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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Lol! Loving all the comments! Check this video out of stupid things people do with drones! Happy peak of the week all! Peace!
  2. Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! There is not enough coffee in Columbia to keep me awake today! Peace!
  3. Looking to make friends? Well, The Breakfast Club pulls up to Nova's Sphere today at 8 AM! HOpe to see you!http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lagrange%20Point/233/228/3834 Come make some friends and enjoy each others company! Peace!
  4. Oh sweet! That's how to do it! Just paste it to the post! Woot! Peace!
  5. Hi all! Can anyone tell me how to post a YouTube video here? I have been trying to figure it out but the sulution eludes me! Thanks in advance! Peace!
  6. I love that Maddy! Good morning all! Happy Friday! Peace! https://youtube.com/watch?v=nJSPElT-QWg
  7. Lol! Loving all the comments! Good morning all Happy Thursday! Short day for me then LadySue and I are off to the pool! Have a great day all! Peace!
  8. Good morning all! Happy peak of the week! I am awake! Just insert coffee! Peace!
  9. Good morning all. Monday! Here is a present for you Maddy to help you celebrate your favorite day! Peace!
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