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Wildcat Furse

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Everything posted by Wildcat Furse

  1. Yay Lanas............I graced myself ordering a new laptop (Asus G73SW-TZ083V) yesterday, I am more than ready to take second life to another level .......:smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  2. it is all about expectations Katt, if u force to connect to others they might walk away, better to roam around second life with less expectations which might open the door to new adventures and friendships for you .... good luck :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  3. it is nice indeed, good work Lindenlabs ..... ty Ossian for posting it *meows*
  4. here is another outfit I love .... don't know if the mods will pull it, but let's try it :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  5. Wildcat in 2007 Wildcat in 2011 I hope one day I will reincarnate as a cat .... I love to play, to tease, to liiiiick, to sleep, to cuddle ......but at least I found an intermediate solution in second life :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  6. I think this picture is a photoshopped picture (non-second life) where the 'faceband' was added to it ..... the owner of the panel should at least know the truth *meows*
  7. QUESTION 1 : can u be a bit more specific? do you have a credit card registered? QUESTION 2 & 3 : if the land is abandonned please read this information here *meows*
  8. 'twitter glitter' or 'FB' seems both to be accepted by the masses as social communication platforms, where 'second life' as a platform is still struggling with its own reputation, yes it sounds cliché (blah blah) but it is still seen as a platform for 'virtual sex activities or a virtual lego world for adults' rather than a fantastic 3D development and communication tool. No doubt we all should thank the media who hyped it to pieces in 2007 and mainly focussed on highlighting the 'negative aspects of second life rather than on the positive ones'. To my opinion Lindenlabs had to launch massive marketing campaigns in 2007-2008 rather than to sit and wait in the corner for the media storm to lay down (maybe they have thought that the negative publicity would lead into P&L positivity...). Marketing and customer service never has been their strongest points! Nevertheless I love the platform and the capabilities it offers, but I don't see second life further growing, a slow downwards trend would be rather normal ... *meows* edit : I also hate the name 'second life' ..... as a name for this platform!
  9. I am jeaulous, I love it ..... :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  10. I really look forward to see some of your new creations appearing soon in this topic Sonya .....*meows*
  11. this is "'hyperbeautiful' ..... :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  12. ty Venus ...... more pictures due this week .....:smileywink: *meows*
  13. I really love this one Sion, it is so special, both your avatars are looking so amazing....... :smileywink: *meows*
  14. ty Venus ....surrrrrffffffffffffffffffffiiinnggggggggggggggg :smileywink: *meows*
  15. woot ... pretty pics everyone....... *meows*
  16. again such a beautiful picture Kelinda, your pictures are improving so fast, I love it :smileywink: *meows*
  17. ty for posting this amazing picture Evangeline, no doubt someone will read your post and take you out for a romantic dance :smileywink: *meows*
  18. +/- 100 US$ par month, 40 US$ on mainland tier and the rest on fashion, decoration and other goodies. If I see an opportunity to buy and sell some mainland, I'll take it too as an extra *meows*
  19. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO ..... :smileyvery-happy: *meows* I… I used to think that my life… had to mean some-thing but it turned out… I had to find out the hard way create my own meaning You are not alone… inside You are not alone… tonight tonight Could you let it go, inside? Could you let it go, …?? Tonight. I I used to think That I had to know Every, Thing and Every one But it turned out that I had to start knowing, … start feeling? You are not alone, inside You are not alone, tonight Tonight Could you let it go, inside Could you let it go, … tonight You’re not alone, Inside, You’re not alone, tonight, Could you let it go..
  20. best is to contact the original seller in-world and include the transaction details of the items not received *meows*
  21. I buy my latex or kinky fashion @GRAVES, they seem to have always the answer for my needs .... below one of my favorite outfits *meows*
  22. I use the 'Gypsy Swimball rezzer' Val ... just drop the rezzer in the water and it will rezz a primball, jump on it and swim * 3 Swimming Styles ( Tread water, Breaststroke and Freestyle ), it wil rezz another ball so your friends can enjoy it too ..... very easy and loads of fun :smileywink: *meows*
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