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kali Wylder

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Posts posted by kali Wylder

  1. I pay for clothes and avatar improvements because my tastes are better than my talents.  I tip at venues for entertainment because I enjoy the music and the atmosphere. I don't pay for companionship because I give companionship in return.  I give value for value received. 

    • Like 2
  2. Peeve of the day. You must have seen them. If you missed it just wait a few days and they'll post another one.  On FB I mean, those pictures accompanied by some word salad describing how uniquely individual and special someone is like:


    I would just love to see someone post one with the words:

    Look at me! I'm just another bored, lonely person who wants to pretend I'm something wonderful. Please look!  I'll just die if you don't.

    • Like 1
  3. I think SLex between consenting adults is nobody's business but the consenting adults.  And I also think that choosing not to engage in SLex is nobody's business but the individual. I cannot fathom why a person would identify as incel in SL though.  Involuntarily celibate in SL?  Why?  Can't find your way to Zindra? 

    • Like 11
  4. I gave up coffee 30 years ago and don't really miss it.  I switched to black tea. Assam or Irish Breakfast has been my favorite.  Just now I've learned that it is poison to me as I have oxalate nephopathy and it's just chock full of oxalates.  So I am down to one cup in the morning and no more, no matter how much I want a second cup.  I am peeved. I also need new kidneys and I'm peeved about that too.

    • Sad 7
  5. 38 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

    I go with an "I'm working on something" message, then stop answering. If that's too hard for them to grasp, they get unfriended.

    Once I put up a fake "in the throes of passion" post that made it look like I was making love and had posted in the wrong message box by accident as my busy message. It got a lot of interesting responses but it didn't work to make people stop bothering me so I changed it.

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    • Haha 5
  6. I confess.  Sometimes I will look at the dashboard before I log in to see who is online.  There are times when I don't want to be bothered by some of my friends.  It's not like I don't want to be friends with them anymore, just that I like to be alone sometimes and some people don't get that and get all offended if I stop their ability to see my status or put up an ignore message.

    So If I see someone is on line that I don't wish to engage with, checking ahead of logging in helps me to avoid them.

    • Like 6
  7. On 1/28/2022 at 5:11 PM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I have a feeling that you're on European time, so this might not work . . . but The Mercury Room does wonderful vintage jazz on Sunday nights, starting around 7pm or 8pm SLT. Lovely people, LOTS of open chatter (mostly interesting and intelligent), no gesture spam, no begging for tips. Just really calm and relaxing and friendly, with great music and a 30s ambience. And @Solar Legion, anthropomorphic avatars are entirely welcome. (There are animated penguins skating around on the dance floor, as well a large stuffed moose and a bear. Oh, and Bernie Sanders.)

    Or, for more modern music in a variety of genres, try The Velvet. Again, lots of chatter, really friendly people, no begging for tips or gesture spam. They have stuff going on most late afternoons / evenings SL time.

    Did The Velvet re-open?  I used to love the music there. I was sad when they closed.

  8. I had the good fortune to host at a venue and a DJ that did not push for tips. There were tip jars for the venue in the corners and the DJ and I had tip jars. My job was to make people feel at home, greeting and to help as needed ejecting troublemakers(which was rare) or answering questions.  And I made a good living hosting. Generally over $1,000 lindens per set, often twice that. I never asked for tips for myself or the DJ and I would make one informational announcement per 3 hour set letting people know where the venue tip jars were. 

    I am in total agreement that being badgered to tip is unpleasant.  It's also counter productive. I think sometimes that less experienced hosts might ask for tips more often because they don't know what else to say. I never had that problem, I'm a bit of a chatterbox. 

    Good clubs do rely on people tipping to keep them going.  DJs and hosts are not paid.  Rents in SL are high. Breaking even is the most club owners can hope for, nobody runs a club to make money. But asking for tips is not entertaining. And people don't come back if they are not entertained.  Even if the music is good, the atmosphere needs to be good too.


    • Like 4
  9. 4 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    There is always one teleport that's always available to you. Press CTRL+SHIFT+H to teleport to your Home spot. If you don't yet have a Home location set, it will send you to a random Infohub instead. Even if that happens, at least you are out of the bad spot you were in before.

    Also, it's not a bad idea to make one of the helping places your home spot. That way if you are in a situation and want to get out of it, you can arrive at a safe place where you can get quick answers to your questions.

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  10. The sex places are perfectly harmless as long as you remember a few things.  You don't have to say yes to anything you don't want to do. You can leave whenever you want.

    Learn these 3 things.  How to see.  How to move.  How to get help.

    You don't have to pay for things right now, wait until you have a little more experience and know what you are paying for if and when you decide to pay for services. There are plenty of free places.  Explore them before spending your money.

    Try going to one of the helping places like http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Caledon Oxbridge/92/198/28 or NCI Kuula (Kuula Sim - NCI Main Campus) and learn a little bit about SL.  There are people there who like to help newcomers.

    • Like 3
  11. The snow drifted up to 5 feet at my back door.  We managed to dig to the porch stairs and then I fell in the snow and couldn't get up.  My daughter had to dig me out because my heels sank lower than the rest of my feet and reclining in the snow bank made it very difficult to to get up.  We waited until an hour before sunset to even try to dig the path from the door to the stairs for my dog (the snow is deeper than the dog's height). An hour later and the path already has a another inch or two more snow.  It's supposed to stop around 6 pm (another 15 minutes) Then the temperature is supposed to drop, which is why we bothered to try at all before tomorrow.

    • Haha 1
    • Sad 3
  12. The OP doesn't even give a reason for wanting the forums to be exclusive.  And it's the weekend.  Hmmm.... Shocked clipart 20 free Cliparts | Download images on ...

    Making the trolls pay a premium, while it might eliminate the ones of limited resources, would not stop them. But it would seriously hinder new people (who might later become premium) from getting the help they need to become a long time resident.

    There are many rich elitists a-holes. Why should we use money as the criteria to exclude people?

    • Like 5
  13. Some of us are being just as friendly as we can be.  Sometimes that's not very friendly, especially to one who doesn't know us well.  I am in agreement with @Sid Nagy, it's a lot better here now than it was 11-12 years ago. It was so bad back then that I left completely for a long time.  It is certainly worse since Covid came to town, but still not as bad as in those days.

    I'm an old fart now and I've learned a few things about human relations. 

    1) A perfectly scathing rejoinder is seldom worth the damage it does to everyone exposed to it.

    2) Say what you mean and mean what you say.  Try not to be mean when you say it.

    3) Always keep in mind that the people you are writing with in a forum all have real lives and you don't know what theirs is like at the moment.

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  14. 17 minutes ago, Tama Suki said:

    For me the important thing is that someone reads what I write.
    I have to be part of the landscape, I have to convey myself to someone.

    But with the antagonistic, hostile nature of your posts, more and more people are placing you on ignore(not reading what your write).  Something to consider.

    • Like 3
  15. 14 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

    I was going to do a thread called 'MySpace memories' but I didn't think anyone here would be interested...but yes, I remember those days, I actually miss them a lot...

    Also, I was quite foolish and deleted my SL account around 2015, but though it got reinstated, I pretty much lost all my inventory, including rare one off items that I made and that others made for me 😐

    I rp'd on MySpace. I was Claude Monet and Sulamith Wülfing as well as myself. I made beautiful html with all of their pictures and some history.

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