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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. LOL - Perrie!!! You really have kept your hands busy with all those combinations of clicking. Good strategy! Cinn
  2. It's gettin' hot in herrrrrrrre.... /me starts peeling layers off and looking for the firehose... And puts away the hairspray - safety first. Cinn P.S. I do not find any of this to be harassing, or inciting, or flaming or trolling. As far as I can tell it is just differing perspectives on the same issue. Carry on.
  3. A sense of community? Interesting topic for these forums (for more than 1 reason). I will answer the one I think your asking. I have been a member of several different communities since I first logged in. SL is fluid and constantly changing, so the groups I have joined change constantly, too. Sims open and close, rp stories start and fail, clubs come and go, groups grow and shrink, friends log in then disappear. It is constant change. I have joined a few groups that I really enjoy, but none I go exclusively to and none that I feel completely accepted by. That is probably my own fault. However, ALL of the individuals I've met inworld and in these forums enrich my life - I like the diversity and banter. My world is much bigger and more exciting because I have the opportunity to meet so many different characters from so many different places. Come to think of it, maybe I don't want to be part of just one community... Maybe it is perfect just the way it is - my ever-changing inworld experience, where I am free to come and go, agree and disagree, disappear for a few days, then start all over with something new. I can still keep and foster the friendships I have and just let my circle grow and shrink as the changes occur. I can be fluid, too. Cinn
  4. Yes! We need a few more guys to post over there. We have a lot of beautiful ladies and only a few beautiful guys (and I, for one, am very glad to see every pic they post). Lane - I expect to see a post over there soon. The Kang must be seen to be appreciated. Cinn
  5. Dresden Ceriano wrote: >snip< I believe this extends to a VW's forum as well. Sure you (not specifically) could wipe out any and all contentious content to your hearts content (including humor), but what are you left with? I place that lacks the excitement needed to draw people in to participate in the first place. If this is LL's strategy concerning the forum, then they can continue doing that and continue driving people away until all they have left is a boring, sanitized wasteland of nothing but lolcatz and hypersensitive idiots. >snip< ...Dres We can only guess what LL's strategy regarding the forums is since all we have are Community Guidelines that are a little vague. It seems it would be a bit counterproductive to wipe ALL contentious content away. We are all still feeling our way around and guessing at where the line is drawn today. I still post my concerns in the Feedback Forum when I feel like it even knowing it may never be read by anyone.
  6. Roseysun Galicia wrote: Are you going to continue having the Adult Forum User Group meetings? Or will you close that meeting group as well and shift everything to the Adult Forums? Hi Roseysun - Good question. You might want to ask that question in the Adult Forum. I am pretty sure there is an actual Linden in there to read and answer your question. I am not sure how often they visit this one. Cinn
  7. I forgot to babysit this thread... How is it going in here? Are we all playing nicely? I thought the CTUG meetings were announced in the Forum Feedback Forum. Was I misinforumed? (I know I just made that word up, but it has a nice ring to it). I never went to one because they happened while I was at work. So, I thank all of you who could go for being my voice and giving up some of your time to try to make this a better place for all residents. It is too bad that route is now closed to us... Cinn
  8. I finally thought of a family tradition. As I previously stated, we are not planners. Everything is thrown together at the last minute and has always worked out great. We do, however, have one tradition that is the same every year. It happens to be our tree. It starts out as a normal Christmas tree with all the typical decorations - colorful lights and balls, icicles, 12-days of Christmas ornaments, apples, pickles and pink flamingos (that's what everyone uses, right?) BUT... It is not completed until the end of the month. Everyday a few new things are added. We might wake up in the morning to find a stuffed animal, fishing lure, cat collar, internet memes(decorated, of course), faux flowers, beads or whatever random object we like at the moment (I think I remember finding a gold spray-painted sock one year.) By the end of the month you can barely tell there is a tree underneath. I LOVE this about my family and I hope my kids will continue it with their own families someday. The other tradition is that we never use the same tree topper. It is always hand-made by someone in the family. This years tree-topper was designed by my oldest daughter. I will attach a picture of the tree as it stands now, and, if I remember to, I will attach another picture of what it becomes by the end of the month. Cinn
  9. BlazingNight wrote: :headdesk: Welcome to the forums, BlazingNight. Can I offer you a soft pillow to put under your head? Cinn BTW (chat speak), if civilization as we know it ever comes to an end, you may be seeking creative thinkers like Storm to help ensure your survival.
  10. Nope. There is no way to hide your online status - not even by unchecking boxes. In fact, in some viewers your friends will be able to tell if you are trying to hide. You will still show up online in your groups. You CAN use the away message if you don't want to be bothered. Cinn
  11. Ohhhh!!! Here it is!!! I forgot you asked to move the thread. I am counting down the days, Hippie. Can't wait! Cinn
  12. I kinda like Vista Animation's Dangerous Girl AO. Not over girlie and just a little Bad-a$$.
  13. I share free hugs, Storm. Do you need one? I have been told they last just long enough to make you a bit uncomfortable... @Ciao - Niiiice!
