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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. Luna, the only person I have ever caused trouble for in here is myself, for being too opinionated, or too contrary, or too strident. I will admit, I've reported a few posts that were nothing but gratuitous attacks on me, but isn't that is how the game is played in here? Wind someone up, get them to cross the line, then report them. A ban is as good as a win right? Have a nice life Luna. p.s. And for the record, I hate to see Phil leaving Second Life, he's been around even longer than me, but I can not imagine any arguments he and I had would have had any influence on his decision to leave SL.
  2. I'm the same way, when what they say in their profile mirrors your own feelings. And if they have a cute picture, it's like love at first reading. Of course then you meet and that pretty face has no gone, obliterated under a mesh head.
  3. Can we even discuss past penalties without running the risk of being banned for discussing moderator activity and decisions? Since I've returned on this account, I have been on my best behavour, even to the point of second guessing myself and deleting posts if i think they might be even remotely considered trolling or attacking another member. Even so, every time i close the forums, I wonder if today is the day I said something that someone might take offence at and report it.
  4. They could hide everyone's username and force everyone to pick a display name. Mine of course would be BilliJo Aldrin
  5. There is no "right" answer, it just has to be a rhyming pair that means the same as the two words someone offered. Ideally, one will have an answer thought up when they post their word pair, so that there is in fact a solution.
  6. A couple of hosts on a radio show were playing this game I am about to describe. I thought it was funny, and managed to make up about 15 before I ran out of ideas. What you do, is take two word, usually an adjective and a noun, and replace them both with two words that rhyme, and mean more or less the same thing. Here are three examples. humorous rabbit can become funny bunny nude bunny can become bare hare angry father can become mad dad. How many more can others think up?
  7. What I hate the most is when several people disagree with you, and you reply to them all, and you get a ban for "trolling" ie posting a contrary opinion. That's why I back out of arguments early now, because some people will continue replying to see if they can push you just far enough over the edge to report you. I think it was Callum that posted a picture of a stuffed bunny climbing into a pot on the stove. It never ends well.
  8. Oh you mean system layers, I thought they meant 60 attachment points for mesh
  9. I'm always afraid one will be having a bad hare day
  10. Maybe she looks mature for her age. But officer, I swear she said she was 18
  11. well if your second life avi looks like a child, i guess you are in trouble then
  12. generally threads get closed when the posts turn into attacks on other forum members. And that surprised me about that other thread being closed, the whole discussion stayed quite civil.
  13. No one will be forced to take part in non SL discussion topics. And I respect that your impression is different from mine.
  14. sorry but we aren't permitted to bring closed threads to new threads.
  15. there you go, you wouldn't have to click the link to the new subforum, there would be no RL topics in the rest of the forums, I would think all around it would make you even happier 😁
  16. Oh i know because threads never go off topic to discuss RL issues do they?
  17. It could be called "Anything but Second Life" I think people will agree that the most active, interesting topics are ones that digress from whatever the OP was talking about. Of course after a few days the topic ends up locked. This new subforum could allow people to post and comment about RL issues and concerns. Of course the same rules about respecting the other members would still apply. I know the general subform is supposed to allow this, but I get the impression any topic not related to Second Life is frowned upon. So whacha think?
  18. A selling point of Second life IS the realism. With what you suggest, you have already lost many of the citizens of SL, and you'll lose the rest with no inventory carryover. Besides there's already blockworld.
  19. I've never seen a Fortnite character, or anything to do with Fortnite at all, however i just googled it. They look like cartoons, but not like anime
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