see your avatar render nice and sharp when that bake completes. Then your viewer uploads that composite texture for all to see. That saves others downloading all the individual textures and baking them. Your avatar goes blurry as it downloads and decompresses the composite texture you just uploaded and it becomes sharp when that process finishes. You are the only one that sees the double blurry for your avatar. If that process hangs or fails there is a problem. Where it fails affects what you or others see. You can try the old standby quick fixes for avatar rez problems: Change your active group or group tag. Press rebake (Ctrl-Alt-R) once a minute for 3 minutes. Change your bald. Change your shape. Move to another region and try 1 to 4 again. Still failing, turn off HTTP Get Texture. – Debug Settings: ImagePipelineUseHTTP = False. With HTTP Get off, press rebake once a minute for 3 minutes. Once baked correctly change ImagePipelineUseHTTP back to TRUE. When those fail, check your connection as it is the most likely problem: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection There is a longer explanation of the problem here: #SL Clouds, Grey, and Blurry Avatars. More in depth fixes are here: Avatar Render Problems: Ghost Cloud Smoke Ball Ruth. This whole avatar render process is changing now. It will be March or April 2013 before the process is replaced. So, we have to deal with it for now. But see: Second Life Changes Coming
  2. To understand what files are in use in SL skim through this article: Second Life Mesh Clothes Blender 2.6 Setup 2012 Tutorial
  3. Your hardware is good. So far the information here is good too. You can check your connection using these steps: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection. This article will show you how to use the viewer and other tools to tell if the problem is your connection and if so, whether it is you, the ISP, someone in between, or the Lab. It will also show you how to test whether it is the viewer or server that is having problems. It explains which readings in the viewer are real and which are not what we think, like the viewer's PING reading - which is highly subject to distortion and not measuring the same thing as your OS's ping. A test to tell if it is the viewer freezing or slow data arrival lagging the viewer, turn your avatar using the arrow keys. If the viewer is freezing, the arrow keeys will NOT turn your avatar. If the avatar turns, the viewer isn't freezing. Use the arrow keys to move the avatar forward and backward. If that works, the viewer is communicating with the server. If it is not working you see the avatar stay in place or rubberband, move some distance then snap back. Communications lag can make the viewer feel sluggish. It won't freeze the viewer. You can always move your camera no matter how slow or bad the connection. Jerky camera movement is a viewer side problem. Right now there is a problem with viewers using CHUI, Chat Hub User Interface. The Beta and Dev viewers have CHUI. But I have seen similar problems, such what you are apparently having, in the main viewer. So, while it may be worse in the Beta, there is something going on. There is a known problem where the viewer has a number of mini-freezes right after login. The Lab is looking for the cause of that problem. There is another problem where we see mini-freezes or short periods of low viewer FPS in mesh areas. The blogger Penny Patton has tracked that down to creators building with mesh using lots of large textures (1024x1024 - 3.1mb). In such areas turning the avatar in a 360 degree sweep of the area will kill FPS rates. I suspect what is happening is there are so many textures being swapped in and out of video memory it even brings 650 cards down. It certainly brings my 560 down. AFAIK, there are no tools for measuring video card swap rates. However, GPU-Z will tell you a lot about what your video card is doing. (Free program). You can follow BUG-2082, CHUIBUG-132, and CHUIBUG-171. Possibly VWR-28521. I think anyone can follow the CHUI items. If you want to know more about what your viewer is doing, use Fast Timers, Ctrl-Shift-9. Also, the current nVidia driver is: 314.07 or in long form:
  4. Peak useage in SL is 2 PM Pacific Time (USA - GMT -7 or -8 hours depending Daylight Savings). Minimum use is about 2 AM. You might try working with the MP near the minimum use times.
  5. Lost inventory comes in two flavors; actually lost and apparently lost. The later can be fixed by you. The prior may require a trouble ticket to be fixed. One of the primary causes of apparently lost inventory is a poor Internet connection. Starting last year the world started seriously changing from IPv4 to IPv6. Hardware the world over is changing. So, at any given minute a peice of hardware between you and the SL servers may change. So, make a quick check that your connection is still good. The tests are easy and should be a FIRST step in troubleshooting. See Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection. If you have a connection problem, clearing your cache will aggrevate the problem of lost inventory. Consider clearing the SL cache a last resort step. Consider when (time-wise) you are having the problem. If it is Tuesday or Wednesday morning (Pacific Time USA), it may be the SL servers restarting. Also check Second Life Grid Status Reports to see if a grid wide problem has come up. It can take a couple of hours for a problem to appear there. So, keep checking while you try to resolve the problem. The last couple of days there have been some alerts about maintenance on the SL Inventory System and warning people may have inventroy problems. Once you are certain your connection is good, the router and computer have been restarted, and you have checked that the grid is actually working... then and only then start looking at other fixes. This will save you loads of problems and avoid aggravating problems from temporaily messed up connection. When you are certain you need to do something to fix your inventory; run through these steps: Second Life Lost Inventory and Missing Inventory Fix – Help. The article gets into many of the problems old vewers had that have been fixed. I've updated it to reflect those changes. But, the various fixes still work. Try everything and save the cache clear for last resort.
