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Wilma Philbin

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Everything posted by Wilma Philbin

  1. I was able to log in like 20 minutes ago, but was tossed out right now In Sweden so it could be just us outside US.
  2. When I buy something and find that the quality is very good or better than I feel I had the right to expect for that price, I definitely try to say thanks with a good rating in the Marketplace. I think expecting a thank you if you make good quality things available for others almost for free is totally reasonable. Maybe posting about it to remind us customers that creators are people helps a little too )
  3. I assure you this is racist in the US. Abuse report is the way to deal with it, but since that doesn't trigger any action I try this way hoping there is some person at LL reading these pages that don't want racist content in SL. I hope that's not too much of a burden on users reading the Forums.
  4. I am not a very sensitive person when it comes to adult or even a tad perverse content. But with openly racist content I expect LL to remove it immediately when reported. It's just not acceptable to leave it hanging there. My partner and I have both reported an annoying ball with an openly racist text above it. Maybe the text is not visible in the image sent in the report, but we have reported it has a racist text and that should at least make them look. I'm sure there would be immidiate action if I repeated the text here in the Forum.
  5. That just has to help. That is as funny as anything gets in Second Life or, come to think of it, anywhere else. Sends a hug too to improve your mood )
  6. This is what the grid status page says now: [postED 12:22 PM PST, 9 September 2013] We are currently performing unscheduled maintenance. During this time, some residents may be logged off and will be temporarily unable to log in, or experience inventory loading issues. This maintenance may also disrupt transactions, logins, or attempts to access some regions. Please refrain from transacting with L$ or rezzing valuable (no-copy) items until the all-clear is given. Please check back here for updates.
  7. There's a rumor being spread inworld that we won't be able to login tomorrow unless we update to viewer 3. I hope (and assume) there is not truth to that.
  8. I've been trying to buy L$ for 6 hours now. It takes me as far as to confirm my buy, then tells me there are technical problems. Can't find anything in the grid status about it tho. They charged my annual member fee successfully this morning, so it can't very well be another of those "we'r not so sure about this credit card so will you please update it again, even tho you used it for a year or so now".
  9. Thanks for all the answers. We have checked with all maturity settings, and over a period of days. If nothing major has changed with search it has to have to do with us adding more searchable items on the sim. We were worried that they had started some extra special "improvement" experiment on inworld search already.
  10. The last few days or store has dropped down in the inworld All search. I know there is a new version of search being beta tested, but I got the impression that wouldn't affect the current search. Am I wrong or have something else changed? Or is it just one of those SL things?
  11. Thanks Phil for the tip to talk to the Search team. I've lost touch of who does what at LL, but now we have a name it's lots easier
  12. True, there was a hint there when they stopped showing the objects. I assumed it was a mistake and would be corrected eventually at first. But that's what I thought about all the quirks with v2. It certainly doesn't make it any easier to find what you are looking for.
  13. Sorry it took me so long to answer. I had to get to bed so I would be fit for work. Now that I'm at work I have plenty of time to answer :smileyhappy: @Knowles Thank you Knowles, if if I ever dare thread into this minefield of a forum again, I'll try your idea! @Ciaran LOL, Thanks. I'm glad you didn't fall for the temptation to quote. Would hate to be responsible for leading you astray :smileysad: @Darrius I don't see any harm in adding searchable objects that reflects what a customer will actually find when they land in your store. I think it's a great idea for someone to add objects named after items in a vendor for instance. That helps a customer find what they are looking for. But to give the impression that you have more products for sale matching a keyword than you actually do just to climb in search is a totally different thing. If that is accepted today then we will probably have to do that too not to slip down the search pages, but it's a slippery slope. Search should be more than a way to advertise for merchants. I am a customer too and I would really like the search result reflect how much of what I look for a store has to offer. Applying rules in a sensible way rather than by the letter has a lot of going for it. It's still important for the principles of enforcement to be transparent so everyone can play by the same rules.
  14. From the Second Life wiki:http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Search_Guidelines"Search PoliciesAny attempt to artificially inflate your rank in search results could result in penalties to your rank, de-listing from search and disciplinary action against your Second Life account. This includes but is not limited to inappropriate use of traffic bots or Picks.Other things that may cause your listing to receive a lower search rank include: Keyword stuffing or false representation (for example, saying that your store sells skins when it only sells furniture). Remember that failure to follow the Maturity ratings and inworld search guidelines may cause your listing to be excluded from some or all searches."I had to check that this was still in there, and it was. Are these rules still enforced?The problem with keyword spamming really subsided for a while. Now my partner and I have repeatedly AR'd the same place for over two months. There is no doubt this is a question of keyword stuffing with for instance every sign listed as a product.It's been a relief not to have to resort to methods like that, but we need to compete on the same terms as our competitors.I apologize for the lack of proper linefeeds - this stupid edit box removes them :(
  15. We run a PG business and have seen a drastic drop too in sales both in the Marketplace and inworld the last month. Aren't the concurrent logins lower than usual too? (My first post on the new forums!)
  16. I am a born optimist, but I have to confess after seeing three years of LL inventing new ways not to communicate with their customers I seriously doubt you really want to know what we think. If you do want to communicate, just step in and start reading and responding where your customers are already spilling their heart out. This is your Dashboard/Blog/Forum. You are allowed to use it. I'm sure the nature of the Forums will rapidly change if there is any chance of reaching you here. And moderation might improve then. If you are just looking for customers to promote your plans to the community, then user groups is an excellent idea of course. I have - after lot of agonizing - finally started using a TPV viewer, Phoenix. They have a huge and active user base. I'm really happy with the viewer, but what's really astonishing is the way they treat their users. I have joined their inworld group where they support their users with neverending patience. They even take note of complaints to improve future versions. I think they have a true wish to give their users what they want. (I did start out using Viewer 2 Beta thinking it would evolve into a great viewer once it was tweaked after user input. I gave up after a while, now I don't even download it any more.) Someone wrote earlier how lucky LL is to have such a loyal user base. Maybe. Second Life is a wonderful creation. There should be new users flooding in every day. I don't see any sign of that. Could we be the three percent that didn't vote with our feet?
  17. Tried the maze today. Lotsa happy winter surprises. Gorgeous artwork in there and some amazing gifts. Sure will take a look at the rest of the sims too.
  18. No, it's not just US. I got in and I'm in Sweden. Really liked what I saw. And the number and Guest as name raised questions so that triggered instant conversations. I liked the graphics, the lack of lag. This will be a great way for new users to take a look at SL. In my excitement I hit the full access button before the time was up thinking (not soo smart) it would give me more access in the webviewer. Was going to suggest some warning signal there, but it was bright red and asked me if I really wanted to do this ....... No noob will be THAT stupid
  19. I qualified and I'm from Sweden. My keyboard was messy tho, but I saw another Guest having the same problem, not sure where he was from tho - lots of curious IM's. A real nice welcome if I had been a new user.
  20. They haven't even announced on the blog it's open yet. Those of us that found the download were maybe got there a little too early. Hoping for it to be opened real soon tho.
  21. Yes. Rezzing a prim causes a little lag. Rezzing 200 prims causes lotsa lag. Doing it every 60 seconds causes lotsa lag often. You can try it and I'm sure you'll notice the difference. You can open the Statistics Bar and see the Physics FPS taking dives and go up again. Smart of you to check before you used it
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