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sven Homewood

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Everything posted by sven Homewood

  1. We are just residents like you, but here are some suggestions you might want to check: You may have reached your limit: https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php Your Payment Info could be outdated, renew the payment info if so. You might need to contact the billing support: https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/
  2. Alwins Antwort/Frage auf deutsch: Hast du den “Viewer“ heruntergeladen und installiert, denn hier (im Forum) kannst du dich ja amelden. Also geht dein Account soweit. Den Viewer brauchst du, um Zugriff zu SL zu haben. Das ist dann die eigentliche 3D Welt. Den Viewer kannst du hier herunterladen: https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/
  3. Global Collect (thats the company behind the curtains) is known to rise issues with some CC's given out by some banks. It also happens quite often, that the small amount of money that is taken from your CC's account (and paid back right after) for the verification process causes your bank to black list them because these are suspicious (for the bank). Ask your bank, if Global Collect is blacklistet on their files.
  4. This is not quite right anymore. The avatar gets baked on the servers now and not by the client. Besides that, I agree.
  5. This does help to answer you how "jobs" are working in SL: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life besides... you are pretty new and your profile gives nothing informative. Your groups you show in your profile doesn't help either;) Filing the profile with some more informations, making it look nice does help a lot. Taking a profile picture too.
  6. Das Beste ist, den Rechnungssupport von LindenLab in Anspruch zu nehmen. Wer dort freundlich fragt, dem wird normal auch geholfen. https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/ Entweder schriftlich dort anfragen, oder per Telefon. Die Telefonnummer findet sich auch bei dem Link.
  7. Da der interne Browser auch einen cache nutzt, kann es sein, dass der auch mal defekt ist. Man kann im Viewer diesen auch loeschen. Irgendwo in den Einstellungen gibt es dazu einen Knopf 'History' (ich hab' das grad nicht genau im Kopf). Alternativ kannste auch probieren, dass im Dashboard ueber den Broswer zu aendern. Also in deinem Account auf Secondlife.com einloggen und dann da auf die Suche wechseln (https://search.secondlife.com/). Sollte weder das Eine noch das Andere gehen, hilft wohl nur ein support case.
  8. Contact the creator. Read the manual. Its the creators job to have some support, since they sell the stuff
  9. It is blocked forever. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Creating-managing-moderating-and-disbanding-groups/ta-p/700111#Section_.10
  10. The "Answers" section is resident to resident help, LindenLab never show up here. You might need to open a case for getting help with your issue. https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/
  11. Moeglichweise das hier: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2015/09/16/post2631/ Wenn du dein Konto in der Zeit der Probleme angelegt hast, musst du ggf die Daten erneuert eingeben. Wenn es dann noch nicht geht, musst du dich ggf mal an die Billing Hotline wenden. https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/
  12. Nimm den alten Viewer, log dich ein, stell den viewer so um, dass die seiten mit dem internen Browser geoeffnet werden, geh auf dein Dashboard, stell deine e-mail um, lass dir ein neues Passwort schicken. Sollte so gehen.
  13. Danger Linden wrote: We are curious about what specifically residents like about the Mainland? Provided infrastructure? Large contiguous areas? A sense of community? Neighbors with common interests? Affordability? The catchy name? Mainland has no rules about the avatars look and you can't be kicked out because of your look from the public places, like the roads, common places build by LL and their moles. On private estates it can happen, that some guy kicks you from their estate, just because you have too long ears I like the idea being able to explore, drive whatever. How often the land rules tell you (on private estates) that everone is welcome, but if you explore there, the landlord or their manager just ask you to go (if they are nice) or just ban you. Otherwise I prefer renting a small plot from LL, so many people have to move because the landlord leaves SL, sometimes without any warning and you need to ask LL to reopen the island to get stuff back.
  14. Casino: Bezahlinfo hinterlegen, Kreditkarte, Paypal oder Skrill gehen (auch da muss man ueber 18 sein). Adult: Ueber 18 sein Dann in den Einstellungen, gleich bei Allgemein ziemlich weit oben umstellen, 'Ich moechte zugriff auf Inhalte...' oder so aehnlich.
  15. Adding to the answers given: This NOT the LL support here. If you want LL support, you will need to visit the proper places, which are: https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/ and for billing issues: https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/ If you don't trust the links, you can also click the "Help" top right of this webpage. Remember: Help given here is voluntary and its kinda rude to claim that we have to help you. Have a nice SL.
  16. Usually its an AO you wear, that interferes with the build in animtions of the furniture. Turn it off or take it off to fix that. Otherwise some builds have a physics around the visible part, which has not the same size/shape of the build and that can cause such an issue as well, like sculpt creations or even mesh things.
  17. The link doesn't work. Even after removing the dot.
  18. Du musst warscheinlich in der Landgruppe sein, um sachen rezzen zu koennen, dann kannst du sicherlich ein Prim machen (Bauen Knopf im Fenster or strg + b) und dann einen Wuerfel hinsetzen. Den Wuerfel anpassen an die Groesse, die du brauchst und dann das Foto, welches du aber hochladen musst, wenn es nicht schon im Inventar ist, auf die eine Seite ziehen, die du auserkoren hast. Das ist es in sehr kurz erklaert.
  19. Do you mean the RP age? Or do you mean their RL age? This can be quite confusing and lead to missunderstandings.
  20. Thats why LL has the Autoreturn in About Land. As the Land is set to group, its the 1st choice to advoid the cluttering you have now. You only need to make sure, that things are rezzed on the right group to make them stay.
  21. People forgot to add, that Lumiya runs on androit only, so you would need to get an androit supported tablet. For Windows is no client at all, Mac has only textviewer so far I know.
  22. Try a "Clear Cache" at preferences (Me-Preferences, tab Advanced). If that doesn't fix the issue, you might go back to the latest stable version, which is still the 3.7.25, which you can get from this site: https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ After installing it, please start it, but do NOT login. Go to the preferences, tab Setup and UNcheck at Software Updates: Willingly to update to release candidates. Then login.
  23. Du musst das Meshtutorial/Quiz machen: https://secondlife.com/my/account/ip/index.php?lang=en-US
  24. Could be also a firewall issue. Sometimes you can see, whats going on, if you read the Secondlife.log file.
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