  6. Lost inventory comes in two flavors; actually lost and apparently lost. The later can be fixed. The prior requires a trouble ticket be filed with the Lab. Also, if you use the SL Viewer and have consistent problems with inventory file a trouble ticket. There is something on the Lab's side that gets messed up. They now have a scripted fix that support can run to clear the problem. Most apparently lost item problems come from connection problems. So, I suggest you run through Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection and eliminate those possible problems before filing and waiting on a trouble ticket. There are a number of basic steps we have used for years to clear up apparently lost inventory problems. See them here: Lost Inventory and Missing Inventory Fix – Help -- this is getting a bit old, but the basic process remains valid. On a side note, clearing cache is sometimes needed to clear up an inventory problem. But, in general it is the last resort troubleshooting step. For some problems, like when there is a connection problem, clearing the cache makes things much worse. Since connections problems are currently the most predominant reason for lost inventory, take that step as a last resort.
  7. There are things you can do to help protect your rights. Filing a DMCA is about the only way to protect anything that is put online for others to see. Most everything on the Internet gets ripped off. In the entire history of digital products every protection scheme has been defeated by those disrespectful of people's rights and willing/wanting to steal. RL laws are the ONLY protection. I know that is counter intuitive. But, like many things people don't understand, intuitive thinking leads to the wrong conclusion. With digital products one must be prepared to defend their work. Arm yourself with knowledge and the proper tools. This article will give you an idea of the problem scope in SL: Designing Worlds on Griefing. The article includes steps you can take to protect your rights.
  8. There are a number of base addresses the Lidnens use. Try these: secondlife.com lindenlab.com For some emails the server name can get long, like: @mail.my.secondlife.com. So, if possible leave out the @.
  9. When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. Help->About... provides all the version numbers we need. There are drivers that have problems. So, knowing the version can give us a hint whether it is the mesh or your driver. When checking mesh items in world use Ctrl-Shift-R to turn on wire frame view. This will let you see how well the mesh is made and if it has an outragious number of polygons.
  10. Today news broke on significant changes that are coing to Second Life. These changes affect those that make scripted products, like animation overriders (AO). But, the changes affect more than just AO's. Plus, we are getting ribbon particles. See the details here: Second Life Scripting Changes - AO & Particles
  11. I write you you translate in Italian guys .. beginning to be irritated by these constant flag I delete things .. notwithstanding place them in the correct sections .. piuò you know that you have against me? I put my creations .. My .. in the correct section and I delete them .. but .. tell me that I have to do to stay calm chenza I erase all the inventory? Google did a poor job of translating your post. Be sure your sentences are well formed and use proper puncuation. Google ha fatto un pessimo lavoro di tradurre il tuo post. Assicurarsi che le frasi sono ben formate e utilizzare puncuation corretta. I am guessing you are asking about 'categories' in the Market Place (MP). If your item is not staying in the category you want, it is because a Market Place Manager is changing it. You can file a trouble ticket about the problem and see if you get an answer. You have a better chance of getting an answer if you exlpain the problem in detail. I am guessing at what you mean. If a Linden saw your complaint, they might ignore it. They don't spend much time on things they don't understand. Sono indovinando che si sta chiedendo di «categorie» sul mercato (MP). Se il vostro articolo non è rimanere nella categoria desiderata, è perché un gestore di Market Place sta cambiando. È possibile presentare una richiesta di assistenza per il problema e vedere se si ottiene una risposta. Hai una migliore possibilità di ottenere una risposta se si exlpain il problema in dettaglio. Sto indovinando quello che vuoi dire. Se un Linden visto il vostro reclamo, potrebbe ignorare. Essi non spendere molto tempo su cose che non capiscono.
  12. Thanks for making the update to the manual.
  13. The long answer with several things to try is here: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection
  14. Quando você faz uma pergunta tecnologia incluem informacões sobre seu computador e espectador. Se o espectador, pelo menos, mostrar a tela de login, obter a informacão do telespectador da Ajuda-Sobre ... e cole isso em seu post com a sua pergunta. Ajuda-> Sobre ... fornece todos os números de versão de que precisamos. Para adicionar a sua informacão para uma utilizacão pergunta existente OPCÕES-> Editar. É no canto superior direito da sua mensagem. Para obter mais informacões sobre DNS verificar este tutorial de conexão: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection (Solucionar seu # Conexão SL). É em Inglês, desculpe. Eu usei o Google para a traducão, então eu espero que não seja tão ruim.
