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steph Arnott

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Everything posted by steph Arnott

  1. To be honist do not worry about it to much. What you write now wont be the same as you do in a few weeks or months time. The only thing i would suggest is next time is putting what you wrote on the thread so others can scan it and see what there experience comes up with. If the script getting you upset, best go have fun and chill then look at it again.
  2. This may be a stab in the dark, but i have done this once before. I left a snippet in the code that effectivly kept me as the owner.
  3. I very rarley complain, but i wish some would at least make an effort to learn the basics.Trying shows willigness. I used search engins, borrowed sl book from the library, Read page after page of wiki. Wrote scripts 100 linws long ang 3 months later said what on earth is that it only needs 10, lol End of my complaining.
  4. You can not, its not a real world.
  5. ok inderstand that this clears the value gOffSetList = [ ]; But not how this is gFormList = llParseString2List(data, ["|"], []);
  6. Thx Ela for the lesson, i will study your points. I not a programer or scripter just a girl trying to do things as best i can. Trouble is reading sl book and wiki does not reaally explain what acctually happens.I will rerite the question. When i teleport, the object rezz around me and if i summon the object it rezz in front of me. this works ok. I tell the hud not to rezz on teleport then i can teleport ie clubs without the object rezzing. this works fine, the problem is when i do summon the object after teleporrting around it does not rezz in front of me as it should but around me. It only does this once then the summon works perfect. Not sure that any clearer, lol As i say i not a programer, but i will make every effort to keep writing scripts to just use as little code as poss.
  7. Be aware a script editor may run the code but inworld it fails.
  8. I read your post. Unfortuanatly no one can be trusted in SL and many in SL do either. But best of luck.
  9. scus me will i go too my scripting room and hit my head with a hammer saying after each blow, "thankyou mr linden, thankyou mr linden"
  10. i coverted it to an output text string, it was all ok till sl stopped the avi tping at a fixed rotation. Thax for that, im going have to think about this as it creating a domino effect on problems.
  11. Ok i must be getting stypid, I cant seem to convert this to llMapDestination. llOwnerSay("Click link below to Teleport\n secondlife:///app/teleport/" + region + "/"+(string)llRound(slurl_vector.x)+ "/" +(string)llRound(slurl_vector.y)+ "/" +(string)llRound(slurl_vector.z));
  12. You a star, works perfect. All for one comma, sheesh. Big hug.
  13. Thnx, now you rewrote it i can see the comma. This were new eyes see the obvious. Will get back with the results, Many thanks
  14. Hie all, could someone have a look at this, For a reason i can not see, it will not initiate the forced tp. The co-or are being stred. Thanxs. //By Steph Arnott 16/01/2012 //Notes //Once home pos is set default is locked out //Set object name and descrition //constants string Avatar; list ghomeDestination = []; key owner_id; integer rlvrc = -1812221819; integer homePos = -2001650;//Message from threshold for HOME return tp string cmd_name; float vol = 1.0; float sleeper = 0.4; vector global_vector; //functions fade_out() { llTriggerSound("TardisDemat",vol); llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET,1.0,ALL_SIDES); llSleep(sleeper); llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET,0.9,ALL_SIDES); llSleep(sleeper); llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET,0.8,ALL_SIDES); llSleep(sleeper); llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET,0.7,ALL_SIDES); llSleep(sleeper); llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET,0.6,ALL_SIDES); llSleep(sleeper); llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET,0.5,ALL_SIDES); llSleep(sleeper); llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET,0.4,ALL_SIDES); llSleep(sleeper); llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET,0.3,ALL_SIDES); llSleep(sleeper); llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET,0.2,ALL_SIDES); llSleep(sleeper); llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET,0.1,ALL_SIDES); llSleep(sleeper); llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET,0.0,ALL_SIDES); } //Main code default { changed(integer ch) { if(ch&CHANGED_OWNER) { llResetScript(); } } on_rez(integer start_param)//This block is a test { llSetObjectName("Clock"); llSetObjectDesc("Village Memorial Clock v1.5"); } state_entry() { owner_id = llGetOwner(); cmd_name = "cmd_id"; llListen(homePos,"",NULL_KEY,""); } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string params ) { if(channel == homePos) { llGetListLength(ghomeDestination); ghomeDestination = llDeleteSubList(ghomeDestination,0,-1); ghomeDestination = llParseString2List(params, ["|"], []); state home_set; } } state_exit() { fade_out(); llOwnerSay("Home teleport position has been set and locked.