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Kylie Jaxxon

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Everything posted by Kylie Jaxxon

  1. Dillon Levenque wrote: Mayalily wrote: After this post, I'm outta here. I'm sick of this hypercritical people. I'm gone. I was trying to be helpful. While doing so, I tried to be honest. I criticized. I felt you were due some criticism. I tried to suggest ways to go forward. It bothers me that you are leaving SL because of something I said, but I'll get over it. I've re-read what I wrote. I don't think I see anything I'd change. Shoot, I thought her post was aimed at me...I was upset for a moment because I didn't feel like I was criticizing her.
  2. Storm Clarence wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: Mayalily wrote: After this post, I'm outta here. I'm sick of this hypercritical people. I'm gone. I was trying to be helpful. While doing so, I tried to be honest. I criticized. I felt you were due some criticism. I tried to suggest ways to go forward. It bothers me that you are leaving SL because of something I said, but I'll get over it. I've re-read what I wrote. I don't think I see anything I'd change. It's funny when that happens. Maya knows I am a troll; and I don't fail her. At least she knows I am not a hypocrite. @Maya I, too, get sick of the hypocrites, but that's exactly why I am *not* gone. Storm, I think she was referring to people who were over-critical of her, not that we/they were hypocrites
  3. Ian Undercroft wrote: Dropped by The Corn Field whilst out and about shooting up pumpkins You just have to stop posting these pics :matte-motes-silly: Love the sneaks...
  4. Ooooo, Venus, absolutely spectacular
  5. I'm sorry you feel that way, Maya...good luck to you and wishing you the best of health
  6. JeanneAnne wrote: Kylie Jaxxon wrote: You get an immediate ban if reported for under-age or impersonating a Linden I don't understand this. Are you saying that if someone maliciously reported me for being under-aged (I'm not) I would be banned from SL? I don't understand how anyone in SL knows for sure how old anyone else is. All I had to do to gain access to A rated regions of SL was to say that I'm an adult. In my case this happens to be all too true but what's to keep an under-aged person from lying? And how would anyone know if they were lying? Is all that has to happen in order to be banned, is for someone who has no way of knowing how old someone else is to say that the other person is lying about their age? If this is how it works, what's to keep someone from saying that everyone else is lying about their age, so that everyone gets banned & SL shut down? LL will err on the side of caution...ban would come into effect and sorted out later when the resident gets in touch with them. I believe the only way to rescind it would be to send the Lab proof of age
  7. Mayalily wrote: Thank you for asking Kylie, but I really did want this particular bed because you can drink tea in bed, rezz a computer and some other things. Very cute bed after searching for five months. But, since, the colors are just not good, I have burgandy wallpaper in the other room, and I asked for cream lace and baby pink in that style of bed. She doesn't have time though. And, I've searched for months both Marketplace and inworld for an antique bed. I finally found one I like, and that is about it, except for the other one I like not just because of it's design but it's features, and also the prim count of 28 prims, I believe it was excellent also. I have tried all the following keyword searches: antique bed, antique lace bed, vintage bed, iron bed, and haven't found anything yet. Maya...I think I know the bed you are talking about and the creator. If so, she is a busy person. Her business is very sucessful...I can understand her decision not to take on extra work That bed is very close to your color scheme that you described, with the added color of blues. Are you sure it about it not working in your room? I must say, I have the bed and love it!! ETA: Maya, I just looked at the bed again and realized it is mod...you can change the texture of the covers to whatever design, color you choose
  8. Ian Undercroft wrote: Well, I wouldn't say anything in those circumstances, Kylie, because I wouldn't want to cause you embarrassment:matte-motes-wink-tongue: hehe :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  9. ummmm...we have a whole section on this forum for you to look at: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land-Forum/ct-p/LandForum
  10. omg...you're right. As a resident for a few years now, I think it's an amazing thing to watch. Wonderful work. But as a new person, playing it in regards to checking out what Second Life is about, no way...it looks like some kind of voodoo cult
  11. Stella Carver wrote: Thank goodness you showed up, I'd already written the check and was about to drop then envelope in the mail. :matte-motes-silly:
  12. You get an immediate ban if reported for under-age or impersonating a Linden
  13. Ian Undercroft wrote: You see, whilst I agree that Maya has perhaps been overly-dramatic, and her innocence has been surprising, I can't help but think that very many women in SL would feel uncomfortable if, when sat in their own bath in their own home, they discovered a stranger's camera focussed in on them. I'll admit for a split second, when it happens, it's bothersome...but then I snap out of it and realize that it is SL and nothing I can do about it It's not a huge dramatic thing for me. When I TP somewhere and don't realize my clothes are missing until someone says something, it's more embarrassing than my being upset, don't want people to think I'm flaunting my stuff.....:matte-motes-silly: :matte-motes-bashful-cute:
