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Vivienne Schell

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Everything posted by Vivienne Schell

  1. I guess that the Linden employees were not available when the SLgo officials tried to call them up. They all were too busy with reading children and family entertainment lecture to be prepared for the next generation 13+ rated VR.
  2. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: BTW, you can't take your inventory with you to the open sim grids you named. So that eliminates them if inventory were so important to someone Oh, really? :manlol:
  3. Anything which is NOT related to a company named Linden Lab. "New" platform? Pff...new boss, same as the old boss.
  4. Canoro Philipp wrote: they want to make a fresh start with everything that made SL as beloved as it is despite its problems. That´s true, and what causes the most trouble in Second Life? People! Unfortunately they skip what truly makes SL as beloved as it is: Inventory. So logic tells me that they want a "Not Second LIfe" thingy without people.
  5. LlewLlwyd wrote: Canoro Philipp wrote: lets see if another platfom provides with more freedom to express our creativity. DIGITAL WORLD is what SL2 is called on the video that has been deliberately leaked by the LL "Marketing" department, which suggests that it will provide the creativity to build things suitable only for children. ***No, I am NOT going to tell you where to find it, other than suggesting you try looking on an LL shill's blog*** Tell me why I am not surprised. :smileyvery-happy:
  6. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Competition for SL would be another virtual world that offers the freedoms that SL does. Well, we have OSgrid, InWorldz and the like, which offer the same "freedoms" as SL does. Even in a technical sense. They even have sex and all this. Face it, the major reasons for Seconde Life survival are. 1. Inventory: Someone who aquired or built or paid for and collected some beloved stuff over a certain period of time will not simply jump off for another place, even if the "other" place would offer the same "freedom". 2. Someone who learned the hard core complicated handling of a totally borked application will not simply jump off for another place even if the "other" place would offer a much better designed interface. Not without the inventory. 3. Someone who anticipates Second Life bugs, crashes, griefing overpricing whatever else SL disasters as being normal part of the experience would be totally bored in a seamlessly flowing environment where everything would work as expected and promised. Even if the inventory would be transferable. 4. Sex, communities, distant virtual friends and relationships and all the rest. But even this requires at least a hugger attachment. Inventory. "Freedom" is relative and does not mean anything in this context. Inventory is THE essential survival kit for Second life.
  7. Canoro Philipp wrote: Second Life is still here after 10 years, and thats because there is nothing better at what it does than SL. That´s not the result Linden Lab genius, but only and only the result of what Second Life users (still) beat out of this piece of bits and bytes.
  8. Canoro Philipp wrote: the development of the next virtual world is very advanced by now.. Oh, is it? Who told you that? Judging by Altberg interviews and LL announcements it´s pretty clear what the people behind all this do NOT want (another Second Life), but what they want and actually have right now seems to be HUGE ? Ah yes, I forgot. Of course they want these imaginary millions of fresh customers who never heard of the notorious Linden Lab mismanagement. Too bad for them that there is the internet.
  9. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Finally what competition are you referring to? SL has none to date. Eh, I can think of a million less expensive, less troublesome and more enjoyable methods to kill some time. And obviously about 99,99999999 percent of the world population is of the same opinion. No competition, eh?
  10. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: The takeaway might be to make sure that the new vision of SL to come may be more accessible to the intended audience. Umm, so you think that the intended audience for the, as you call it, "new vision of SL" (I cannot see any visionary aspects in Altbergs announcements regarding the "new platform" at all). is the same intended audience as Linden Lab has now? Or do you mean the average people using average home equipment (which fails while trying to display SL shadows)? What exactly do you mean by "intended audience and by "vision" in that context?
  11. Well, I guess that Sony quietly wanted to tell Linden Lab custiomers that they are better off by purchasing a 64 bit, 8 GIG mem PC with an ultrafast GPU. That´s all. I doubt that Mr. Altbergs public enthusiasm over the supposed to be SL replacement product (which has no name yet, but probably a rendering engine or something) was taken in account at Sony HQ. And what kind of Linden Lab "PR image" could be damaged? Is there any "PR image" leftwhich could be damaged more as it already is?
  12. Beer isn´t "Alcohol", it´s food. neVer mInd The Lindens - Here ArE ThE LinDens !
  13. If i were a reporter at the Guardian i´d give a damn on non-disclosure agreements. Unfortunately the Guardian isn´t interested in the fate of Linden Lab customers or Second Life anymore...:matte-motes-nerdy:
  14. Vivienne Schell wrote: Do you have more information about that, Vivienne? Last time I saw an official statement about this, Ebbe Linden was talking about some content being transferable some not. That was a year or so ago though and lots must have changed since then. There is no other valid information than the original one, therefore the original one is still valid. I´m pretty sure that Altberg would have mentioned any policy change on such an essential topic. He did not. He only "specified" (in another of these wishiwashi interviews with overfriendly reporters) that "some" meshes made for SL "might" be usable for the "new platform". That´s a "nothing" to me. But the SL inventories as they are will not be usable, for sure.
  15. Mr, Altberg (a.k.a.Ebbe Linden), Linden Lab CEO, made perfectly clear that SL inventories will not be available on the "New Platform" (They have not named it yet). So, this "New Platform" cannot be a "sequel", but a parallel, independant development. From what Linden Lab officials announced so far the "New Platform" might be related to the SL experience to a certain degree, but no one knows anything specifical - except that there will be avatars and 3D objects and that you can use your SL account name. BUT: It definately will not be a "Second Life Two" or something. Second Life will still remain, even when the "New Platform" will go online. Alpha testing will be (so they think) late this year, but you must be Maya savy for this. If you want to know more, ask Mr. Altberg or the Investors. They obviously are the only ones who are authorised to talk.
