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Vivienne Schell

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Blog Comments posted by Vivienne Schell

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "Funny.  I  get the same impression from certain people who don't want meshes and  want to keep the rest of us from having them too.  Some folks seem to  think they know what's best for all of us... and they call the rest of  us elies."

    Rubbish. I want mash (er...mesh), and i want it for everyone, and i want it in-world, at least something simple like Sketchup.

    And you know, using Blender or any other complex 3D app (1000#s dollar solution)  JUST FOR FUN is as elitist as it can be elitist.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "We aren't telling you what LL should be using the resources that ordinary customers, like us, pay for."

    Someone who has enough money for a 3Ds license, enough time for learning it without professional background (self taught), enough money to spend on a SL sim only to try sculptie import and enough time to hail the arival of mesh certainly is NOT the "ordinary customer".

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "The (only) solution is the meshes project."

    I agrre. But this is not a "Mesh Project". It is an "Add mesh rendering to an already borked client software  for as low cost for the most profit project"

    Q. got fired after being done with the rendering add-on.

    Other VR´s ever took the opposite way, By licensing  content creation to anyone who was able and willing to pay the license fee, by professionalising content creation. That´s totally okay, but NOT what makes a Second Life.

    You cannot have both, it´s an illusion. It never ever will work. It only will leave behind widespread frustration among average SL users and a bunch of competing 3D semi-pros and skiklled amateurs hunting for a few linden dollars to pay their astronomical tiers while dumping each other to exitus - and NO real professional will EVER join this silly game.

    I expect LL to build on what made SL a success, and develop in-world tools. "Your world  - Your imagination", not "800 known Blender Users World, 600 standard 3D application users Imagination".

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "So does any other virtual world, including Blue Mars."

    NO other VR charges the asrtronomical fees as Linden Crap does. What the hell do we PAY for?

    For a sim going at 1000 (!) dollars set up fee and monthly tier of more than 200 (!) dollars a month for a sim i can expect this garage to work on something which REALLY makes it better than any of these other grids. But no, all i get are balant and stupid nisconceptions and a lot of BLAH BLA BLAH.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "Linden  Lab is giving us powerful new tools to express ourselves and shape the  world, and all you can do is whine and nag about it. You're not a  creator, you have no vision. Why are you even here?"

    Ajhhhh, and YOU arev a creator? Why are you in SL and not at your 3Ds desktop constructing your nice meshes?

    Listen, with Mesh Imports and Sculpties Linden Lab did not give us any TOOLS. They gave and will give us a third class rendering engione which is hardly able to display them.


    This company is not able and not willing to improve their software, that#s ALL what is behind this. They take the most easy and less costy road to make as MUCH money as possible with their mediocre software.

    But: Second Life did not grow because of mesh and sculpties. It ONLY grew because of the TOOLS provided. By reducing high end SL standard authoring to a chosen few who have the skills to handle a "standard 3D application", Linden Lab is DEADLY WRONG. They change direction, they give away what made them successful, they truly "ELITISE" object and content creation, AND FOR WHAT????


    I am totally fed up with thisi company. I never liked them, because they charge BIG TIME for almost nothing but a lousy piece of server and client software and some server hardware. OVERPRICED CRAP.

    The only thing which worked for SL was the magic and philosphy behind it, And THIS is what attracts people, not "standard authoring tools". People want to PARTICIPATE in Second Life by doing exactly what everyone else participating is able to do.

    What when a newbie comes to me and my mesh building and asks me "How did you do this"? Answer "In Cinema 4D". Question:"What is Cinema 4D?". Answer "A 5000 Dollar Pro Application",

    This is HILARIOUS. Linden idiocy here is breathtaking, in fact. They really kill what made SL big with such pure import functions. And this will have an effect, for sure.

    And what will be next? LSL? Sure, this would be the next logical step. Introduction of Action Script. Killing LSL. Have fun, fanboys.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "I don't believe SL will go to hell with this innovation, quite the opposite but at least now I"

    I did not say that SL will go to hell. I said the SL you know will go to hell with import instead of a closed and protected content creation environment, without adequate and modern creation tools.

    And i honestly doubt that there is any money left in the object content creation market with the destructive  power of mesh import being unfolded. Face it, you only can actually sell anything object related in SL because you only can produce and sell it in SL: And because almost no one else could produce it elswhere. I would like to share your optimism, but i cannot. I do not rely on this here financially. Maybe that´s why i see things as they are and not as i wish them to be.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "If you  are limited to prims and sculpties, you are limited.   You simply cant  acheive the same results.  It would be like asking Jackson Pollock to do  a drip painting with a sharpie pen."

    Oh, did Pollock sell 10 million paintings withing three years`? Did he make 100 million dollars a year without mesh?

    He must have been a genius, truly.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "Is your  intent to add a huge library of free objects for everyone to enhance  their experience or is it to saturate the market so to speak making it  difficult for those content creators who do want to leverage mesh to  sell their wares? "

    No, we only will do what LL encourages us to do: Use "standard 3D tools" Nothing else. The stuff is already there, does not need to be modelled, it´s even copyrighted in most cases, so no trouble with IP rights violations. It would be an offense to charge anyone for it.

    "Obviously  this is not being undertaken with good intentions despite the fact that  free high quality meshs would be available for all."

