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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. DQ Darwin wrote: Hippie, Val, Cali and all Ha ppy Easter Happy Easter Dee! Peace!
  2. valerie Inshan wrote: Heya Dee, Cali, Hippie! Happy Easter everybody!!! Happy Happy Easter Val, Dee, Cali, everyone! Woot! Peace!
  3. wilhb81 wrote: WoW, a very sophisticated and high tech spaceship... Can a newbie like me have one of this awesome vehicle? Yes you may have one Wil! I will send you one out today! Far out! Peace!
  4. Axiom Serenity wrote: *makes huge cute puppy dog eyes* Can I has one? There you go Axiom! Have fun with it! Peace!
  5. Axiom Serenity wrote: *makes huge cute puppy dog eyes* Can I has one? You certainly can Axiom! I will send you one tonight after work! Peace!
  6. ajja Martian wrote: ha I found you at last big kiss sweetie I would not miss hippie Love the Coyote! I am stealing it! LOL! Peace!
  7. ajja Martian wrote: Dee hello everyone Cali Hippie has anyone seen my Valerie you it? Hi Ajja! Make your self at home! Peace!
  8. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning Dee, Cali, Hippie! Yay, the space ship rocks! Sorry I'm late today! lol, hugs to you all! Good morning Val! Oh, love the Alice in Wonderland Rabbit! I stole it! HEHE! I am glad you like the Space RV! Remember, I can give piloting lesson if needed! LOL! Peace!
  9. DQ Darwin wrote: Wooot Hippie Dee is starting a collection lol Morning Val Cali and Hippie let the fun begin:) Morning all. @ Cali, no problem on the ride but you need to wear a crash helmut, lol. Good morning everyone! I will send you the Space RV tonight Dee! Woot! Peace!
  10. Seraphiel Galaxy wrote: Thank you so much Hippie I love it! You are most welcome Seraphiel! Contact me In World if you need piloting lessons. LOL! Peace!
  11. Good morning everyone! Hippie stirs up the fire until it blazes. I am giving away another Space Craft if anyone is interested, check out the thread at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Building/I-am-giving-this-one-away-for-a-limited-time-Just-ask-and-it-is/m-p/827031#M573. Peace everyone!
  12. Emma Krokus wrote: Yes please Hippie! Thank you very much - that's very nice of you Hi Emma! I will send you one tonight! I hope you like it! Peace!
  13. Dragonlady Boa wrote: I mostly create small items, jewelery and nails. So cool and far out DragonLady! Thanks for sharing! Peace!
  14. Shockwave Yareach wrote: RCS - Reaction Control System aka, steering jets. Aka omg look at those huge things does this thing accelerate sidewise or something wow... Thanks for your generous offer. But my torchship still flies, so I'm good. Ahh! Thanks for the info Shockwave! Yes! Steering jets. And they fire in the proper sequence when needed. You sure you don't want one? You will like it. LOL Peace!
  15. Shockwave Yareach wrote: someone is veeeeery fond of RCS there Excuse my ignorance Shockwave, but what is RCS? Revision control system? LOL. And do you want a space craft too? Peace!
  16. valerie Inshan wrote: LOL Hippie! You are the most generous guy on SLEarth!!! (and sky! :smileywink::smileyvery-happy:) Bigs hugs and kudos for you my friend! Awwww Val! Hippie blushes! Big hugs and kudos too you too! I will send you one of these too my friend! Peace!
  17. Pozemku wrote: Thank you very much! i will post in land selling section!! Best Regards! Great! And 1 kudo for ya too! Peace!
  18. Seraphiel Galaxy wrote: Wow Hippy.....I would love one of those! How generous of you You got it! I will send you one tonight after work! Make sure you send me a note card to remind me. Hippies brain cells are not what they used to be! Sigh! Peace!
  19. Pozemku wrote: This is the best option for you, we have available 512m for 2000L$, this land is placed in the next adress: PINTANO 136,80 This is the best choice for you, because is one of the best places in second life, is cheap because POZEMKU is one of the companies wich is starting. Go there, and you will see the features, is not so big but is in a nice place, go there now! This is the first land that is on sale from POZEMKU VIRTUAL LAND COMPANY. Contact: fredicito295@hotmail.com Sounds good Pozemku, but this thread would be better in the Land for sale section. I suggest you post it there before the moderators delete it! Peace!
  20. Hi everyone! I am feeling really generous today! I would like to give one of my Space Craft, to any that wants one! This is a non-physical vehicle. It is 40 meters long, and about 28 meters wide. It has 2 flight modes, hover and flight. The craft can rotate on all axis when in flight. Particles come out of the thrusters, as they are used. The Space Craft has an engineering section, a small pod landing bay. The small pod is included. It has scene rezzers in the living spaces. The scenes include living quarters, ships bar, library, Captains quarters, sick bay, and galley. The ship is fun to fly, and I will include the instructions for operation. All you have to do, is post here, then send me a note card in world with your name on it, and the craft is yours! Far out and groovy! Here are 2 pictures of the craft. I call the ship the "Space RV". The ship sells for 1500L. Built at "Bowman Ship Yards". So come and get it, before my generosity wanes. LOL! Peace!
  21. valerie Inshan wrote: Wow Hippie, sunshine sure makes me high! And your constant kindness does too! Greta joins me to hug you back! Your kind words make me smile too!:smileyhappy: Peace!
  22. Good morning Val! Ahh so good! Spring has sprung yes? Reminds me of a song by John Denver. Sunshine on my shoulders (John Denver) Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry Sunshine on the water looks so lovely Sunshine almost always makes me high If I had a day that I could give you I'd give to you a day just like today If I had a song that I could sing for you I'd sing a song to make you feel this way Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry Sunshine on the water looks so lovely Sunshine almost always makes me high If I had a tale that I could tell you I'd tell a tale sure to make you smile If I had a wish that I could wish for you I'd make a wish for sunshine all the while Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry Sunshine on the water looks so lovely Sunshine almost always makes me high Sunshine almost all the time makes me high Sunshine almost always makes me high Hippie gives Val and Greta a big hug! Peace!
  23. DQ Darwin wrote: Hey Hippie, Val, Cali and others. Oh cool Hippie, I am having fun with this you have really put a lot into it. Heck I even read the instructions lol. LOL Dee! Glad you like it! Yes the instructions are important! BTW. If anyone would like one of these Flying Saucers, just send me a note card in world. I would be glad to send one to ya! Peace!
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