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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote:   Good morning all. The Bowman family is keeping a close watch on hurricane Mathew as it closes in on the Florida east coast. I live on the west coast and I suspect there will be tropical force winds here, but not as much rain as hurricane Hermine brought us. I will keep you up to date! Have a fantastic day all! Peace! I'm glad to see you and Ladysue are prepared, Hippie...  Stay safe, Kids!!!  Thanks Maddy! We did okay. It was very mild where we are on the west coast of Florida. However it does help to have the proper gear, and a flashlight! Happy Friday everyone! Peace!
  2.   Good morning all. The Bowman family is keeping a close watch on hurricane Mathew as it closes in on the Florida east coast. I live on the west coast and I suspect there will be tropical force winds here, but not as much rain as hurricane Hermine brought us. I will keep you up to date! Have a fantastic day all! Peace!
  3.  Well I am out of the mud and back to work. All I want now is a hug! Any takers? Good morning all! Peace!
  4.  Good morning all! What a glorious Monday! (Day off. I will most likely hate next monday!) TIme to play in the mud! Peace!
  5.  Good morning all! YAY it's Friday! Traveling to Steinhatchee Florida to day for Ben and Kasi's (Both SL residents) wedding! Peace!
  6. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I'm not letting go until Monday makes you smile, dammit...  Happy Pique of the Week, Kids!!! Ouch!!! I'm smiling! I'm smiling! Peace!
  7.  Happy Sunday all! I hope you all had a great weekend! The Breakfast Club pulls up to Buenas Regalas del Mar, Crux Isle today at 8 AM and is hosted by Djuna! All are welcome! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Crux%20Isle/212/47/29 Peace!
  8.  Lol! Okay if I must Maddy! But I am taking my stick with me! Happy post-Monday everybody! Peace!
  9.  The Breakfast Club pulls up to Helping Haven today! Take the teleporter at the Oktoberfest sign up to the breakfast. Breakfast starts at 8 AM! Hope to see ya! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Helping%20Haven%20Gateway/51/50/25 Peace!
  10.  Sorry Maddy! I could not resist! I managed to get a few strips back from them birds! Wow they are mean! Good morning all! Peace!
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