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Vivienne Schell

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Blog Comments posted by Vivienne Schell

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    Profiky, as a landlord i would not mind about mesh import at all. In theory it will add a lot of fresh content, which will attract a lot od fresh consumers who will rent your parcels for simply spending money on SL.

    The problem is that the snowball casino economy in SL will crash as soon as the prim based creators realise that LL f****** them into the a***. And i cannot predict what will happen then, but it will not be very pleasant overall.

    The next problem is that all the silly fools who think that they can actually make some money wth meshes in SL will crash mercilessly within the next two months, when they recognise that there will be no market for meshes cause every mesh you can probably think of will be for free or almost free (Anshe etc.) , and if not in SL, then on a million of free exchange websites and all the follow-ups.

    So what will be left is much less than you have now, until the "new", pure consumer role model of a resident appears on the scene, viewer 2, facebook and twitter compatible. But if and when this will happen - who knows?

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "Ah. You want a walled garden, to be a big fish in a pond made small."

    Oh, when mesh import is up i´ll offer you about 500 different free ponds and about any fish you can think of for free. We could coperate on the garden building, by email, you know, Sl isn´t realyl so great for building cooperations with mesh. But only if you prove me that your garden is better than mine.

    Just IM me.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "Philip is doubling the ante by increasing prim counts on sims, or so he said."

    This is not official yet, and i doubt that he will do it at all. If he would, this REALLY would be the end of the prim as we know it. It would be just a more elegant and less obvious way to remove creation tools from the client software.

    And THIS really would kill SL within a day or two, not weeks.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "That  said, if you're still worried that meshes are going to ruin you  financially: THEN ACT LIKE IT'S YOUR JOB.  SINK OR SWIM TIME, I'IN'T IT  THEN?"

    Oh, what a lovable post. I wish you would write this in BIG red letters onto a sign placed in each mall, each little store, on each sim.

    Wow, Sl would be closed within a week. Oh, and where will you sell your glorious meshes then? Apply for a job at Anshe´s?

    China is cool, io heard.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    Anshe gets big time rebate from Linden Lab, this is not a rumor but a proven fact. And she does not really compete with the Linden Follies by flooding SL with her readymade sweatshop meshes. Both sell SERVER SPACE in first place, not content. The content is only the best way to tease people into renting server space.

    So yeah, i virtually see Anshe#s avatar jump thru the non existant roof of her 1000 SL sims in joy. While her sweatshop boys work their ass off for peparing their alreay made stuff for day zero.

    Win-Win for her. In ANY case.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    Search and TOS, v#the Viewer 2 debacle, the emerald catastrophe (which Linden LAb ahndled in a way even a first semester PR student would shake her head in disbelief about)...

    Forgot to mention the mono implementation which "improved" SL almost to unusability.

    And hold your breath when mesh is up and Anshe and Friends will come up with all her glory for 1 L.

    Free your imagination!

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "Meshes  will provide yet another container to be brought to life with scripts.   And we can all think of scripted objects that sell."

    Right, and how much should i charge? For a free mesh and a free script? 1 Linden? Maybe two?

    hey, i cannot pay my linden rent with this income! Nor my precious pixel porridge!!

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "But I believe that we have to move forward toward higher quality content for SL"

    Among other things. I agree. But this should be done within the protected "market" SL is. Otherwise the "overrunners" will be "overrun" by more "overrunners" from china (and elsewhere) within a week.

    Mainly we must get rid of Linden Lab,

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "So I guess this is one of the drivers behind your point of view then?"

    That´s not my concern. As a matter of fact, maybe about 500 accounts world wide make REAL money with SL, mainly with server space speculation and other service activities, and the numbers are in decline since a few weeks. On the other hand, hundredthousands of accounts make about 10-500 dollars a month, and a HUGE part makes it by selling some kind of SL created and SL specific content, prim based of course. This covers the expenses these accounts have for keeping the snowball "economy" rolling, and maybe even covern the overpriced fees Linden Lab charges,

    Second Life is, in fact, some kind of casino, where everyone pays a bit but loses more (average) with Linden Lab as the casino owner  (100 MILLION dollars a year revenue, roughly).

    By introducing mesh import and the easy made flooding of the Second Life "market" with external fabricated, free or almost free, ripped or even legal replicable copies of whatever you can imagine the casino will lose a HUGE part of it´s self-created commercial and creative thriving force. Upload fees will never cover the loss for Linden Lab. The worst case scenario might even result into a total crash of the out-of-balance casino "economy", with a massive all-of-a-sudden removal of investment into server space, steadily declining user numbers and in very, very worst case a crash of the Lindex, which would make LL close the doors within 24 hours.

    Hopefully Linden Lab will find SOME way around that massive problem, which is OBVIOUS (only the totally blind cannot see it).

    The best case scenario will be a slow faltering of any kind of object trade, reducing the "marketplace" and in-world-creativity to service, which is scripting uploaded meshes and animating. A transition into a mainly commerce free Second Life, which WILL cost Linden Lab a fortune during the first months, but probably attract a "new" generation of users (not the relatively few 3D app users, these are not really of importance for Linden Lab), who would like the overall improved visuals and pay Linden Labs astzronomical fees just for "having fun", not for creating anything for a virtual marketplace.

    They can get away with it, but they must not. It is a big risk they take. Active Worls was and still is exactly what Linden Lab obviously wants. Active Worlds never had the acceptance of the "gold digger" place Second Life is.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    Melta, i strongly suggest you to ask all these questions the Linden Support Team. I am SURE that they will be eager to answer all of them in an adequate manner.

    Well, it might take a week or two, but they WILL answer.

    Most probaly something like this:

    "You are not using the official Linden Lab Viewer, so we cannot give you any support."


    "Please pay us 10 dollars a month for a Linden Home or shut up"


    "Please open a file on the JIRA, whic never will get noticed, Support is not able to answer your questions."

    Or whatever.

    Oh, if yiu are VERY lucky you´ll get something like this:

    Unfortunately we do not support supporting content creation. Please pay 5000 dollars for a standard 3D application, or rip one for free, learn it and then come back. Thank you for your patience.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "Certainly  to model a T-Rex would take considerable skill but this would be the  same if it was using a modeller or building with prims"

    Oh yes? Try this:





    Only four out of about 1000 links to free 3D dinos.

    Took me 5 minutes to search for, 1 minute to download, 5 minutes to convert into SL compatible collada. Will take me 1 minute to upload.

    Highly detailed and professionally made ones, much better than the one in the video, go for as less as 10 dollars.

    Okay, go and get your "skills" on route 66 to SL economy collapse.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "It just  dawned on me; do you have any idea how large the viewer would become if  that was the case?  I could see the viewer becoming 5x in size easily."

    Sketchup is about what? 300 k? Isn´t the in-world tool creating a mesh, too? Only static?

    Come on....

    LL and customers do not care about size. If they would, no one would be forced to download a 1 GIG cache.

    They are only lazy. Lazy cause ALL we fools pay TONS of money for crap and cheap solutions.

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