  14. My bestest SL friend (I am not sharing him ladies and gents - he's all mine) and I as he teaches me how to use the windlight settings, after Maddy told me where they were, for the first time: and here is the best pic I got. Apparently I should have paid attention to which setting this was, but I have no idea... Something about toxic water and London in the future... I think...
  15. Beautifully stated, Perrie... And I'll second that. Cinn
  16. I am not feeling the love here, Derek. Where's my warm fuzzy feeling? I need a hug, Cinn
  17. There was another thread recently about picking up random textures on things. If I can find it, I will put the link here to see if it helps. Cinn ETA: I found the thread - it has to do with eyes, but maybe some of the advice there will help: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/I-did-something-to-my-eyes/td-p/1256099
  18. I like your strategy, Eloise. We need a few more left shoulder sitters. I would also prefer to leave others with a smile than a frown. Cinn
  19. I don't mean to be a pain in the butt, but I think what many are asking for here is whether we will receive feedback on our feedback. Generally people start talking louder if they don't think they are being heard, so I am just trying to figure out whether whispering or shouting is the better option.
  20. Will someone from the Lab be in here occasionally to acknowledge that this is not a blackhole? Will there be someone to, at times, respond to what is left here? Can someone be responsible for disseminating information to the rest of us about what is being done behind the scenes? Or that SOMETHING is being done behind the scenes? Can someone please give me the definition of transparency? I seem to have the wrong idea about what it is and would appreciate clarification... Cinn
  21. Good question, Jennifer. It could come in a pack (based on color, straight or curly, length) and have options for where the flat part is depending on how you wear your hat - forward on the head like a cowboy hat, off to the right or left like a beret or farther back on the head like some of those cute winter hats I've been seeing. I'd buy it... Cinn
  22. If someone would just release a quick note (you can even lie to us) to let us know we are being heard. Here are some ideas: We realize there are many resident concerns at the moment. Please stick with us until we come up with some ideas to address these concerns... Our staff is going through some re-education training at the moment. We are attempting to transplant fairness and consistency. I know you will all understand that this takes time... We have decided to review all posts and disciplinary actions over the last 2 months. This will be followed by some discussion and debate, some employees may be reassigned to other areas. We lost a few employees due to the fiasco happening in the SLums. A new position has been created to separate the 2 issues as the line seems to have blurred and our employee pool is being stretched too thinly. The issue of where to hide the bodies of the scapegoats has recently come to light. We will be unavailable for comment until we can create a statement that puts a positive spin on this mess and puts all responsibility firmly on the scapegoat. You can continue the lie... I mean letter by ending this release with something like: We here at Linden Lab value our customer base. All avenues are being considered to move forward in a positive way. We want you to know we hear you and that your concerns are being addressed in an orderly fashion. As always, our first priority is, and has always been, our residents' happiness. After all, it is really you who created this world and it you who should be thanked for all your valuable input. Pretty simple really. Just let us know what is going on. A little communication can go a LONG way. Part of the promised transparency would be letting us know that something is being done behind the scenes - even if it is to tell us that you have no idea how to solve the issue. Cinn Just to clear up any confusion... Nothing above has been stated by any employee of LL. It is simply Cinnamon offering some ideas and feedback - In no way should you consider this as anything else.
  23. @ Randall - I had to look him up. He is funny - not for everyone granted, but LOL!!!!
  24. You are absolutely correct in this, Pussycat. There really is NO excuse for true hate and intolerance, not even hidden under a joke. I happen to like both of those comedians, but I am not sure how I'd feel about the joke switching. I can't say I've never been offended by a comedian either. There are times when I thought a joke went too far. When I say I like stereotypes and find them funny, it is because I recognize a stereotype when I see one. I also have first hand experience in being a minority in a community, so feeling the disapproval of others for being just what I am is known to me. I can not, however, take comedy away from people as a valid strategy for getting a point across. It works when used properly and can cause change in a non-threatening manner. (This is not to take away from your point that hate-filled jokes have no place here or anywhere). I can't speak to those who are pretending to be someone else to get away with perpetuating negative stereotypes. If I have run into that, I have not seen it for what it was, but I would never support it. >A more eloquent, or perhaps sophisticated speaker, has no need to sink into vulgarity to get a message across. Vulgarity and insult are the vehicles of an emotional loss of control over one's message.< ^^This^^ is very clear, well said and I agree 100%. I believe there are many here that would also agree with this assessment. I hope a few more people are willing to read this whole thread. I have seen myself in a few of these responses. I hope others do to and think a second time about their words before pressing the "post" button Cinn I am aware I missed more than a few commas in this, but I thought it more important to get my thoughts out than proofread.
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