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kali Wylder

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Posts posted by kali Wylder

  1. 7 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

    When you are given a big box of chocolates for Xmas from a client and have been slowly working your way through them, starting with the ones you really aren't terribly fond of and leaving the ones you REALLY like for later, and you hide the box somewhere "little hands" won't find them...but little hands DID find them and has rampaged through them EATING ALL THE FAVES!!!!!

    Anyone want a child...free to ANY home?

    and the moral of the story is: eat your favorites first!

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    • Haha 1
  2. On 9/25/2020 at 6:26 PM, Lindal Kidd said:

    The Evening and the Morning, a new book in the "Kingsbridge" series by Ken Follett.

    In most cases, I recommend reading series in internal chronological order, but in this case I think you should read the first one written, "The Pillars of the Earth".  The Evening and the Morning is a prequel, set about 200 years before Pillars.

    Loved Pillars and the sequels, I'm on the wait list for this one.

  3. Just finished reading Tiny Beautiful Things. Non Fiction Self help? Words of wisdom, advice, found it on somebody's best of 2020 list (can't remember whose) and I was surprised and delighted by it. 

    Before that I binged on the Amelia Peabody series  Historical Fiction Action/adventure/comedy about famous Egyptologist/Amatuer detective/Victorian feminist and her equally remarkable family. I read these long ago as they came out but sometimes years would go by between books so now I've had the pleasure of reading them all at once all the way through.

    I'm now doing the same thing with the Lord Peter Wimsey   Fiction mystery/detective  I'm on the library wait list for some of them.  It's been long ago enough that I can't remember the endings so that's a plus. I've discovered that having memory issues is one of the few pleasures of aging.   I get to re-discover all kinds of great books and movies.  

  4. 15 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I humbly submit that masturbation is sex, even if it is not cheating. 

    Oh, I agree, it's sex.  But in order to be cheating, sex has to be with someone other than yourself. For that matter one needs to be in an exclusive relationship with someone other than yourself in order to cheat. Single people have been cheated enough I suppose, they can't be cheated on too.

    • Confused 1
  5. First we need to define the terms sex and porn.  Are they synonyms?  I would say they are not. Sex can be had with or without porn. Porn can be considered an aid to the consummation of sex. Porn can be viewed with or without sex. But really, why? 

    Sexual role playing in SL is not porn. Sexual role playing in SL is more than masturbation, there is another person taking part. Sex with a person other than your partner is cheating if you are in a relationship that defines itself as exclusive.  SLex is a form of sexual intimacy; it is sex with another person. Yes, that counts as cheating.

    Sex with your self, also known as masturbating is not something I consider to be cheating. Viewing porn while masturbating, is not cheating. Watching someone else in SL sexually role playing, now that could be considered porn.

    But that's only my opinion.  Any relationship has it's own parameters for what is cheating and what is not. 

    It doesn't matter what the world thinks, it only matters what you and your partner have agreed to.

    • Like 3
  6. reasons why my ex is my ex.  I sent him an email to tell him that my bank had merged with another bank and that my account number had changed so he could update for his child support payment for our autistic daughter.  She's 28 going on 7. He responded with details how he was down-scaling his support payments so he could save for retirement and that he would cease paying anything come March of next year.  Thanks a bunch and merry Christmas.

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  7. 8 hours ago, Kyrie Deka said:

    omg i have to come up with another one?  swimming in the negative eek i'd rather live in the absolute denial of human lunacy...

    Peeve-new:  Math and the forum ratings.  Ratings give benefits to those posting $%## just by virtue of hitting "Submit" regardless of [ fill in the blank ], but those of us that try to post added-value stuff (I said try lol) have to work and work and work just to get the total number of posts up to get added benefit?  Pandemic-weary of being an Advanced Member of Advanced Age and Advanced Patience in a world which continues to reward those who scrap more than think. 😫


    *Disclaimer-don't even think this is about *you*, cos it ain't quite likely, it ain't I tells ya, everything ain't about you, its about me seeeeee 

    Seriously though, the math, really?  

    well before you get too peeved, remember this: The reward for winning the forums is, wait for it, nothing. 

    • Thanks 1
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  8. Well, RL keeps intruding on my time, and I had a great little derail post that vanished into the ether when that other thread (not the former peeves thread) was locked.  And then, I went to post a peeve about it and lo and behold but the second peeves thread has been locked and I missed out on posting before the lock (which it also peeves me to remember that my little dancing lock gif has gone awol, so I didn't get to use it again even though I can't because, repeat as needed)

    • Like 2
  9. ok, I'll bite.  I think that our own particular white knight (and not some hypothetical personality label) just likes the attention.  I think that this thread is therefore self defeating as whatever is said here will only be providing that craved attention.  But it's Friday afternoon here on the east coast of the US of A and so this thread will probably last a couple of days before someone drags a moderator back to work to kill it.

    I don't have a personal problem with the white knight because she made it to my ignore list long ago.  My only gripe is when people feel compelled to quote her.

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  10. 2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I had a conversation about the jar-opening thing a while ago with another friend, part of the (joking) point being that jar lids were an integral function of Patriarchy, designed to keep women in the thrall of men.

    So, in that context, tools like this are . . . feminist?

    I have severe arthritis in my hands which has gotten progressively worse the past year to the point that I am almost totally helpless.  So I've been collecting tools for this for some time now.  Jars have always been tough, but now i find that little bottle caps like on a water bottle are my new nemesis. Just making the crab pincer motion with thumb and forefinger hurts.

    Anyway, it's nice to know my tools are feminist.

    Also, @Phil Deakins, it's nice to see you back again and you totally cracked me up with your head through the bed story.

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  11. I had some nice gif pics saved on my desktop computer which is still suffering from having been moved 3000 miles and stored for 4 months and is not currently running.  I wanted to use my little dancing lock gif on the "so sick of...." thread and couldn't because it's not saved on my laptop.  And of course now thread is gone anyway as we all knew it would be but were surprised at how long it lasted.  But I'm still peeved about it

    • Like 5
  12. 30 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Peeve: WTF TPs?

    Ok, now that everything is mesh, it is totally normal to TP somewhere and see everyone naked, and you be naked for a while, as your body parts fly around you like some mobile on acid, right? But eventually you come together and everyone pretends nothing has happened.

    well, only some of the people that I know pretend nothing has happened, most of us enjoy the naked fest and make lewd comments.

    • Haha 1
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