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Porky Gorky

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Posts posted by Porky Gorky

  1. Last I heard Podyan was set to become a welcome area for ZIndra. Like a stepping stone or bridge into the adult world of SL.

    Edit - I found the link I read previously.


    Edit again...I really like the way you described it, makes it sound like the island out of Lost. However by the looks of it, Podyan has failed to meet it's full potential....again, just like Lost.

  2. We should summarise. So we know you started out asking advice on how to snoop on your partner. Then you were asking advice on how to understand the transaction history (presumably your partners) and now you want advice on how to reclaim your account after your partner presumably caught you and pwned your arse. 

    I really feel like we are missing all the best bits here. Tell us what happened between wanting to spy on your partner and loosing your account and we may be able offer more help :matte-motes-big-grin:

  3. Leia36 wrote:

    Ask someone who does not use SL this question, short answer? No, SL has no celebs and anyone claiming to be a celeb  needs to go hang out with napoleon on the funny farm

    That is not true. Anshe broke the glass ceiling, she made it onto the cover of Business Week, she made is onto RL talk shows and  radio shows and received mainstream media attention far beyond the confines of SL if only for a short time. 

    She was a celebrity, although I would not consider her one now. So to say SL has no celebrities is not correct, but I think you can count all of SL's celebrities over the past decade on one hand.


  4. Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

    Again, Porky ? :smileylol:


    I know!. I really do try to resist as it's childish and it lowers the tone of the place, but I'm afraid it has to be done. 

    My goal now is to get 3 in one week so I shall be watching you very closely for the next few days Trinity. :matte-motes-big-grin:


  5. Contact billing and ask them exactly how the charge was incurred.


    Billing support phone numbers

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    • France: 0805.101.490
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    • Support is in English Only

  6. Jarnz Dench wrote:

    seems like a waste of resources and time.

    I agree apart from one exception. MB redundancy has the potential to remove allot of old unsupported content from the MP. So hopefully this will be beneficial from a housekeeping perspective.

    It will be interesting to see how many listings actually disappear on retirement day Maybe we should start a pool, everyone take a guess at the total number of MP listing after retirement. :matte-motes-big-grin:


  7. Laetizia Coronet wrote:

    We should restrict all messages to mesh tablets with the message in relief, made by the sender in Blender. That should take care of the fluff.

    Or LL could offer a facility on the website to forward all private messages from inworld, the forums, the profiles and where ever else, to 1 email address. They create all these multiple options for users to communicate with each other but no tools to manage and coordinate it all..... unless this already exists and I am just missing it..

  8. Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

    It blocks private messages from those being "ignored".


    The other alternative to the ignore button is laziness. I read my forum IM's about once every 6 months and generally just delete most without reading them, there are 36 unread right now accross the 2 accounts I use on the forums, but I know most of it is just going to be mods moaning or other forum users complaining and what not. Can't be bothered with it. There are too many ways for people to communicate in SL You've got inworld IM, local chat, voice chat, inworld conference, notecards, group chats, feeds, forums, forum IM and web profile IM. I expect I am missing some but that doesn't matter, the point is there are too many options IMO.



  9. I don't think you should take it personally. To a owner/manager of a busy sim, you are just one in a long line of visitors. Some sims attract allot of griefers, allot of rule breakers and allot of general idiots. So the managers task is a tireless and thankless one. After a while they may become less tolerant and just kick and ban without question. This is because it's a process they may go through multiple times everyday and they haven't got the time or inclination to sit around explaining themselves to everyone who gets upset for the harsh treatment. I don't blame them

    Rules are generally put in place for a reason,maybe to maintain the atmosphere and feel of the sim, to maintain order or sometimes an extreme rule could have been put in place to address an earlier issue that you are not aware of.

    If you are not able to accept it and move on then I suggest you create an alt, go back to the sim undercover and subtly investigate the rules further with the owner and the regulars to try and find out why they are in place. Hopefully that will provide you with a more satisfactory answer as to why you were banned.

  10. Laetizia Coronet wrote:

    If Storm succeeds in discussing P. Dipstick with you enough, he will eventually reach increased levels of fame.

    I guess it works both ways. Every time I seem to post about Daniels on SLF he takes to the feeds to insult me or to reference some embellished fictional victories he has had over me on the forums of old, despite the fact that we have barely ever interacted in the past.

    So I guess if I am helping him become famous by talking about him, then he is doing the same for me as he does not seem to be able to resist the urge to mention me on the feeds as of late. 

    Of course, it's all completely irrelevant, aside from a few interested parties, the majority of readers could not care less. 

  11. Storm Clarence wrote:

    He has not posted to this forum for some time.....


    I bet that was written with a tongue in cheek ::matte-motes-big-grin:

    There is no denying the fact that people on the feeds, people on SLF and the blog readers know who Pep is, But does that constitute celebrity? That is such a small bubble and these places are only frequented by a few hundred people at any given time. Generally allot of the people who use or read the feeds are the same people that read SLF and the more popular blogs, just the same few hundred people. Mainly hardcore or longerm Sl'ers

    In a virtual world frequented by tens of thousands of users ever day I think being a celebrity requires making a bigger impact, one that transcends the hardcore userbase and permeates into the consciousness of the average user, reaching those people who have not immersed themselves in the SL community as most of us have here..

    So I am not disagreeing with the notion that Pep is a celebrity simply because I think he is annoying. It's because I don't think he meets the requirements for being labeled a "celebrity". I think that privilege is reserved for only a few SL users that have achieved something remarkable, those who have made an impact across the whole virtual world and into the real world. 

    That is a very short list.

    If we label Pep a celebrity based on the achievements you mentioned then we need to add hundreds if not thousands more to that list because many have achieved the same level of recognition as Pep has in the last decade through a variety of methods including the social media avenue that Pep has gone down.

  12. Does anyone technically minded think LL will ever introduce reflective surfaces into SL? What are the technical limitations to them introducing this? I have been seeing reflective surfaces in video games for over a decade now. I want them here too.

    I know all the tricks for creating artificial reflections in SL, but they are all sub par compared to the real (simulated) thing imo.


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