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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Chibi Chang wrote: So a little bit about myself, I guess would be a good way to start off. My name is Chibi Chang, and this is probably my first forum post in about 7 years. As of this month, I have been in Second Life for 8 years, it should be obvious that the density of people that have stuck through this long is very thin. I have DJ'd many nights away, designed and obliterated entire cities, seen many good people come and go. I am indisputably the first male cat boy in the world, and quite a few people in the past have found that alluring. This might be going too far, but sometimes I like to think that all of the other cats in the world after me are my misguided children. :3 Almost all of my friends are gone from the world now, however, and it is very lonely for someone like me, who has seen it all and has no aspirations to do anything to even log in anymore. I see this phenomena probably similar to being a senior citizen in real life, and having your friends and relatives perish, leaving you with nothing but your children to watch over. I don't know what I'm trying to say, everyone. I guess I just want to find some new and consistent people that are relatively intelligent and fun to be around. Maybe even some people that might spark my creativity and get me doing things again. I don't want to be too picky, but I don't want to be friends with everyone in the world either. Let's make this thread a sort of application process. Feel free to message me inworld or here, and if you pique my interest, I'm sure we can have a lucrative friendship. PS: I apoligize if any of this sounds grim, offensive, or depressing. I'm just not in a great mood at the moment, hence my seeking of new friendship to brighten my life. Hi Chibi! Wow 8 years huh? May I suggest. Seek out the Forum Cartel group and join it. The antics of this group is always quite intertaining. You may also hang out at my sim (look at my signature for the SLURL). We are a friendly bunch here, and the sim is the home of Hippiestock 11. I do hope you find what you are looking for! Peace!
  2. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning Hippie, Dee, Cali, Wildcat, hugs ! Good morning everyone! Beautiful lake Hippie. Ready for fishing today? Good morning Val! A bad day fishing is better then a good day working! LOL! Love the cat and fish in the tub! Hippie smiles! Peace!
  3. Hippie Stands up and streatches, and pokes the fire to get it blazing again. Yawn! Good morning Everyone! Hippie walks down to the lake and waits for the sun to come up! Life is good and great! Peace!
  4. Argus Collingwood wrote: YAY!! Congrats<33 YAY! Thanks Argus! Peace!
  5. Persephone Emerald wrote: The only poem I wrote for Second Life is more of a chant than a poem. Play, play, play all day Make the real world go away Go away and let me play SL is where I want to stay Ahh! So good! Thanks for sharing your poem! Peace!
  6. DQ Darwin wrote: Hippie as I mentioned before I am glad you deserve this wooot Thank Dee. And thanks for being a good friend! Peace!
  7. Canoro Philipp wrote: it makes me smile that your sim made it to the Destination Guide, congratulations! makes me smile too that i got a Member rank! yay! and looks great in my badge! also when i come here to the forums, it feels like coming home to family makes me smile to have discovered Second Life and be part of it Rhonda story about the little girl with the fish reminded me of a story, some time ago i was going out from work and was walking to my car in the parking lot and there was a little girl with her mom hoding her by her hand passing by, and she got off her hand and just turned to me and said: "guess what?? my daddy got me a puppy! ", for a fraction of a second i didnt know what to say and said "thats great!! " and her mom grabbed her back and she continue walking with that happiness in her face, she had to tell everybody the greatest news Thank you Canoro! Wooo Woo! Congrats on your promotion! Yes making the destination guide really made me smile! Yes it does feel like family here huh! Great story man! Thanks for the post! Peace!
  8. Clowesia wrote: Hi! I'm Clowesia! ^^ Shall we be friends?:smileyhappy: Sure we can be friends! Far out! Peace!
  9. FashionFaux wrote: New av and to the forums. I'll be glad to meet all of you and your comments. Will be starting a blog in the next week, showcasing fashion fads in SL (or in other words, what were people thinking?) It will be done in the style of the slconfidential, getting down & dirty. If you are a creator and make these fashion faux, you have my sympathy. Look for a link or info in my sig line soon!! Welcome Fashion! Look foward to reading your blog! Peace!