  15. When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. If the viewer will at least show the login screen, get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. Help->About... provides all the version numbers we need. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post. There are a number of thiings that can cause the kind of lag you are seeing. You can run the tests here: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection. This is written for testing connections to SL.
  16. If you get lost in what files are which and what people are doing with them, check out: Second Life Mesh Clothes Blender 2.6 Setup 2012 Tutorial. It is aging a bit, but mostly correct. Rotating I have no problem rotating the avatar and skeleton to get x-mirror working. The trick is to be sure you have the avatar at 0,0,0 and rotate on that point. Then you can rotate back before exporting. Learn how the rotate, apply transforms, and clear transforms work. I can generally type: r, z, -90, Enter to rotate the avatar so I can work on it. To undo the rotation for export type: Alt-r. You'll figure out how to orient the clothes to work with the rotations. I tend to create my starting mesh with the avatar facing the X-Axis direction and then rotate both to face the Y-Axis direction. I am VERY careful to be sure the origins of the clothes and avatar are on the 'up axis' zero value... meaning my origin's X & Y = 0 when I rotate on Z (up). Once you figure out the Blender controls and how Blender exports orient to SL, it is easy. If you work with animations, like the SL default animations, you'll find they often have X-axis as the up axis. So, you'll need to do rotations to make things work.
  17. The Grid Status site for SL posted that deleiveries were bring delayed until today. That problem has been fixed. Your stuff should arrive. If not, follow Val's advice.
  18. Andrew has said they cannot reproduce the problem. He thinks it may have something to do with ping time, which would make repro it diffcult from within the Lab. So, let him know if you are able to reproduce the problem. Those experiencing the problem should check their ping times and report them. That will prove or disprove the ping time idea.
  19. When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. If the viewer will at least show the login screen, get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. Help->About... provides all the version numbers we need. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post. Without that information, all we can do is guess and that will put you in a tedious cycle of post and try.
  20. I am guessing English is not your first language. Try your post in your native. See if you get better answers. PLAT... that doesn't fit. There is plot, which can mean a piece of land. We generally use the world 'parcel,' meaning a piece of land as used in Second Life. If that piece of land (plot or parcel) is next to a region boundary, you can experience problems as you cross the region boundary. If your connection is having problems you can also have problems moving around. There is a phenomenon we call rubber-banding, where you walk forward and some times walk through walls then sudden spring back and start walking forward again. The problem can come from connection lag or server lag. Read Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection to figure out if it is your Internet connection or the server. When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. Help->About... provides all the version numbers we need. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.
  21. The regions are supposed to provide warning, RC or Main channel. If you have good evidence that is not happening, file a JIRA. Be sure to read the instructions, if you have never filed a JIRA BUG report. I am using the 3.5.1-270826 Dev Viewer and I have seen the larger 'more noticable' warnings. However, I find that they are not all that noticable. I think that after I get used to the new CHUI I will find the popup in the upper right more noticable as there will be fewer popups with the CHUI.
  22. They didn't really take it OUT... they just have not gotten around to putting it in Firestorm. There was some change in the SL system that created a problem for later versions of Phoenix. The FS Team never fixed it. They just dropped the feature for Phoenix. Jessica has said a couple of times the shape to OBJ export is on the list of features to be added to Firestorm. There are files available with the 'default' avatar and armature. The armature can be used with custom shapes you export with Phoenix 1185. You can read about the different files and shapes that are considered 'default' or base shapes in this article: http://blog.nalates.net/2012/05/20/second-life-mesh-clothes-blender-2-6-setup-2012-tutorial/2/
  23. I generally keep up on the coming Materials System and the Mseh Deformer project. My latest article is here: Materials System Update 2013-6.
  24. You can search on Magnum, Le Tigre, and Blue Steel to find the test regions for the RC channels. These are littel used sandboxes that few know about.
  25. The other responses give you the most likely reason for the problem you ran into. The setting you need to change is in Preferences->General. Enable the Show at Login for Start Location. This will put another field on your login screen and allow you to choose your login location/region. I think most longer term users have this enabled. It is handy. There are other reasons to get this error message. If you keep running into it then it is likely a connection problem. If you want to check that, you need to make some specific tests for Second Life, not just the Internet in general. You can find information on how to do that here: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection
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