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Vivienne Schell

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Blog Comments posted by Vivienne Schell

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "Honestly  most people will be so enamored with the new shoes and boots that they  are not going to care about anything else for a while."

    Agreed. The transition will be slow, unless complete avatar meshes will make shoes and painted clothes obsolete. But if this and when this will happen i cannot predict at all.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "There are no nicely made builds in SL."

    This is not true. Ever toured route 2? Sure, in comparison to professinally made 3D games where any object and texture is carefully optimised and crafted for zillions of dollars SL sucks. But Mesh will not change this.

    "Vivienne,  did it ever occur to you that people upload models to TurboSquid  because they can't upload them to Second Life and sell them here?"

    What for? Pay Linden upload fees? Linden distribution fees? Linden Fees for land? Linden Advertisement fees? It would be extremely silly. These people have a much better distribution system with a working google search and web portals. Why should they add the expenses for something like Second Life tio their already small budget? I do not see this happen.

    I see some more websites coming up with more native collada meshes at low prices.

    "To  Linden Lab this is a win-win situation because experienced modelers will  make their platform look better and attract new residents."

    That´s the plan. But everyone who thinks that there is any money in mesh contentbcreation in SL is just a dreamer. Maybe LL will succeed, maybe not.

    It all depends on for how long the vibes of their shiny all-positive propaganda spread by the mesh-crowd will prevail, until it´s crashed by SL realities.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "SL builds are worthless outside of SL, and are several times easier to make than a true hand-made 3D environment in every way."

    I agree with the first and disagree with the second. I think the existing tools are not so easy to handle at all for the most, and this added to prim limits is the main reason for a lot of balant crap out there, NOT the lack of mesh,  But that´s not my point.

    "they just cram a bunch of 1024x1024 textures on every cube"

    True, but collada meshes will not change this, for they are editable there.

    "anyone  who does these things with turbosquid models are creating just as bad of  an issue as people that would still be using inefficient textured prims  all over the place."

    Exactly. But i somehow doubt that the Blender and Sketchup amateurss will do much better than the prim amateurs.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "some skills with a 3D app are still required to export the files as .dae."

    I agree. But much less skills than a nicely made SL built would require.

    "...with very few people taking the time to learn how to import a downloaded mesh into a 3D app.."

    Yes, it might take two hours to find those freky warez on the web. Or use GLintercept or something comparable (for the extremely lazy, better than any copybot).

    "...and then figure out how to export it."

    Probably.But where there is a potential 3D linden dollar flickering on the free blender UI there is a way.

    I do not think anyone will have serious problems with this. The main problem, if there is one, will be upload fees and maybe prim weigth. But that´s it.

    I doubt that there will be any money in simple object creation in the future, mesh or prim. That´s the logical result of opening the doors there. Scripts and animations still will be going well (until someone comes up with a video capturing app for capturing all our favorite positions, he).

    Someone posted this before: "don´t create objects, create worlds". This wll be the key to some kind of income thru exploiting mesh imports, NOT locomotives. You will need to import a custom, working railroad system including all the bells and whistles (which will work as good and bad as any prim based one due to the terrible script lag in SL, and due to LSL limitations). But this is what will prevail, roughly. Probably avatar meshes will become popular, characters from games and such, but even there the profits will be kinda limited, just because of the to be expected legal troubles.

    I am looking forward to watch the transition of the SL economy, anyway.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "A new viewer was released with revised prim costs, the locomotive is now showing as 12 prims."

    Oh, that´s interesting. Really interesting. Obvioussly someone reads the blog here.

    But, anyway, i still wonder where the anti-copybot league is, while LL is JUST about releasing teh ultimate supercopybot of them all, which does not even need a copybot.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    I hear you, Daniel. But favoring mesh import over adding at least simple mesh creation tools is not a programmer decision, it´s a strategic highest level desision. A pure business decision.

    I think they actually hope that the snowball economy on which they rely for now will survive the blow or will slowly lose any importance by lowest cost imports of highest visual - fresh LL customer attracting - quality, so that they do no longer have to take care of a bunch of gone mad SL skilled dilettant amateurs, by just proceeding with their core business, which is renting server space.

    It´s all not really about Mesh as a favorable format.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    8 prims, so she might have done that. 10 lindens per prim (from what i have heard). So 80 Lindens upload fee. Rotation scripts are free, anyway. So are textures (more or less). So...for a cost of 30 cents she gets a "nice" loco.She likes to "store" stuff, as she mentioned elsewhere.

    How much will she charge for this? 50 Lindens?

    Anyway, she is somehow adorable, and i mean this. She actually tries her 3500 dollar software. The more clever will not even do this, but get some free tool for converting something like this:


    as shown here:


    into collada.

    Will cost probably 4 dollars and almost no time. Great for Linden Lab, but...hey...let´s forget about thinking of an "economy". With mesh imports this is the past.

    Second Life will either change or die. Or both. I take bets.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import


    This is closed mesh beta, right?

    What did qualify you for participation?

    How many virtual "prims" will this be?

    What will be the amount of upload fee?

    Please define the exact number of verticles, polygons, and dimensions.

    Now that you disclosed your Linden source of pre-knowledge, live up to it.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "Reed Steamroller for president"

    Oh, really? Reed is running a professional Studio with employees and everything.


    I met him before, elsewhere. There is not the slightest doubt that professional content creation in Sl will benefit from Mesh Import for a lot of reasons.

    But let#s face it: Sl is NOT about professional content creation in first place, and it never will be as long as a sim crashes with more than 20 avatars on it at the same time, and Mesh will not change this at all. It only will enable people like Reed to sell something to his clients more easily. Which is not bad at all!

    But...SL is about entertainment, even the snowball economy is about entertainment, and it#s entertainment which attracts people. And i do not consider it being entertaining to try UV mapping in Blender or whatever for six hours only to be able to run a clothes store which hardly covers the expenses, while not a single RL bill is paid by it.

    If LL wants to go towards professional content creation, then they must license it, and in very first place, improve anything NOT related to Prims or Mesh. But this they did not do for years and i see no signs for a change THERE. The concurrency decline is not related to prims or whatever, it only declines because people get tired of Linden Lab and SL as a whole.

    I do not know if all the shiny new meshes will be able to outweigh the "out-of-customer-touch" of Linden Lab, the viewer 2 debacle, the teen grid merger and all the other obvious past and still to be epected failures. Even if they will not let the casino crash.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    Learn what? How to import ripped game stuff and convert one million free non-collada or even collada models into SL compatible formats?

    Btw, Blue Mars crashes on me within ten minuites, and you cannot blame me for using an underpowered computer. Its crap. But that´s okay, cause it´s crap no one gets charged for.

    You sound like the typical techie. I like your kind, but i would not even give you the permission to use my credit card, even if you were married to me.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "that is the only place on Earth where I could find a 500,000 triangle untextured Harley Davidson for $50."

    I could provide you with a dozen links to some warez sites which offer you any game model you ever would need for free. But i don´t do this here. But I am sure you know these places very well. If not, dream on.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "I am excited to have yet another tool in my bag."

    They did not give you another tool. They advice you to look for a 3rf paty tool. They only try to reduce their own costs for more profit on your expenses. Alas.

    *Stolen from Turbo Squid"

    Why bother with turbosquid? Go for the real thing.


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