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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Sunday Breakfast truly shows how beloved Monday is. What other weekday motivates people to gather together a whole day in advance, year after year, to prepare for it? Happy Sunday, Kids!!! Yes Indeed Maddy! Peace!
  2.  The Breakfast Club pulls up to Flowers Place in Fudo! Breakfast starts at 8 AM and all are welcome!http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fudo/24/156/22 Peace!
  3. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote:  Good morning all you fun seekers! Happy peak of the week! Peace! I had to zoom in there to make sure you hadn't left a li'l peak on one of the peaks. Good dog! Woof! Peace!
  4.  Well I at made it out of driveway and I made it to work! Woot! Peace!
  5. Your breakfast is waiting for you on the feed Maddy. Just in case you did not get notice in your email. I have not been getting notice for some time now! Peace!
  6.  Good morning all! Happy Monday! Happy Labor day here in the States! It is a glorious day indeed! OMG how I love Mondays.......well this one anyway! Have a great day all! Peace!
  7. The Breakfast Club pulls up to Petit Chat - Moumou's Square, Rayne and PetitChat today and Trinity is out host! Breakfast starts at 8 AM and all are welcome! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rayne%20and%20PetitChat/227/27/32 It is a glorious day! The Birds are singing! The Sun is out! The water is going down..... I bet Monday tomorrow is going to be glorious too! For once! Peace!
  8. Thank you Maddy! My dog don't understand why the grass is now underwater! He just looks at me as if saying "You want me to do what"? ROF! Peace!
  9. Well the worst of the storm is over. Here are a few pictures of the aftermath. Ugg! Can't get my car out!  Peace!
  10. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Stay safe, Hippie. {hugs} Thanks Rhonda! All good just can't get my car out! HEHEH! Peace!
  11.  Good morning all! Can't get to work today. Streets are flooded all because of Tropical Storm Hermine. But all is good. Plenty of food and water and COFFEE! Have a great Thursday all! Peace!
  12. BTW Maddy. Your Monday breakfast is sitting rotting on your feed. I know you like it to rot a bit before eating! Peace!
  13. Hi Thomas! May I suggest attending a Sunday morning breakfast with the breakfast club! We are a travelling breakfast and we go to different places each week. It is s good way to meet new people and to see new places. There is always a nice crowd that attends. Check out my feed at https://my.secondlife.com/hippie.bowman around 6 AM Sunday morning to find out where we are meeting that day. Hope to see you there! Peace!
  14.  OMG Maddy! What a tongue you have! Happy peak of the week all! Peace!
  15. The breakfast club visits pandora hometree once again :-) Come for BACON or waffles, dance it off before you leave . Plenty of chat and friendly vibes. we're still using the "under the sea" venue - so bring those mertails if you wish, but there's plenty of sand to dance on as well. Breakfast starts mat 8 AM! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pandora%20HomeTree/141/144/1274 Good morning all! Peace!
  16. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I had a puppy once. They don't need coffee to play. But if you give 'em too much to drink, they'll pee on the kitchen floor. I'm not cleaning up after you! Happy Saturday, Kids!!! Oh yes! They do that Maddy! Morning! Peace!
  17. Oh I would love that animation Maddy! Can you transfer? Then I could skip all over the Spaceport and scare the residents! They all think I am insane anyway! Peace!
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