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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Good morning all! Happy peak of the week! I hope you are feeling better Rhonda! Peace!
  2. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Rhonda Huntress wrote: I haz a flu Hey Hippie, do you think Rhonda needs something to help with that flu? Aww Rhonda. Sorry you are feeling poorly. I know Maddy's chicken juice, unpalatable as it is is what you need. Just hold your nose, and gulp it down. It is better you consume all at once so your gag reflex can handle the taste. Chase that down with a cold root beer. Feel better soon! Peace!
  3. I wanted to have the name David. As in David Bowman from 2001 a space Odyssey. David was not available so I took the name Hippie that my fellow motorcycle riders had given me. Peace!
  4. MommysPrincessRuby wrote: So I've been a SLifer for 8 months now and know nobody. I honestly am quite shy, don't go to clubs or other community events. I mainly love to take photos, hoard free stuff, and play Barbie with my KittyCats running around. I have no "family" or significant other and the only RL friend I have that introduced me to SL isn't around right now. I am a lady in both SL and RL but I welcome all sexes, colors, furry, etc. I do want to stay drama free!! Ruby xx Edit: Ishould add if you would like chat or whatever, you can find me @ Mommysprincessruby in world. Hi Mommy! May I suggest the breakfast club. We meet every Sunday morning at eight am sl time. We go to different places each week. It is a good way to meet people and to see different places. Check my feed at https://my.secondlife.com/hippie.bowman around seven am Sunday morning to see where we are meeting that Sunday! I hope to meet you! Peace!
  5. Good morning all! Happy Monday! One more day off so tennis today! Have a great day all! Peace!
  6. CheriColette wrote: I planning on being there, just trying to decide on my outfit, then I realised....I can wear them all (over several hours) I will look for you there Cheri! Peace!
  7. Hippie Bowman wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Hippiestock 7 coming to Lagrange Point Spaceport January the 21st. Event starts at 9am with a day full of live entertainment! Don't miss this groovy event! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lagrange%20Point/165/189/22 Peace! Hippiestock 7 is just 4 days away! Event starts at 9 am SLT. A full day of music and fun! Don't miss it! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lagrange%20Point/161/175/22 Peace! Hippiestock 7 is just 2 days away! Event starts at 9 am SLT. A full day of music and fun! Don't miss it! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lagrange%20Point/161/175/22 Peace!
  8. Hippie Bowman wrote: Hippiestock 7 coming to Lagrange Point Spaceport January the 21st. Event starts at 9am with a day full of live entertainment! Don't miss this groovy event! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lagrange%20Point/165/189/22 Peace! Hippiestock 7 is just 4 days away! Event starts at 9 am SLT. A full day of music and fun! Don't miss it! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lagrange%20Point/161/175/22 Peace!
  9. Good morning all! Happy Sunday! I have been having so much fun with my new Phantom 3 advanced drone. I took this new video of the phantom 3 advanced drone. Maximum altitude 300 feet (91.4 meters). Have a great day! Peace!
  10. Hippiestock 7 coming to Lagrange Point Spaceport January the 21st. Event starts at 9am with a day full of live entertainment! Don't miss this groovy event! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lagrange%20Point/165/189/22 Peace!
  11. Hippiestock 7 coming to Lagrange Point Spaceport January the 21st. Event starts at 9am with a day full of live entertainment! Don't miss this groovy event! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lagrange%20Point/165/189/22?title=Lagrange%20Point%20Spaceport%20&msg=A%20Spaceport%20with%20a%20tropical%20flavor!%20Space%20RP%20here.%20Bring%20your%20ship%20to%20rez%20or%20get%20a%20free%20one%20In%20Lagrange%20/*Sky@500-999:"[TOR]%20DUSK%20-%20Briony"%20Sky@990-5000:"[TOR]%20NIGHT%20-%20Brighter"%20Water:"Glassy"*/ Peace!
  12. Hi Liz and welcome back! May I suggest the breakfast club! We meet once a week at 8AM SL time and we go to different places each week. It is a great way to meet people and to see new places. Check my feed @ https://my.secondlife.com/hippie.bowman around 7AM on Sunday morning to see where we will be that week! Hope to see you at breakfast! Peace!
  13. Ugh and blast it all! Monday again already! Well make the best of it! Peace!
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