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kali Wylder

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Posts posted by kali Wylder

  1. 13 minutes ago, Janet Voxel said:

    Nobody thinks its strange that media coverage has died down since the rioting and looting stopped? There are still protests going on all over the US and the world and they're larger than a Trump rally. Nobody thinks that's strange?

    The media is owned by the 1%.  I'm not surprised at all.  Outraged, yes. Surprised? no.

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  2. Every ethnic group that has migrated to the USA has been Jeered and Feared by the ones who came before.  It's the way the elite have always kept the proletariat down by keeping them bickering amongst themselves. The *fill in the ehtnic group* are stealing your jobs, corrupting your youth, spreading disease, you name it.... just keep hating your neighbor so you don't figure out who the real enemy is.

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  3. 21 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    I worry a lot that as soon as the public has a new distraction it will be business as usual again with racism; both systematic and personal.

    I can hope we're in a moment of change, but I also worry deeply.

    I particularly worry that people will 'step back' when they start recognizing some of the costs. "this has to change" vs "but that is my thing that I don't want to see altered."


    Here's a minor one that I know for a fact didn't skip notice of folks in SL as a 'test of the waters'... We have a region now named 'doodah'.

    Some will argue that is a common phrase of no particular meaning. But when that region came out there were some folks singing a certain song in their heads from a racist Disney movie... 'zippity doo-dah', a Minstrel song purportedly based on the song 'Zip C***'...

    Folks where talking up wanting a house on that region because of that name...

    This just popped into my head because I was sitting here reading this:


    - The only Disney film to start getting protested before it was even released. Actually maybe even just the only Disney film to ever get protested, far as I know.


    Why put that in here. I think it's one example of 'tiny costs' people will consider and then find they are unwilling to pay.

    The arguments for why 'this or that thing are not actually racist' will very rapidly begin to overwhelm the calls for change - which is what has always happened in the past.

    People's attachment to a thing blinds them to the impact it has on others.

    - and that is the 'horse' the movement will eventually die on. Not on massive changes that are easy to see, but on all the little tiny insults that folks decide 'don't matter' but eventually add up to mountains.

    That's where I feel this will all go in the long run. Some of the tiny costs will get paid, but eventually people will just tire of it, because there are actually so many of them out there... and they all seem "harmless"...


    If they had named it zippity, yeah, I'd agree, but what came to mind to me, when I heard doo-dah was "Bet my money on a bobtail nag, doo-dah, doo-dah, Bet my money on a bobtail nag, somebody bet on the bay."

    Now mind you, i don't disagree that song of the south was horribly racist as were the crows in Dumbo the Elephant. And I don't dis-agree with your theory about the little things. But I don't see the racism in Doodah.  Admittedly, I could be less aware than you.  I'm trying to be more aware. 

    I guess we just don't know what was in the mind of the person who thought up Doodah.  Could be racist, could be harmless. ymmv

    ETA: If the name Doodah offends, then, really, I have no stake in keeping it.

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  4. 10 hours ago, Gatogateau said:

    Might as well post if I'm here. :)  I'm kinda glad about getting partnered to a wonderful man, who oddly, is sometimes a dinkie kitty. Who would walk around SL as a cat? So weird...

    ETA: Oh yeah, I'm posting as Gato. Seicher got partnered, not the cat. :D so confusing

    ETA2: A picture of our cute selves


    so happy for you Seicher/Gigi! That's just wonderful news.

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  5. image.png.2c71aab9c19182eb008827885f45087a.png

    copied from my FB timeline:

    Came across this today:  Albert Einstein
    Read this slowly and let it sink in.  Look at the faces of these beautiful engaged students.    And consider this brilliant conscious voice, world renown physicist in this powerful (1946!!) photo -- that WAS NOT heard or seen in 1946:
    In September 1946, Albert Einstein called racism America’s “worst disease.” Earlier that year, he told students and faculty at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, the oldest Black college in the Western world, that racial segregation was “not a disease of colored people, but a disease of white people, adding, “I willl not remain silent about it.”  
    When Albert Einstein moved to America, he was disappointed to see how black people were being treated. Even in his new hometown of Princeton, he observed separation of the white and black societies. Einstein thought of segregation as “unacceptable.”
    "There are prejudices of which I as a Jew am clearly conscious, but they are unimportant in comparison with the attitude of the ‘whites’ toward their fellow-citizens of darker complexion.   The more I feel an American, the more this situation pains me. I can escape the feeling of complicity in it only by speaking out. Your ancestors dragged these black people from their homes by force and in the white man’s quest for wealth and an easy life they have been ruthlessly suppressed and exploited, degraded into slavery”
    Albert Einstein, very rarely accepted honorary doctorates but he did so for Lincoln University, a small historically black college in Pennsylvania in 1946. He also gave a lecture before a small group of students who are seen with him in the picture.
    After 70 years, photo of Einstein's visit to Lincoln surfaced when a woman appeared in "Antiques Roadshow."
    Her husband, who was a photographer, was present in that classroom.


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  6. saw an episode of Imaginary bitches in 2009, and in it the main character(who had imaginary friends who were bitches) was on a blind date with a guy from 2nd life.  Her real life friends thought they might have something in common.  I was intrigued....

  7. For me it depends on the scenario.  In the forums, I like standard punctuation, it's the easiest to read and there is time to do it right. In chat I still try for standard but will sometimes windup up with the first two letters of a name capitalized due to my lazy fingers. and I often leave off periods and capitalizing the first letter of the first word in a sentence.

    All caps is shouting, who wants to see that all the time?

    I don't bother to fix typos in chat unless the meaning gets lost

  8. I can't say I object to humans, after all they are my species and all. But I also enjoy being other.  Between me and my alts I've tried being  just about everything except being a car.  For some odd reason being a car never appealed to me. The ones I particularly enjoyed were the various faes, pixies, a satyr, dinkie, and  mermaid and cat

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  9. 1 hour ago, Sardonyx Mysterious said:

     Bizarre dreams are my pet peeve. My brain can turn any subject I think about during the day into the most bizarre dream.
     Last night I read a forums post discussing what the new region reveal might be. I fell asleep and dreamed I went to the reveal and the homes were corn dogs on a stick wrapped in paper towels. Apparently the moles were supposed to take the paper towels off before the reveal, had not and some troll came along and set them ablaze. Panicked moles were running everywhere waving their hands in the air. 
     No, I did not eat a corn dog (EW), take drugs or drink last night. 😂



    I get really bizarre dreams if I forget to take my antidepressant meds.  It seems that the meds suppress dreaming and if I miss a dose my brain slips into hyperdrive. 

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  10. 7 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    I tend to use "he" when I don't know the gender of the person I'm speaking about. Old habits die hard. So the "he" I referred to wasn't Damien, just so you know.

    Ah.  I wasn't sure, thanks.  Words are such an imperfect way of communicating, it's no wonder the world is such a mess.

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  11. was listening to Damien Rice on utube and saw this in the comments and it resonated.


    The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do.


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