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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Good morning all! Happy Sunday! I have been called into work today. I IM'd Gospeed (no answer yet). Maybe she can arrange an emergency breakfast. Look for her notices. If not I will see you next week! Peace!
  2. Ugh!!! Monday Monday Monday! Well let's make the best of it. Have some breakfast, coffee, and some root beer floats to take the edge off of Monday. Have a great day everyone! Peace!
  3. Good morning all! Happy Sunday! The Breakfast Club pulls up to Billy Bob's pub and is hosted by Luke. Breakfast starts at 8 AM and all are welcome! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goblins/218/58/23 Peace!
  4. Good morning everyone! Happy Tuesday! The weatherman says we will start to cool down here in Florida in about two weeks! I can't wait! Peace!
  5. Oh that looks nice and cool. (Coming from an overheated Floridian). Peace!
  6. Ugh! It's Monday again already? Well you know what that means! Root beer for everyone to dampen the blow of Monday. Have a great day all! Peace!
  7. Good morning Virtual and all! The Breakfast Club pulls up to Aroha Beach today at 8 am and is hosted by Pablo! All are welcome! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Thalipolli/96/54/22 Peace!
  8. I agree that the hangout needs more traffic. I plan on the near future to do some live singing at the hangout to hopefully boost traffic a bit! Peace!
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