  14. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Which reminds me, I really need to get cracking on my autumn look... what am I doing here? ...Dres *runs to sign on and go shopping* (...my favorite) Yay!!! Post a pic of the finished product in my 'Autumn' thread
  15. Mayalily wrote: Well, I was going to buy a bubble bath. Maybe I will just have to make that room into something else. It took me five months to find that bed in my one room! Five months! I found another bed I like on Marketplace. I asked the creator if she could make the drink tea in bed bed for me in my color scheme and she said she doesn't have time for custom work. I've been looking for antique beds for five months that were right for me. I found one, finally, after five months of looking. It really took me that long. So, an old claw bathtub sounded great to me. I guess I can get over it (no bathtub, I mean). ETA: Of course I can get over a bathtub compared to the hardships many face in life, including my own hardships. I'm just very frustrated that I can't have the drink tea in bed I would really love in my colors, so I thought a bathroom with tub for relaxing would be a good alternative. See, I'm frustrated because my house is 80% done, and I don't know where to go with it now as I feel I keep reaching road blocks to finishing my "fairy" house. I had plans for the bathtub room that are now gone. I really wanted to get my house finished, but here it sits again, 80% done. It's just got me frustrated. I'll have to focus on something else, and maybe eventually I will think of some way to finish my house. I was really looking forward to getting the house done though and I thought I was FINALLY THERE, then this info came about. So scrap the tub, and now I need to think of something else. What, I dunno. Maya...haven't been to your house to know this, but what color(s) are you looking for? ETA: btw, like your new badge
  16. Jessika Rang wrote: Ahhh - after such a busy summer and just a bit of lurking forum time I am happy to have a thread inspire me. I took these pics earlier this summer for a hair fair contest. I think the location was Tempura. **me/waves hello to all the regulars, missed you guys!** I think autumn is my favorite season, the warm days are delightful and the cold ones make me happy to snuggle into sweaters and boots - oh, and not to mention (US) football to watch on lazy Sunday afternoons. Jessika, very nice!! Your outfit has that warm & cozy look to it...just right for fall Like the hair too :matte-motes-silly:
  17. nm...I decided not to say what I said :matte-motes-not-even:
  18. As a shopper, doesn't bother me at all...as you said, I just hover
  19. Storm Clarence wrote: Ian Undercroft wrote: I think you ought to delete the location of your home, Maya. You might not have encountered any yet, but there are a fair few nutter/griefer/stalker types in SL. It seems silly to attract them to your home location. A nighmare scenerio: Waits for your arrival. I hope you don't mind smoking, too. omg, Storm...too funny!
  20. Dresden Ceriano wrote: ETA: Oh good, leyna posted one... guess I just wasn't diligent enough in my search. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: Did you Google? :matte-motes-silly:
  21. Ceka Cianci wrote: Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Mayalily wrote: Star Bright -- Star Shine, Cevedale - Moderate OK, everyone meet at Maya's...bring your cameras :matte-motes-silly: your forum avatar is already set to snoop mode lol.. what is that over your eye? hehehehe Oh yes...I'm the curious one in the bunch
  22. Mayalily wrote: Star Bright -- Star Shine, Cevedale - Moderate OK, everyone meet at Maya's...bring your cameras :matte-motes-silly:
  23. Venus Petrov wrote: Do not leave before leaving a SLURL to your house so we can cam in, snap photos and sit on your furniture. She never did leave her address, did she? :matte-motes-confused:
  24. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Mayalily wrote: I don't see how people can say there was no expectation of privacy... well, what are changing rooms there for then? Just to confuse us? And yes, LL should ethically disclose there is no privacy in changing rooms, in rented land, etc because of the camming abilities. There has to be some way to remedy this. Yes, LL could mandate that signs be placed on all changing and bath room doors. Get real. ROFL :matte-motes-sarcasm:
  25. Mayalily wrote: It doesn't work. You either have to own your own land, or I have to see if my land lady is willing to set that for me. But since so many of you think my avatar in my own home rented belongs to everyone, why would she turn it on for me? Maya, you are being deliberately obtuse about this...you asked a question and we all answered with basically the same info. It's the way SL is. Those of us here for years have learned to deal with it, you need to do the same or go private island. Perhaps these types of environments aren't the place for you if you feel so strongly about it
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