    What is bad intention there? I do not get you. It´s what LL wants us to do! Does Ll have bad intentions? Behold!

    "...how you  clearly feel that mesh is bad idea and that SL is going to hell in a  hand basket so to speak with LL being evil overlords"

    No one with the urge to earn money (that´s what LL does) is an evil overlord. But. Second Life as you know it will go to hell with mesh import. There will be a new Second Life, where content creation (object related) is not off any commercial importance anymore, because it will take place everywhere but within Second Life. Btw, animators and scriptors will not be affected that much. I think that mesh import instead of mesh in-world tools is a very bad idea, because Second Life will lose an essential part of it´s philosophy, a lot of capable artists who do extremely well with the recent environment and a big part of it´s commercial thriving force and it´s specific magic.

    And i don´t like it when a company declares almost every of the content creators who made that company big being obsolete, because they do not use "standard 3D tools". That´s not the way to do business. At least not in professional spheres.

    But who cares? They decided, so they#ll get what they want.  Sales of meshes will never be lucrative enough to cover even the costs, just because there are too many of them out there and way, way too many people able to convert existing ones or able  to create new ones or both. The result will be short period of fiercest competition among the mesh importers, which will end in a quagmire, price dumping goin to zero and even worse state of the economy as it is now - for all the ones involved. And REAL professionals do not even think of being involved at all (That´s for the good laugh).


    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    Yes, Aeronya, there is Sculpt Studio and more for that task. All LSL. But the big first L in the LSL is not willing or able or both to implement such a useful little tool into their browser...err...viewer 2 (that revolutionary failing new thing with the same old bugs, you know)..

    That shows how MUCH Linden Lab cares about content creators.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    Dante, I am not into pro 3D creation,my job is to hire capable 3D creators, tho i can model enough to know what this is all abouit. But i know some, you know. And i know their libraries. We had a good laugh, mixed with deep curiosity while considering what will happen when we help with making SL the high quality freebie paradise LL obviously wants to have. And money is not a real problem there.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    Dante, am tired of repeating myself, i mentioned it all above.

    Be sure that i#ll do my best to improve the platform exactly the way Linden Lab wants it: By uploading what it needs to feed the SL userbase with enough freely available, high quality and professionally made mesh objects for the coming two years. For no charge. It will be the last thing I´ll ever do with this platform. And i´ll not be the only one.

    Have fun with it!

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "Look at  the experience of learning about meshes as an evolutionary step that  will put you in good stead for other platforms, should LL truly blow  it.  Be like a Boy Scout, and be prepared!"

    Huh? Boy scout? For WHAT? 3D creation? This is STONE AGED. This is all but revolutionary. Obviously you are into SL way too deep to recognise the "broader" view you are mentioning . Yours is restricted to "AAA game engines" and whatever and your Sl universe. The "broader" view is that we have at least 15 years of professional 3D creation on this planet. We have Active Worlds, where all you mention was realised back in the 90´s. And still is in some niche. And LL goes back to RIGHT THERE. Revolutionary?

    Did MESH make SL as big as it is? Did a "triple AAA engine" attract people to invest zillions of dollars into this? And what is falling SL "behind" at this point? Active Worlds? Are you real?

    Linden LAb wants to make money by upload fees. They did not improve the platform in a noteworthy way since YEARS, they only scaled. And that#s it. If you believe in their propaganda, go and adapt to the stone age.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    Don´t worry, Melita. As soon as mesh is enabled i´ll personally take care of your demand and upload about 5000 FREE optimised meshes for public usage, full permissions, and as editable as meshes can be. And i already talked with a bunch of people who will do the same. Everything, from complete avatara to cars. You only will need some scripts, but we think of taking care of this, too. That´#s an easy task.


    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "LL can't halt innovation forever just to keep the less skilled creators from going under."

    That´s the most hilarious fanboy comment of them all, which i hear being repeated endlessly by every fanboy i meet.

    Folks, where are the "classy" 3Dx designers? Right, they have a job. Or run a company.

    They certainly are NOT in SL. and they never will be. Because it is completely useless to be there with onehundredthousand free objects being around the place, and where no one cares if they are really stae-of-the-art or not, as long as they look appealing (somehow). It´s useless to spend time on such an environment cause there is no money in it.

    So what will you get with mesh? Third class, ripped stuff which does not sell elsewhere. And will not sell in the future SL for more than it is worth: the upload fee, or not even this.

    The really skilled creators of SL are here in SL using a limited environment for the best they can achieve within this environment by using the environment. NOT at home learning something useless as Sketchup (cause some fanboy told them that this would do) or second class apps like Blender. 3Ds is out there since fifteen years.

    By refusing to develop and offer some nifty in-world tool for mesh creation instead of adding a simple import function LL proves what content creators in SL are worth to them: Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    Come on, stop with fooling youself. Any kind of existing 3D model will be convertible and uploadable in all it´s pride with the right tool, and this tool must not even be a ripped 3Ds or whatever, in fact. If i were invited to the closed beta i´d upload about 5000 models which are perfectly optimesd within a week or two. That´s really not a problem at all. But probably the wise Lindens knew this and did not invite me, cause it would have scared the hell out of all their fanboys who helped them with erasing the existant SL content creation with a loud "HOORAY" on their lips.

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