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Dora Gustafson

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Everything posted by Dora Gustafson

  1. Move the prim? In what way? A piece of advise: Never change state in touch_start event! Replace it by a touch_end event handler :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
  2. When you push on a wall you apply a force As long as you don't break the wall it is pushing back with an opposite force of same size The two forces are in balance The wall can push back because it is deformed by the force you apply The deformation may be unnoticeable but it is there :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy: @ Rolig: a not moving object can apply a force and be affected by a force Think about a stone lying on the ground The stone will apply a downward force of size: mass×g, where g ≈ 9.8 [m/S/S] :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy: If any of these can be used in SL? You tell me
  3. You have got it wrong You need to figure out how llListen() and the listen event work together Follow these links and you can learn :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy: The logic is backward too When a state is entered no listen handles are available and therefore the listen event is never triggered and no listen handle is activated ever
  4. So the push is from another object! Actually nobody told me and it is not in the OP If it is, the force can be computed from the loss of momentum in the colliding object The equation supplied earlier can be used for that: m × v / t = F where t is the time it takes to stop the object from velocity v to zero velocity :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy: In real life an object acted upon by a force is either moved or deformed The latter option doesn't exist in SL In SL an object can either move or ignore the force Only when it is moved a script inside can compute the force as pointed out by Rolig
  5. Kerri Macarthur wrote: As above really. I need to make a simple cube that will measure how much force is pushing on it. The cobe won't move and cannot be phantom, etc. First of all: if the cube doesn't move you can forget all about computing the force acting on it In the following simplified case I will outline how you can compute a Force from the velocity change it make to an object with mass m m×v2 - m×v1 = t×F F is a constant force t is the time for which the force is applied m is the mass of the object v1 is the velocity of the object before the force is applied v2 is the velocity after In SL an impulse is a constant force applied for one second, see llApplyImpulse() so the above equation becomes: m×v2 - m×v1 = F = Impulse If the velocity before the impulse equals zero the equation becomes very simple: m×v = F = Impulse where v is the velocity given by the impulse :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy: Ref: MECHANICS by Keith R. Symon, page 21 and page 100
  6. Smart but bound to get screwed at SIM restart / SIM down :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
  7. 12AM being midnight, the most simple test is to test when the day changes from one date to another using llGetDate() string dayLast;float checkRate = 60.0;default{ state_entry() { dayLast = llGetSubString( llGetDate(), -2, -1); llSetTimerEvent( checkRate); } timer() { string dayNow = llGetSubString( llGetDate(), -2, -1); if ( dayNow != dayLast ) { // past midnight llOwnerSay( "The new day is: "+dayNow); } dayLast = dayNow; llOwnerSay( "Day is: "+dayNow); // for testing }} This of course is 12AM in the UTC time zone Anyway it happens one time every 24 hours no matter what time zone you are in
  8. In case nobody noticed the first time :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
  9. 24 sided polygon? As the distance increase it will have even fewer sides The number is diffferent for each defined LOD
  10. That would work but there is no guarantee that you won't play the same sound twice (after randomization) :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
  11. [ListKey] is a list containing a list but you are not allowed to do that in LSL This script of yours can not work If it worked two days ago you must have changed it :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
  12. My contribution here will help you make the default settings the way you like it :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
  13. A texture is a square or rectangular image and in most cases the mapping doesn't fill the full image What is left out is not mapped but even so it should not be transparent That is what I mean :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy: The areas not mapped can be any color just should not be transparent For safety one should never use an alpha channel
  14. I can't tell if this is the case but if an UV map has any transparency, even if it is outside the used area, you get unwanted transparency The lesson is we should always use 24 bit RGB and never 32 bits for UV mapped textures Never include an alpha channel in your textures :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
  15. You need to be more specific When you say 'get the time' do you mean get the real time or get the time from a timestamp in a file or get the time in another format and convert it to what you prefer or anything else? :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
  16. The wall: W, is what is left when you subtract the hollow part from the full cylinder for a cylinder with radius 1: W = 1 - hollow for a cylinder with radius R: W = R( 1 - hollow ) solving for hollow you get: hollow = 1 - W/R in your example where W=0.15 and R=3.3 you get: hollow = 1 - 0.15/3.3 so hollow = 0.954545... which equals 95.45% :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy: (anyway this is how hollow is used in Second Life)
  17. It is possible to adjust the size of the User Interface and the size of the chat text for the viewer These settings are in PREFERENCES The adjustments made in the operating system (windows 7) will not do for the viewer :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
  18. It can't be! If the poseballs are linked to your train you will also be linked to the train when you sit Therefore you should move with the train. Continuously changing the sittarget while you sit on it is not a solution The solution is to sit on a prim that is a part of the train and you can do that without poseballs Go to the marketplace and get the EasySitTarget tool for free It will help you sit the way you want on any prim :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
  19. You need the rotation given as quaternion for two rotations Q1 and Q2 Now you can compute the delta rotation: dQ, you need to make the Key Framed Motion from Q1 to Q2 dQ = Q2/Q1; In this context the "/" operator is not a division operator See Rotation for more about this :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
  20. In PREFERENCES / Graphics uncheck the 'Advanced Lighting Model' It will bring back land coloring as it used to be :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
  21. steph Arnott wrote: You can not sit more than one on a prim. The only way is to sit on a linked prim, that requires a script. This may be of help. This is not correct! If the server can place more than one person on an unscripted prim, you can do it and a script can move them around like linked child prims “There is no room to sit, please try another spot” This is an error message you may get when two or more agents try to sit on one prim It arises when some bounding box prevents the sitting The first sit is never a problem because it is defined by the single SitTarget, but for the rest the server must find a place to sit before the script can place the sitter When the server can't find a place we have this "There is no room to sit, please try another spot" error You can read more about it and about other peoples experiences on the SL forum It must be emphasized, that this is not a script error but a system caveat, it can be seen when two or more avatars try to sit on an unscripted prim :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
  22. Dora Gustafson wrote: SIM border crossing has become a disaster:( I tried my glider again for the first time in two years The glider hasn't changed and back then the crossing was fair but not good Now the pilot is reseated to default sit at the first crossing and velocity and rotation are badly interrupted Now I can spread a little more light on where the problems lie The problem that sets the animation to default on sim crossing, lies with LlSetAnimationOverride Stopping an animation override using this function solves the problem with resetting to default sit :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
  23. Because they can They can because people buy whatever it is they are selling and because there is no police in SL It would stop soon if it wasn't profitable :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
  24. SIM border crossing has become a disaster:( I tried my glider again for the first time in two years The glider hasn't changed and back then the crossing was fair but not good Now the pilot is reseated to default sit at the first crossing and velocity and rotation are badly interrupted How many server updates have we seen that were supposed to improve SIM crossing? Obviously things has just grown worse Maybe its time that someone realize that SIM crossing is a bad idea and no longer allow vehicles to cross SIM borders I just had to say it :smileysurprised::):smileyvery-happy:
  25. If you want to go inside the building you don't want all the walls in one physics That is if the physics is convex. In your example it would become a convex box If you make the physics follow the form in the left figure it will cost in LI especially if your building is big So the best solution in my opinion is to let each wall define the physics for it as each wall is a simple box :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
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