  16. There will be no sequal, only a "new platform". So you cannot sign up for "SL 2" beta cause there will be none.
  17. You all miss the point. The point is that neither Linden Lab employees nor their CEO decided to drop Second Life as a priority for something different. It was the decision of the board, and the board follows completely different priorities as you, me or Linden Lab as an executive unit. It´s only about venture capital, profits and the financial future of the project named "Linden Lab". No investor is interested in more than eight faces on a mesh, in maya or blender, prims, avatars or whatsoever, not even interested in Second Life. Fact is that Second Life does not grow anymore. It has a hard core, die hard user crowd which spends enough money on it to keep it kinda profitable - in spite of the obvious shortcomings.But it is not mainstream compatible, has no potential for going mainstream due to many, many conceptional and basical reasons. Investors insist on growth and do not accept decline or even stagnation. Almost everything you discuss here is based on the SL experience as is. While the investors already dismissed the SL experience as it is. Your interest is in fundamental conflict with investor interests and aims. You want a somewhat "better" Second life, they want no Second Life at all. They want something completely different, mainstream compatible, clean, controlled, regulated and highly profitable which they even can sell to Microsoft or Apple or whomsoever and which will not be in the news for pixel nudity, addiction or failed lifes. Second Life as a conception is way too rebellious, way too "not kosher", way too niche, there´s too much anarchy, sex and crime and user power in it for the american prime time. Most of you just show wishful thinking by calling the new platform "SL 2", while every official at LL and on the board avoids even mentioning the term "Second Life" if it comes to the "new platform". For a very good reason. Basically, it´s not the eight faces mesh or the prim or the windlight or the system avatar which stopped the growth of Second Life. The child porn scandal and the homestead pricing disaster had a much more massive impact. It´s not the rendering engine - 80 percent of all SL users run stone aged, underpowered computers, anyway. It´s not the default camera position or whatever. It´s not as if it would be impossible to make SL run on a cloud and within a browser. It´s just the fact that Virtual Reality in the Second Life shape (which is a giant, very complex and anarchist user sandbox model combined with the idea of "virtual land", object trade, user interaction and a lot of brilliance inavoidably paired with a lot of trash and breathtaking kink) does not work for mainstream success. So, if you expect any kind of "better" Second Life, you are on the wrong track. Altberg was not selcted by LL, but by the investor board. Sure, he´s a Virtual Reality alien, he has no clue on the technology nor on the subcultural aspects which make Second Life and Linden Lab (still) profitable. He does not have to have a clue, because he was hired for one reason: More profits. More profits or die, sweet bird. Add that the main investors have stakes in some very related ventures, like software and hardware companies. These cannot participate in and profit by SL development, but they can by a different platform development. And everyone who really believes in a kind of "Second Life 2" is either completely blind or just driven by wishful thinking. Whatever the company will come up with, do not expect much more similar components than the avatar. The debate "Why did SL not grow anymore" and "How can LL improve SL" is over. It´s too late. Investors decided to go for something completely different while Altberg tries to sell it as "better, bigger and whateveryoucanimagine" - just to keep the blind and the wishful paying their fees. And this "something different" certainly will not keep Second Life alive. The only ones who can are the Second Life users. If they refuse to exchange what they have for a virtual Disneyland.
  18. Nice! But if you want the "normal" scale (which you, i suppose , base on your subjective RL experience), go and get a RL. Debating RL norms and scale in an environment which is not based on anything but purely subjective perception is absolutely clueless.
  19. ChinRey wrote: Does anybody happen to knwo where I can find Ebbe Linden's email address? Ummm...if you despair, go and mail Mr. Altbergs boss at: http://www.catamountventures.com Then start to calculate like 1 + 1 = 2 and then you probably know what kind of interest fuels the glorious "new platform". This interest is certainly not related to Second Life or Second Life users.
  20. Bobbie Faulds wrote: The biggest reason there are the height and size issues is the camera position. Not really. The biggest problem is that almost no one in SL uses mouselook, which is the only truly RL like and most "natural" way to look at the world (Real and Virtual). As long as (whatever) camera position is a subjective matter, there simply cannot be any kind of "normal" size.
  21. Bree Giffen wrote: What do you think will be needed in the new SL that would keep avatar sizes in the normal range and what would be needed so that homes, furniture, etc also be kept in check? Well, your SL inventory, i guess. But, you know, the Yahoo exilant in charge (Mr. Altberg.a.k.a. "Ebbe Linden") made perfectly clear that SL inventories will not be available on the "new platform" (which obviously has nothing much in common with Second Life). And because your SL inventory and the inventories of about a half million active SL users will not be available on the "new platform", something like (SL related) "normal size" will be obsolete - due a lack of relativity. But you have a chance to be a normal size setting pioneer! Why? Because a half million active SL users will not trash their inventories for jumping naked, depraved, noobish, without skills, communities and whatever else SL makes Sl onto the "new platform"!! As a result you might be all alone, setting your very own standards of "normal size". And wait for a few years until SL finally bites the dust - THEN everyone will be forced to eat your opinioon on what "normal size" is! YES!
  22. Openness and honesty from Linden Lab? I think that they quit that lately in 2007. Since then it´s only bla bla bla and "It will be superfantasticorgasmic, people!!". Not even a decent "Sorry, **bleep** happens" if the superfantasticorgasmic new shiny ends in the user garbage can. Same for the so called "new platform" or whatever it is or is not meant to be or meant to be or will be or not will be...ugh. Hot air, gazillions of hot air. Nothing specifical, except that this CEO Yahoo exilant and his followship on the board seem to expect from us that we throw away our inventories for following him into his shiny brave new world (run by the same people with the same ideas and the same deficits as the old one was run by). Rubbish.
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