  10. DQ Darwin wrote: Huggs Hippie and Val here's a couple more Thanks Dee! Grabbed them! Woot! Peace!
  11. Hippie Bowman wrote: Woot and far out! My sim, Lagrange Point Spaceport, home of Hippiestock 11, has made the Destination Guide! I am just tickled pink about this! Thank you Linden Labs for considering my Spaceport, and posting it in the Destination Guide! Far out and groovy! Peace! Wow! Sim traffic Friday was about 650. Today it is about 3500! And you should see all the noobies! They are coming in herds! LOL! Wow! I am so pleased! Far out! Peace!
  12. DQ Darwin wrote: Good morning hugs all round:) Morning Dee! Woot! Peace!
  13. Morning Val! Hippie gives his friend a big hug! Ask Wildcat for one Val! She has loads of them! LOL! Peace!
  14. Great song Storm! Here! I will indulge you with one of my favorites! One by U2. U2 - One Is it getting better Or do you feel the same Will it make it easier on you now You got someone to blame You say... One love One life When it's one need In the night One love We get to share it Leaves you baby if you Don't care for it Did I disappoint you Or leave a bad taste in your mouth You act like you never had love And you want me to go without Well it's... Too late Tonight To drag the past out into the light We're one, but we're not the same We get to Carry each other Carry each other One... Have you come here for forgiveness Have you come to raise the dead Have you come here to play Jesus To the lepers in your head Did I ask too much More than a lot You gave me nothing Now it's all I got We're one But we're not the same Well we Hurt each other Then we do it again You say Love is a temple Love a higher law Love is a temple Love the higher law You ask me to enter But then you make me crawl And I can't be holding on To what you got When all you got is hurt One love One blood One life You got to do what you should One life With each other Sisters Brothers One life But we're not the same We get to Carry each other Carry each other One...life One
  15. Hi Storm! I joined SL by pure accident. I was doing a Google search back in 06 for Second Life, and after life, and I found the SL website. That's was all it took to get me totally hooked on this thing called Second Life. I was not looking for any relation ship at the time, but did partner with a lovely British girl, That lasted for about 2 months. Then I partnered with my Ladysue, and have been with her from then on! Peace!
  16. Still have some land left! Come and get it before it's all gone! Peace!
  17. lovegirl101 wrote: the white shirt on my avatar will not come off no matter what i do what should i do Hi Lovegirl! Then new avatars come with what they call modesty undergarments. They are part of the skin, and you can not take them off. What you will have to do is get a new skin. You can get free skins at Help People Island. There are other places too, but HPI comes to mind. Just do a search for Help People Island, and go the the free store there. I hope this helps! Peace!
  18. Hi Torley! Yeah love the Destination Guide! An now my sim has made it to the destination guild! Lagrange Point Spaceport! Woot! I am so honored and humbled by this Torley. Thanks you Linden Labs, for posting my sim! Peace!
  19. Good Morning all! Hippie stirs up the fire until it blazes! Hippie sets down a saucer of milk for the kitty the Wildcat gave him! Peace!
  20. ViravethSelkie wrote: Well, I got my avatar all set up. Now I just need to find some good communities, mainly ones for role playing. Hi Vira! Feel free to hang out at my sim. Look at my signature to find the way there! We are a Spaceport. We roleplay space combat, or just hang out. I hope you find what you are looking for! Peace!
  21. Orenthal Philbin wrote: hey Hippie I'm Moxie's attorney and she said to send her Congtatz to you...(the silly heifer got banned and is currently serving time at a minimum security facility in Terre Haute Indiana) also big shout out to the ever vigilant moderaters who busted her for jay walking, or spitting on the damned sidewalk, or wtf it was she did... LOL! I hope you can spring her soon! And thank you for the congtatz! Peace!
  22. DQ Darwin wrote: Hi Hippie I disagree with one word:P Hugggs Hippie Bowman wrote: Good Afternoon Dee! Thanks! I am so undeserving and humbled by the guide posting! Hugs to ya! Peace! Awww Dee! Thank you for your kind words. Hippie tries stay humble! Peace!
  23. Wildcat Furse wrote: I will visit your place soon, I promise .... :smileywink: *meows* Woot! Peace!
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