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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1.  Ugh! Monday again already? I thought we just had one! Well, make the best of it and have a fantastic day! Peace!
  2. No Breakfast today! The Commune has its grand opening today at the Commune Utopia! It is an all day event. I sing at 10 AM! Do come and enjoy! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Commune%20Utopia/199/43/32 Peace!
  3. What's the matter Maddy? Did your border return home? Happy Friday everyone! Peace!
  4.  Hi Jo, Karen, Maddy! Halloween over but for the eating! Have a great day! Peace!
  5.   Trick or treat everyone! Happy Halloween everyone from Hippie and LadySue Bowman! Peace!
  6. HAHA Maddy! No! It is all mine!!! The Breakfast Club pulls up to Serenity Shores today at 8 AM and is hosted by Maggy Serenity! Hope to see you! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Serenity%20Shores/26/175/22 Peace!
  7.  Happy Friday all! Lady and it are getting our Halloween costumes ready. What do you think? Have a great day! Peace!
  8.  Ugh! Monday again already? I thought we just had one! Well make the best of it! Peace!
  9. I am not sure I understand your question? Did you mean 1999? and what copies are you referring to? Peace!
  10.  Ugh! Monday again already! I just want to sleep! Thank you Jo. We made out well with the hurricane. Just some wind and very little rain! Have a great day all! Peace!
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