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kali Wylder

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Posts posted by kali Wylder

  1. Would you think less of me if I admitted that at one time early in my second life, my first partner and I used to get a big kick out of breaking and entering.  Well not breaking, but entering.  I never meant to cause any harm and I would not do it if I could see that people were home. It was harmless fun, reminded me of the way it felt to be a rebellious teenager. The fear of being caught in flagrante was part of the thrill.

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  2. to me it's all a matter of choosing the lesser evil.  Should I be mean and unfriendly right up front and turn down friendship requests?  I choose no.  Does the person constantly send me "hello" IMs the moment I log in? I choose to hide my status from them. Do they get offended by my hiding? I choose to ignore them. Pretty simple.

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  3. Had to contact my ex today.  We divorced in 2010 and have not been exactly cordial since then.  But we do share a daughter and she is disabled so for her sake we try to be civil.  He does pay child support and was as good a father as he could be. My banking info has changed since I moved across the country but I was just transferring the money from my old account to my new and he didn't have to change anything until my old bank went and merged with another bank and now the account numbers have changed so it needed to be done.  I decided that an email would be the least painful choice but I wasn't sure I had a good email address for him.  I chose two of the most likely candidates and now I'm waiting to see if I get a mailer-daemon failure notice.

    After much angst, I ordered a small tabletop size Christmas tree yesterday.  Even though my house is a maze of boxes, with not much room left to unpack anything, I decided that having a tree would feel better than not.

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  4. 18 hours ago, Rat Luv said:

    I'm going to have a Xmas Day Zoom Mukbang with my family 😎 But apart from that, yes, it will probably be rubbish this year. Guess I'll just be lazy and watch lots of films. 

    Maybe the people who did Thanksgiving yesterday can report back on how it went...like a rehearsal for Xmas?

    We did Thanksgiving at my brothers house. Just 4 of us, brother, sister, daughter and me.  Yes, we hugged. We were living with my brother until just a month ago and we all have fairly limited exposure to others so I felt pretty safe with them. My Dad died last year on December 27th.  This year is going to be sad but not as bad as last year. We're planning on doing Christmas together as well.

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  5. Well, here we are again, another holiday season is upon us and this year, we have the added burden of covid burnout in addition to the regular ordeal of surviving mere humanity in the face of holiday expectations.  Last years thread about surviving the holiday season was so important to me.  I don't know how I would have done without the love and support of the people who posted in it.  So yeah, I'd like to see if we can't help each other get through this again this year. The rules are, there are no rules beyond the regular forum guidelines.  The topic is, vent what you need to vent, offer support without judgement if you can and we'll see how it goes.

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  6. On 11/18/2020 at 5:53 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

    We have only eaten at a restaurant once since this started - at a steakhouse to get my free birthday dinner back in late Sept. - but I'm still confused as to why restaurant restrictions keep reducing at each level when retail shopping doesn't change.

    I think it's because you can't eat while wearing a mask.

  7. My first 3 years in sl I didn't pay anything.  I enjoyed myself immensely and it didn't cost me a dime.  I bought land 3 years in.  Not a lot of land, just a 1026 parcel.  I had 2 premium memberships to pay the tier for that land and  between the stipends and the free land I broke even.  I outfitted myself in freebies and I was happy with the way I looked.  Then I got hired as a host for my favorite DJ and got paid to do what I was doing anyway.   I had enough money to pay my premium costs and buy whatever I felt like. Then the Lindens doubled the land allotment I could have as a premium member and I had even more money to play with. I've had 11 years of wonderful entertainment and friendships and I don't have any regrets at all. Sure, it wasn't free, TANSTAFFL, it was well worth it.

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  8. On 9/13/2020 at 11:41 AM, BilliJo Aldrin said:

    5% of CO2 is from man made sources, the rest (95%) is from natural sources.

    Furthermore, 95% of greenhouse gas is in fact water vapor, which is ALL from natural sources.

