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Callie Cline

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Blog Comments posted by Callie Cline

  1. YAY!!!! I am so so so excited about this event!!! I hope many designers let their customers know  and help spread the word about this event :) 

    I think the fashion community in SSL is such a rich pool of talent and creativity. People can dress or express themselves in SSL in ways they could only dream of in RL and more.

    Fashion Bloggers  & writers take things that designers make, then as a user, not part of the designers work, take the creation, add their own twist, spin, and personality to then take that "new art" and show it to the world as it's own artistic presentation.

    People see that and want to "feel" what the fashion bloggers & writers show us. How awesome to open up an event for the public to inquire into the minds and hearts of these artists!!!

    These people work HARD, tirelessly and passionately at what they do and touch so many people and bring so much inspiration AND information we'd never be able to find on our own in SSL!!!

    I think you have chosen an AWESOME and diverse group of people who greatly be able to answer any question about SSL fashion and I'll be readying!!!! Can't wait! They are all amazing artists and community influences!

    Greatly job LL for organizing this, or whomever else did and for all the bloggers who said yes :)

    Yay Harper, Sassyfrass, Frolicooo, Miss Ophelia, Felicity, Whimsy, PopTart, Casja, Gidge!!!, Miss Berry!!! (and the rest whom I don't know but am excited to hear!!)


    Callie Cline


    P.S.. The GREAT thing about fashion or anything in SSL in creating as it can lead to all sorts of things!!! (I say that cuz, in the picture below, I'm wearing pants I made a few years back and holding a KittyCatS cat, that I now "make", (texturing and design) so you never know what expression change your "creativity" in SL will take!



  2. i wanted to say one thing. i've had overall GREAT customer support from LL over the past 4 years. from sim rollbacks to weird things happening on my land to help getting tp's set up just almost every experience but one i can think of has been handled really well and timely.

    the one BAD experience ended up good with a kind apology from the person helping me. sometimes i think the customer staff may not be in the best of moods, and i guess doing a job like fixing problems all day long could wear on the nicest person.

    but i just want to say for me in my experience, live help (the phone number to conceirge) has been amazing. (that is what i referenced above)

    before that there used to be a live help with volunteers which was INVALUABLE to me as a newbie, has that not existed and "dotedote edison" he was the guy i wrote everyday, i would have NEVER stayed in SL. EVER.

    perhaps LL can bring that back it was truly what kept me in SL. someone showing me how to do things like unpack or rez a box.

    ok well LL i know you get a lot of gripes but keep up the good work and THANK YOU for wanting to make customer service better!

    in fact thank you for all the changes you want to make to make SL better. we want it to be better too

    all the best,

    Callie Cline


  3. Dear LL,

    I'm curious to know why after all these comments there is no reply from you all? (perhaps in my reading every comment i missed one)

    Also, is there a reason you make these announcements and have comments open? Just curious. I know in the past you have changed based on "how many comments" come in, however that doesn't create good will at ALL. I'm confused at your approach.

    If your desicions or some of them are made to get "feedback" it could promote a lot of good will to do that first.

    Anyway I'm perplexed at this new descision for the NP's but am happy my tiers are staying the same so thank you for that. I know not many people have said thanks for keeping them the same but I am really thankful for that.


    Callie Cline

  4. hey jack

    i'd ask you to reconsider this idea all togehter. for a few reasons.


    1. cost. the amount of coding to implement something just so someone can "pick" a cute little name for above their head and to say "oh im in love" or whatever seems silly. why not a free titler in each avatars inventory? we see those anyway.

    2. the first/last name thing is GREAT and i don't want to be callie.cline i've spent a LOT of money building my brand in my avatar and to now have it be one name? it's silly. i'd propose 'if' you must go ahead with display names, to let us keep our first and last name. i LIKE reading first adn last names im USED to that. it's how it is in RL. one name seems very weird.

    3. millions upon millions of people have "tried" SL with the name system AS IT IS... but millions upon millions have not stayed. i would bet my last linden it's NOT because they didn't have the choice to express themselves via a display name.

    i realize that LL wants to grow and believe me i want you to as well as do many residents who have been around for a long time. there are SO many things we'd like, and i truly don't understand how the idea we wanted this more than other things we've been asking for.

    if people are NOT getting past the registration process due to picking a name, are you going to change that? that's not clear. if they enter as "joe.blow" and had to pick that, isn't it still that same process?????

    i can think of many other possibilites to make chosing a name easier and less of a hassle if it truly is that. again not ONE person i know that i've invited to sl EVER made an issue about picking a name.

    my vote is to keep thinking and truly, with ALL the ways we can express ourselves in SL, from avatars to clothing to those 'titlers' that we can use to CHANGE OUR NAME, i don't think we're lacking in ways to have self expression.

    on that note i'm gonna change my titler to "Jack Linden's Lover"



    callie cline

  5. WELCOME KIM!!!!

    callie%2Bcline%2Bhead%2Bshot.jpgcallie%2Bcline%2Bhead%2Bshot.jpgMy sincerest welcome to you! i'm SO happy to hear that LL has hired you and I wish you the BEST in your new job!

    I'd love to have you stop by my store and personally have you pick out some clothes if you'd like and meet you!

    I hope from some of the comments above you don't feel scared off. We're a diverse passionate group of folks in SL and well, as with any growing new company we have had to endure quite a few bumps in the road and a lot of growing pains.

    It would be awesome to get SL into a place where it could be marketed to more people who could actually find it a place to "dream great dreams and confidently pursue them".

    There's work to be done to get us there and I welcome you to our community!

    If I can be of any help as you talk to residents, feel free to contact me. I'd love to share my perspective as resident who's had the honor of crossing over into RL via various media platforms.

    Welcome again!

    Callie Cline


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