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Sephy McCaw

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Everything posted by Sephy McCaw

  1. sounds like the owners turned off the scripts sim wide and only group owned items may be useable, you can check if they did by going to world > place profile > region/estate then should be in the debug tab of that window...
  2. you should try and find the last viewer you used... anything in the recent times will annihalate your graphics chip, which is surprising you even get a decent amout of fps with it, your laptop is old, and not very powerfull, nothing much you can do except try all the different viewers available.
  3. it doesnt sound like a ruthing issue to me.... have you tried manually deleting the cache.. it sounds corrupt and not getting any updates from the servers for clothing, try that and see what happens.
  4. they give you a 5 min warning always.... not even sim owner restarts are under 1 min... you should probably pay more attention to your screen so you dont get "pissed off"
  5. they give you a 5 min warning always.... not even sim owner restarts are under 1 min... you should probably pay more attention to your screen so you dont get "pissed off"
  6. its an actual problem that LL need to fix... there is nothing you can do to get it to not crash... just wait for the next viewer release to see if that fixes the problem
  7. its an actual problem that LL need to fix... there is nothing you can do to get it to not crash... just wait for the next viewer release to see if that fixes the problem
  8. you could try overclockers, ebuyer or computer orbit(if you live in the northeast) i would advise you to skip pc world as they are just a bunch of rip offs. amd would be the cheaper card, but i would advise you to go for nvidia just for sl.... and 80 pound wouldnt get you and good card that would handle shadows. nVidia 550ti alittle bit over your price, its on special offer and you wont get anything better for shadows i dont think
  9. Personal experience is what I go by on 2 sets of AMD graphics cards (no it can't be my system cause they were both on different hardware) and also the countless of people that have posted about this issue over the last year or so. BTW did you try moving at all with VBO on? Fps dips like crazy, its a constant when its turned off.
  10. Alex, turn of Opengl vertex buffer object... it doesnt work at all for ati cards... to find it go to me > preferences > graphics > hardware, then untick enable Opengl Vertex buffer object
  11. yourr computer is fine, you dont need to change anything with it, sl is not friendly on AMD graphics cards, and you should turn off OpenGL vertex buffer, that is pretty much the failing problem for AMD cards..... your system is more then nough to handle sl
  12. LL have stated many times before that they cant change avatar structure simply for the fact that it will break all clothing content with how they have it set now.
  13. you can find the "about SL" in the help menu not in preferences.
  14. i do believe that it is a problem with the 4800 series cards themselves, its is actually being used(you can tell that just by the fact your getting a moderate rate of FPS ie not under 5 fps) it just doesnt get reported in any monitoring program that i ever saw do believe its an opengl thing though, try a dx game
  15. Im pretty sure 25-30fps is way good for any sort of combat sim, the more avatars their are the more your fps will drop because it has to render each one, i dont think getting a better card would help in this instance.
  16. have you tried using v2 and going to Me >preferences > chat > unticking play typing animation sounds to me it could be a network problem it useally happens when theres alot of lag
  17. security orbs affect the entire parcel and they always have an option to set i time limit on how long the person may stay on your land before getting ejected, of course if your already on the land when they turn up you can manually eject them yourself. In my opinion its personal preference to what you want to do, as you say your okay if they are respectful and dont stay very long. Also on the otherhand, they should have common sense to not just walk on your land without an invitation. P.S. you could always set it to only group member can access the land.
  18. I have to just say this that hes talking about SSE.. not SSE2....yes there is non SSE2 viewers out there but there isnt and non SSE viewers from what i can tell... not even pre alpha viewers were non SSE
  19. nope.. no chance at all.... i dont even think the very first viewers came without such instructions.... you could possibly try a text based viewer, but i wouldnt hold my breath if i was you.
  20. um im pretty sure chattel isnt a cow... a cow is cattle...
  21. From what i know about dells is that their machines use proprietry hardware, which means they need to be dell products for them to work, if your machine didnt come with a graphics cars and no other models of them had one in, you'd be hard pressed to find one.... best thing to do is what previous poster said and get a new system thats more powerfull.
  22. have you tried turning off opengl vertex buffer? there used to be a thread in here that had a fix for it, try using the search function to find it
  23. its a viewer bug, it mostly affects textured megaprims that have alpha parts on it i believe or altleast that has been me and my wifes experience
  24. if you read what the person said they didnt state that they couldnt see the text. /me likes cheese (this would show up in latest main viewer) Sephy McCaw likes cheese (this is what your supposed to see) to OP, if you leave the chat window open it works as intended
  25. actually anistrophic filtering only deals with textures(making the weird angled oneslook normal and unblurred) and doesnt affect anti-aliasing to OP would be best to just let Sl handle your anti aliasing it works just fine with shadows
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