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kali Wylder

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Posts posted by kali Wylder

  1. I'm actually getting a fresh start at organizing my life.  After two stays in the hospital in December, I suddenly became super aware of my mortality and the mess that will have to be gone through when I'm gone. So I've been doing estate planning and financial planning and organizing my records and cleaning house.

    I also started paying close attention to what I eat because I want to live.  I need to watch salts and oxalates because my kidneys are very fragile and I have hypocalcemia. And I can't skip meals and I have to keep an eye on hydration.



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  2. I was very scared after last Thanksgiving when my disabled daughter texted me late Saturday night.  I didn't see the text til the following morning.  She wanted me to send her the link to her plane ticket to come home from visiting with her dad.  So I saw it when I got up and sent it to her and she did not reply. 

    For 3 hours from the time I read her text until she arrived at our local airport and turned off airplane mode, I was terrified. I could not reach her. I called and texted and heard nothing from her and didn't know if she had managed to make her flight or not.  I experienced gut clenching fear and dread during that time.

    It all ended happily.  I drove to the airport, hopeful and anxious, and waited in the cell phone parking lot.  She texted me and said, "Sorry, I had airplane mode on and didn't see you see your message".

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  3. On 12/31/2021 at 7:21 AM, Phil Deakins said:

    Yes, there was MySpace. The one good thing about Facebook is that it sank MySpace just after Murdoch bought it, thinking that he'd bought the leader in the field. Anything that sinks Murdoch has to be good - at least for a while :D


    I did not know that!  I liked MySpace so much better than FB and was really disappointed when it tanked.  Now I don't feel so bad.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

    I'm so happy I am not one of them. As a baby my body rejected any and all kinds of milk until my mom finally reached the end of her rope and gave me whole homogenized milk. I've been drinking it ever since without any issues. Over 60 years! 🥛

    I suffer from hypocalcemia and there have been times in my life when I craved milk.  I'm so glad that I'm not lactose intolerant too. Milk always makes me feel good.

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  5. Traditions evolve over time.  I don't think there should be any right or wrong rule about when or whether to decorate for the holidays.  I didn't feel like decorating this year.  So I didn't.   There have been years when I did feel like it and it varied from year to year as to when and for how long I put them up. Next year I might go all out or I might skip it again, but I'm not the least bit concerned about anyone else's time table.

    • Like 8
  6. I don't understand what the issue is?  Not everyone in SL does the same things as everyone else.  Just because the avatar is not moving does not mean they are a bot.  They could be having a private conversation or playing a game or scripting.  You just don't know.  Seems rather xenophobic to me.

    If they are not on your property it's really none of your business.


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  7. image.jpeg.dc0a21eb98a71e7c2e6a0a6694762c58.jpeg

    I agree with the review by the Washington Post except I didn't like the way it ended. It's been a while since I read the last one and this sequel was very satisfying until the end which was a cliff hanger and pissed me off.  Now I imagine it will be another ten years before I get to read the last book of the (projected)10 book series. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    The easiest head is the Classic Avatar head. But it is also the most limited. Pure BOM HUDless heads are also simple and limited, being most similar to the Classic head in options. Most mesh add-on heads are about options. I still prefer heads with the ability to accept Applier textures and to set transparency, glow, shiny, and etc. There are many prim attributes that are not available on an avatar. If you want simple you give up some options. Your choice. You won't lose ALL THAT much. But, for designers... simple versus providing options to get sales... you are swimming upstream....

    I spent lots of time trying to find a mesh head that reproduced my Classic head appearance. I got close. But it was a pain. I learned about using camera controls Ctrl-8, 9, and 0 after going through the process. Trying to get a perfect reproduction got tedious. So, my look changed after years. Close was good enough. I got used to it.


    Like you, I worked really hard on my first mesh head to get it to look like my original system self.  And like you I got close.  Over the years close became good enough.

    1 hour ago, Orwar said:

       I don't quite get the concept. 'Easy'? Either you know how to operate something, or you don't. People keep asking me whether XYZ isn't 'difficult'. Well, no, not if I know how to do it. Installing an elevator in a skyscraper might be difficult, as I haven't got a clue where I'd even begin. 

       I'd also say that it's a pretty worthless measurement. You shouldn't pick your head based on how easy the HUD is to use. You should select your head based on your aesthetic preferences for your avatar - 95% of the time you're in SL, your head HUD shouldn't even be attached ('cause pointless script usage - and texture usage, though that's only on your own end).

    You are quite right about questioning the goal of easiness, Orwar.  What I really want is to be able to recreate Kali who was identical to my original avatar who I tried to make look like my real life face.

    I'm also trying to get reinvested in SL which I sort of dropped out of last year when I retired and moved across the country.  I don't know whether it's cognitive decline or laziness or what but I'm finding it harder to learn new things.  Playing with a new alt has given me a reason to log in. 


  9. 12 hours ago, Ajay McDowwll said:

    I know this is a few hours behind, but if you're talking about the facial animations, I just make sure none of the expressions or moods are highlighted in the animations hud.  If they're highlighted like the top left icon in this screenshot here, then click it so the background is dark like the others. 


    10 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Always hated that she had them ALL turned on when you unpack and wear for the first time.  Why?

    Thank You!  yes! They were all on and the head kept making faces at me while I was trying to modify the shape and it was driving me crazy!  I gave up and went to bed. Now, maybe I can see if this could be the head I want.

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  10. 11 hours ago, Ajay McDowwll said:

    If you go down to the gear icon on the HDPro Style Hud, third icon up from the bottom, there's an option to increase its size overall.  I've got that sucker kicked up to max, and it's been really helpful for me.  I've got cataracts that don't yet qualify for removal, so my entire life right now is lived in large print lol

    Regarding which is easiest, both the Catwa HDPro and Lelutka Evo/EvoX heads are super easy, and even moreso once you check out the tutorials.  I've used both; my male alt wore the Evo head that was on special last year and I recently went through a ton of women's demos just for grins, and I currently wear the Catwa HDPro Queen.  I stuck with Queen because it's just more "me" if that makes sense, and as I'm more accustomed to the Catwa HUD at this point it just feels really straightforward, admittedly likely in part due to exposure.

    Good luck!  The hunt for a new head is never easy :)

    Thanks!  That did help so much!  Now can you tell me how to make her hold still?   I've been searching for some kind of stop animations button and I'd tear my hair out but she's bald right now.

  11. On 11/9/2021 at 2:40 PM, Maitimo said:

    The easiest heads to use are the cheapy ones that have no hud at all and are just BOM-only.  But of course then there are none of the hud-based features like eyelash adjustment, animations, materials, HD makeup layers etc. 

    Out of all the others I'd say LAQ and LeLutka are the easiest to learn, and Catwa the hardest (though worth the effort, and the HDPRO huds are a huge improvement on the old ones for ease of use). 

    Alas! I gave the Catwa demo a whirl today, but,  I'm afraid I can't use this head.  The little symbols are too obscure for me and the writing is too small.  I'm just floundering pressing buttons i don't understand.  It's too bad there isn't a way to magnify the hud to be usable because I really liked the shape of the head very much.

    ETA~ I just discovered a great tutorial for Catwa with big pictures so I'm gonna try the head again. 

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