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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Hippie Bowman

    My dog

    Natusika wrote: Hello. I lost my dog. "How do I get it back? Thanks in advance Have a look in your lost and found. It may be there! Peace!
  2. princessj Batriani wrote: When I hit the edit button on an object it no longer shows me description of the item or prim count for it. It always worked before. Additionally, when I go to edit my cross bars are diagonal now not straight right and left and front to back? What would cause that to happen? Hi Princess! Sometimes this happens to me when I am not close enough to the object I am editing. Peace!
  3. Nayrema Capelo wrote: Phoenix viewer Try doing a rebake! CTRL ALT R. Hope this helps! Peace!
  4. DQ Darwin wrote: HI all, Oh Hippie what a lovely feast. /Dee looks around the campfire- hey Wildcat good to see you oh my Reuler looks kind of green. Hippie's coffee should clear that up. @Val hows the rough edges hehe Hi Dee! Hippie offers Dee some coffee, and refreshes Reuler's cup too! Life is good! Peace!
  5. Welcome to Second Life Baron! Peace!
  6. When my partner gets bored, she shops! Sigh! Peace!
  7. lilqutiez143 wrote: Hey everyone! I just signed up for SL this weekend out of curiousity and really enjoy it, but I have no idea where to meet people and were to go to interact with people. Everywhere I go there is like 5 people who just stand there Any suggestions?! Welcome to Sl Lil! Look at the destination guild. Chat with people! Have fun! Look at the map In world and look for high concentrations of people and tp there! You may also hang out at my sim. Look at my signature for the location! Peace!
  8. Wildcat Furse wrote: Heya Hippie and everyone goodmorning.... on our way but will take a bit longer ... just closing an afterparty and Reuler is drunk ... AGAIN!!! :smileymad: *meows* Good morning Wildcat! Hippie gives Reuler some headache medicine, and an antacid! Peace!
  9. Still giving this Spacecraft away! Come and get it before I change my mind! Peace!
  10. Lia Abbot wrote: Thanks for that Suspiria. Very useful. Hugs from your admirer, Lia Hi ya Lia! Hippie waves! Peace!
  11. DQ Darwin wrote: Good Morning happy campers:) I have one of these moods right now. lol Morning Dee! Peace!
  12. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning folks! How's everyone? Say, this guy below would not be Dee driving, huh? :smileytongue: Good morning Val! LOL! Love the driving dog! Big hugs to you are Greta! Peace!
  13. Any more poets out there! Show us what you got! Peace!
  14. Sanz wrote: YAH! My name is Sanz or Sanz Resident I can't wait to LL drops the 'Resident' thing. Thanks You got it! Just sent it out! Have fun with it! Yeah. I Im not too fond of display names either! Sigh! Peace!
  15. Sanz wrote: I've always wanted to travel through space but never had the space craft to do so. mmmm, now where can I get a space craft around here? Hi Sanz! Could you give me your avatar name so I can send you the ship! Thanks! Peace!
  16. Cali Souther wrote: hahaha ! Well, Maddy took me for a ride on an airplane - and I survived to tell about it! Wow Love it! And Maddy can read and fly! Talented! Peace!
  17. DQ Darwin wrote: Hippie, Val, Cali and all Ha ppy Easter Happy Easter Dee! Peace!
  18. valerie Inshan wrote: Heya Dee, Cali, Hippie! Happy Easter everybody!!! Happy Happy Easter Val, Dee, Cali, everyone! Woot! Peace!
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