    Please explain how 5% of 5% is the critical driving force in climate change.

    While you are at it, perhaps your scientists can answer a few other questions I have

    1) What is the proper temperature for the earths climate?

    2) What is the proper rate of change for the earths climate

    3) If man disappeared tomorrow would the climate stop changing?

    4) Why is it that ALL changes in climate prior to the last hundred years all have been natural in origin but now its all driven by man?

    5) Why were previous interglacial temperatures higher, with higher CO2 levels, all with no help from man?

    Many scientists have a vested interest in maintaining this farce, they chase the money, and the money is on research that "proves" man made global warming is real.


    ^ is BS.  Climate change has lead to a longer dry season and a shorter wet season which is why there are more fires now than before.  The "properly managed forests" argument is rather stupid when the fires are burning in towns.

    And as to why is it happening now, hello, do you recall something called the industrial revolution? Not a natural phenomena, we did it to ourselves.

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  9. 2 hours ago, BelindaN said:

    I'm refreshed by using ignore. I don't feel I'm missing out at all. Up to nine now, and maybe double figures soon.

    It's cleared away the dirty washing, although the overall atmosphere in the forums leaves me troubled. In the sense that it no longer draws me in as it once did. 

    I view a few threads when I can't be in world but I've pretty much abandoned the picture threads, and ignore most in the GD section.

    As I said before, good people have been driven away. Right now I don't expect much will change.

    I agree with you, I've found that there are some voices that I get quite enough of when they are occasionally quoted and I feel no need to see more. I cannot be on line for more than an occasional ten minutes here and there these days and I'd much rather see the posters I don't need to ignore.

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  10. Peeve - was trying to do something with my phone while using it as a phone and the screen went dark and nothing I did would bring it back.  Went absolutely nuts because this has happened to me so many times and it is so very frustrating. I had previously searched for a solution and failed because I guess I didn't describe the problem correctly and the answers I found did not apply to the situation.  It seems like it's always when I am trying to look up something important to tell the person on the phone and it's so embarrassing as well as frustrating.  I finally found a new answer that I think might be the real solution.  It seems that there is a "smart" feature that keeps the phone from going dark when you are looking at it.  If you are holding the phone to your ear the phone can't see your eyes and assumes you don't need to waste the battery by staying lit.  once it goes dark, it no longer looks for your eyes and doesn't respond to any stimulus. So I've turned that feature off and am hoping to never experience it again.

    In other news, I am doing well and just not using the computer much because I am staying with my brother and my laptop is set up in the dining room which is not air conditioned and gets no breeze and the chair hurts my back if I sit for more than ten minutes or so.  So, I'm OK just not online much.

    It's nice to know not much has changed, I love all of you contentious sons of B!@$!@#^ and I miss you too.

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  11. I've met a few of my SL Friends in RL.  Yes, there is an initial moment of confused perception but after speaking for a while that faded away and I knew them to be the same people as the avatars I'd known in SL. On the other hand I was terribly disappointed once upon voicing with someone because his voice was so different from the one I'd imagined him having.

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  12. So, I've been away in RL for a bit and it's nice to know I can always come back and see threads like this letting me know that nothing much has changed. I agree with those that mentioned that this forum is quite docile compared to the old forums of ten years ago or so.  But what with there being people(real honest to goodness human beings with feelings and opinions and thoughts) behind the words, there will always be feelings and opinions and thoughts here that not all share.  That's the wonder of human beings, each one has their own perception and when they put it into words for others to see - some will see something they identify with and some won't.  If we were all the same, we wouldn't have much to say to each other.

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  13. I had so much fun when the first mesh clothes came out. Most people did not have the viewer to see them correctly and all you saw was a prim around someones waist with a texture on it.  I used to wear a torus and slap a texture on it and pretend I was wearing the latest mesh. When people with the mesh viewer asked me what I was wearing i would say, oh you must not have the latest latest viewer.

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