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Wildcat Furse

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Everything posted by Wildcat Furse

  1. if the creator doesn't help or refund you, there is unfortunately no other way to receive a refund on purchased good *meows* PS. I would remove the name of the creator in your answer!
  2. cool vid and song Void ...:smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  3. as many u want .....but remember that a regular sim is limited to maximum 100 avatars ......but I assume u will not have that many people at the same time in your house *meows* edit : just checked the linden home sim and the number of maximum avatars is locked to 55 (not 100), the sim is a regular version
  4. hmmmm .... Willow why don't u stay here for awhile (.....and put that Rottweiler back in your pocket) so I can discuss the rabbit option with Wil .......WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL??????? Dang, he is so concentrated on cooking Tem, he cannot even hear me .... bad bad Tom :smileymad: *meows*
  5. ty for sharing this beautiful picture Matty ..... enjoy the horseriding :smileywink: *meows*
  6. Kelinda, by moving the 'face light' you should be able to remove the shadows *meows*
  7. I knew he was insane Venus. I will continue to try and stop him from doing insane things :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  8. if the dance is copy, u should still have the 'root' dance in your inventory *meows*
  9. maybe post a picture here or post it on the forum, so the Lindens and other residents can see it :smileywink: *meows*
  10. oh what a gentle(man)tom ..... :smileyhappy: *meows*
  11. puuuurrrfeeect .... but hey .....'mews' wait a minute .... why don't u catch Willow, while I enjoy Tem :smileymad:??????? *meows*
  12. Woot, what a nice pic :smileywink: (/me thinks that Peewee is gonna play a game .....haha)
  13. RATS RATS RATS??????? Can I join dinner?????? ...*meows*
  14. what a lovely picture Valerie .... I am still gonna give it a try later today (when I can finish work grgrggrggrgrgrgrggg.....oh no my bosssss ..... ALT+TAB) :smileymad: *meows*
  15. magnificient picture WIL .... woot ..... guess u need a kitty to play with you on the moon????? *meows*
  16. I love the colors Keli ..... really pretty ..... /me checks these stores too :smileywink: *meows*
  17. I like your thinking Ceka .... love it !!! *meows*
  18. TRINITY IS OUT :smileysad: ............I AM IN :smileyvery-happy: *meows* PS. didn't had patience enough to work with a real movie shot .... :smileysad:
  19. ty Live for this ....../me runs to the store....but first to the bank....haha :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  20. Oh, that's cool, I like racing too ....... :smileywink: *meows*
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