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Wildcat Furse

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Everything posted by Wildcat Furse

  1. nope, was just dragging my partner out of the bar ......she had too much champagne AGAIN :smileymad: *meows*
  2. friends can be really handy ...... :smileymad: *meows* (PS. don't drink and fly!)
  3. me->preferences->graphics->avatar physics *meows*
  4. NeonGroove wrote: islands for free I think u just have bought a landmark to a private estate on the marketplace where you still need to buy the land first in-world to lease it and to pay weekly or monthly tier after the purchase, I can be wrong but my suspicion tells me I am possible right. Free land is in many cases misunderstood by many newcomers and it doesn't exist really *meows*
  5. is this a home you are renting from someone? if so, please let us know the name of the sim! or is it a Linden Home you got through premium membership? *meows*
  6. for mainland there is no policy as such, so u can have and own them here without any restrictions for private estates there can be a convenant stating 'no breedables allowed' (check with the simowner for sure) *meows*
  7. What a beautiful gown Val ... soo lovely ... :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  8. oohhh nooooo......is that bad Sera? :smileysad: *meows*
  9. Anarchy ..... hmmmm ...... I love it .... and chaos and disorder ..... makes me remind of one of my favorite bands as a teen (Joy Division - song : Disorder) *meows* It’s getting faster, moving faster now, it’s getting out of hand, On the tenth floor, down the back stairs, it’s a no man’s land, Lights are flashing, cars are crashing, getting frequent now, I’ve got the spirit, lose the feeling, let it out somehow.
  10. please give us more details about your PC configuration, Operating system ..... u could also download and try an alternative viewer here *meows*
  11. right click your avatar ->edit shape ->use the slider to lower your body height *meows*
  12. hiya Lil, welcome to second life, you can check the 'destination guide' for some places you might want to explore, I am pretty sure you will meet some interesting people sooner or later, I know this is a slow moving process but remember we all went through that phase the first weeks after our rezz day *meows*
  13. I never had issues with the group eject really Peewee (using different viewers), as example - spammers get in time to time and you really need to get them out fast to avoid they spoil the whole group chat *meows*
  14. please check that the land the club is on is set to (M - mature) *meows*
  15. the last one for today ..... *meows*
  16. @txt, if one of the LINDENS would read your post they would probably be able to tell how many objects are owned in total by all second life residents together, interesting metrics really *meows*
  17. lolcats .... where??? :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  18. That's a bit weird, when I kick someone out of a group, they cannot chat anylonger and get a message that the chat has expired ... just kicked one of my friends out of my group (as a test) and she got kicked from the chat immediately *meows*
  19. do you mean the sum from objects owned by all residents? *meows*
  20. I wouldn't worry too much about other worlds, they are years behind second life and (probably) never will catch up, most of those worlds have no financial basis to make them viable moving forward, investing 1US$ in those is a much greater risk than investing one in second life. Anyhow everyone is free to walk, nobody can stop u, but from all the people that I know off who (migrated to the promised land) ..... came back to second life :smileyhappy: *meows*
  21. and I want M&M'sssssss ....:smileymad: *meows*
  22. beautiful pics everyone, after my holidays finally time for some action again :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  23. I hate hate hate hate hate 'emoticons' .... everytime I see one I wanna grab a bag of M&M's .... :smileymad: *meows*
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