\nThe exterior is now invisible." +"\nTake exterior and add to TPHUD contents."); llListenRemove(homePos); } } //Goto states state home_set { state_entry() { llCollisionSound("", 0.0); // Remove the annoying thump sound from collisions } collision_start(integer total_number) { string temp = llList2String(ghomeDestination,1); global_vector = (vector) temp; string x = (string) global_vector.x; string y = (string) global_vector.y; string z = (string) global_vector.z; Avatar = (string)llDetectedKey(0); llSay(rlvrc,cmd_name+","+Avatar+"@tpto:"+ x + "/" + y + "/" + z +"=force"); } }
  15. Thnx but that not the problem, i need the agent to arrive at a fixed rotation. The object rezzes perfectly { llSleep(1.5); string msg = (string)llList2String(gFormList,0); vector pos = llGetPos(); rotation TProt = llGetRot(); vector offSet = (vector)llList2String(gOffSetList,0); vector Adjpos = pos + offSet * TProt; vector speed = ZERO_VECTOR; rotation rot = TProt; // * llEuler2Rot(<0.0,0.0,0.0>); integer startParam = llGetStartParameter(); llSleep(1.5); llRezAtRoot(msg, Adjpos, speed, rot, startParam); }
  16. Hmm, well, something has changed. As you said about face east. This no longer applies as a constant. Even with LM. It does appear that it has to be set by the land owner. I really not sure how to get over this as i capture the world co ord and not the rotation of the Avi too. Think you solved a problem and SL change things. As for script it is relevent for people that rezz object on tp.
  17. Sorry i been of world for a while. Has the fixed avi rotation on teleport changed?
  18. Thank you all, very appreciated. I find rotations some what confusing. Be safe and good health.
  19. Thanx, i have not been able to get in world as im traveling in Africa. So i been spending the boring times doing scripts, lol. As for params, i reed them but not get much info.
  20. Will this rezz the object in front of me on a stationary orbit of my rotation.E.G im at 45 ' will object rezz facing me and in front. This script is in a HUD as is the object and notecard. gOffSetList is by notecard e.g. <0.0,3.0,1.0> gFormList is parsed form chooser menu still do not know what the startParam actually does Exterior_summon_call() { string msg = (string)llList2String(gFormList,0); vector sumPos = llGetRootPosition();//llGetPos() rotation sumRot = llGetRootRotation();//llGetRot() vector offSet = (vector)llList2String(gOffSetList,1); vector Adjpos = sumPos + offSet * sumRot; vector speed = ZERO_VECTOR; rotation rot = sumRot * llEuler2Rot(<0.0,0.0,PI>);//180' integer startParam = llGetStartParameter(); llSleep(10.0); llRezAtRoot(msg, Adjpos, speed, rot, startParam); }
  21. The home RLV forced teleport is at a fixed position, the other is rezzed from an attached HUD. If i rotate my self and call to rezz the screen i have a rotation problem in as i do not return to the center of the rezzed prim. without a vector rotation offset i arrive at the collision point which automaticaly invoke another collision start sending me back to the home position. Think of it like this an empty box i walk into the far wall that tp me to home, i walk into the homet screen and i tp to the centre of the box, not at the recorded tp point which will instantly invkoke the collision start event and bounce me back.
  22. Maybe if you think it as a worm hole, fixed 1 end moveing the other.
  23. Ok, hope this is more understandable. im standing i a field, i rezz a teleport screen in front of me. (the screen has a hard code vector to send me to my home position). Its the return vector thats the problem. If i record the contact with the screen i will be bounced back to home pos. I can record the vector with an offset as long as it is rezzed with no rotation. If i turn 90 deg e.g and rezz, my offset is incorrect. What i was thinking is if i do a llPassCollision will the root prim im standing on be the returen vector or do i have to do some sort of rotation offset? I have never used PassCollision so i not know how it works and doing a rotation offset well not sure were to start on that one.
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