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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Good morning everyone! Hippie is hungry! Hippie gets up and heads for the cabin and the kitchen. Hmm. What for breakfast. I know! Eggs Pancakes Bacon Orange Juice Coffee Ahh yes! Hippie cooks up the food and heads down to the lake with the food, and sets the table! Come have some breakfast everyone! Come and get it while it is hot! Yum! Life is good! Peace!
  2. piecheese wrote: ~Moderate. Maturity. Level. Why is it that Moderate isn't available on the Teen Grid?! >_< It's so annoying! "Okay, I just got this landmark to this really cool place! Let's g-" You are not allowed in that region do to your maturity rating. "FFFFFFFF-" ~ People who think 1L$ items are "free". : / Oh yes! Big Argggggg! Peace!
  3. Angie Mornington wrote: Lauren Weyland Presents: an All-star Comedy Showcase! Live at 6pmslt on Treet TV SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cookie/133/222/21 Or you can watch it live online at treet.tv/live Yeah! Lauren Weyland Rocks! This is a must see! The show is so funny! Be prepared to be surprised! Peace!
  4. murdamami718 wrote: HOW DO I UN PARTNER SOME 1 Hi Murdamami! Here is a link to the knowledge base that will give you all the information! http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Friends-and-partnering/ta-p/700067 I hope this helps! Peace!
  5. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning everybody! Awwww, Quinn, awesome pictures! I wish I could have been there but at 8:00 SLT I was deep asleep in my French bed... :smileysad: Hopefully I will be able to join one of these nights. /me sighs. Hippie, here's another smiley for your collection! Ahh Val! The party was great. Sorry you could not be there but understandable. LOL! Oh yes! Thanks for the new smiley! Hugs! Peace!
  6. Not sure if they have Hippie dances, but try bits and bobs. Do a search for them. Far out and groovy! Peace
  7. Ahh! Hippie stands up and stretches! Whew! Party was good last night. Just a bit groggy. Hippie sirs up the fire, and puts the coffee on! Peace
  8. You look marvelous Val! Peace!
  9. Suspiria Finucane wrote: In greener pastures with fond memories of the good times Suspiria! /me waves! Peace!
  10. Drongle McMahon wrote: Well. I eventually finished the sculpty stairs. Two 4x256 (8x512 maps) sculpties and it survives one LOD step completely intact (shading changes only). It doesn't look as nice as the mesh because of the rounded edge shading and I can't make a baked texture at those map dimesions. It takes nine prims to make the shape to walk on, and when these are linked with the sculpts set to physics type none, the final cost is 6 prims. This was 5 - 10 times as much work as making the mesh version. Never again! Wow that looks so good Drongle! Bravo! Peace!
  11. Storm Clarence wrote: The tweet that was heard around the world. Good morning Storm my friend! Cozy up to the fire! Peace!
  12. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Morning Rhonda! Going out to gather wood!` Woot! Peace! I thought men had wood when they woke up in the morning .... sorry ... I could not help myself .... LOL Rhonda! They do they do! HAHAHAH! Reminds me of a song! By ZZ Top! When I woke up this morning I was feeling mighty good. My baby understood had to do what she should lying near a pile of wood. Laying it on some, playing with it some when I, I woke up with wood. I was lying there thinking 'bout basketball trying not to lose my mind my baby came to help and I let out a yell, she grabbed me from behind. Laying on it some, playing with it some when I, I woke up with wood. Beauty queens fall in trances, debutantes lose their furs. But it felt so good from where they stood, they were working on a pile of wood. Laying on it some, playing with it some when I, I woke up with wood. LOL! Peace!
  13. Jaylin Wytchwood wrote: Well, at present, Houses, that are not too Primmy The First has 107 Prims, :the Second 86 Prims. Tried to build a bit of Jewelery too, but like houses more: Great builds there Jaylin! Thanks for sharing! Peace!
  14. DQ Darwin wrote: @Wildcat Rhonda (sorry early for me) Hi there good to see you huggs. Bring Clover next time:) @Val Huggs to you and Greta:) HIPPIE oh Hippie we do need more wood and I'm not good with sharp objects Hippie gets his axe and heads into the woods for some firewood! I will be back!! Peace!
  15. Rhonda Huntress wrote: /me waves. Nothing to say, I just noticed I have not even posted to say hi in here yet. Hi. Morning Rhonda! Going out to gather wood!` Woot! Peace!
  16. DQ Darwin wrote: /Dee sneaks in and pokes the fire back to life. Hey am I first this morning? Starts making coffee. Val Hippie Cali Wildcat where is everyone? Morning Everyone!! Thank goodness for coffee huh! Peace!
  17. Okay Wildcat! I at last have an Aerial Snapshot of the sim. In the Center is the ground Landing pad. Bottom left is the bowman land where there are horses. Sigh. This is also tha parcel where Hippiestock took place. Residents have land all around the outside. Peace!
  18. ViravethSelkie wrote: I've tried searching for places to go using the search terms romance, fantasy and roleplay under the Adult filter only, but the ones I've entered either had no people or nobody responded. Any suggestions? =/ Hi Vira! Try going to the destination guild, and scroll down to the role playing communities. Maybe that will help! Here is the URL to the destination guild. http://secondlife.com/destinations Try that. Peace!
  19. LOL! Val! Great minds think alike! Hugs and Kudos to you too my dear friend!! Peace!
  20. Myra Larimal wrote: My partner Giluio Palen upgraded to a premium account and got the land and house. We created a group so that I could also have full permissions, but still I cannot manage the land options. Must the land be deeded to the group? Or what else must be done? Thanks Myra Larimal Hi Myra. You can set the land to a group and your partner belong to. You can not deed the land. Make sure you have enough rights in the group to set media and the like on the land. You can not teraform Linden Home land, but you can set who has access to the land. You can put ban lines up and the like. Here is something I found on the knowledge base. Can my partner or friends help decorate my home? Yes! Linden Home parcels work just like any other parcel of land in that regard; who can rez objects on your land depends on the About Land settings. Learn more about how to adjust your About Land settings for your Linden Home. I hope this helps! Peace!
  21. DQ Darwin wrote: Dee looks around the camp fire. Hey good morning all. Ever have one of those days Morning Dee. Oh yes! I have had one of those day/weeks/months! LOL! Peace!
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