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kali Wylder

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Posts posted by kali Wylder

  1. Just now, Bibbitt Borel said:

    Didn't read thru. Has this been asked and answered? 

    Because I am a old account, I already get 500L$ a week will this only go up to $650L$ or more? " The weekly stipend is more than doubled, from 300 to 650 Linden dollars." Would my stipend go from 500L$ to 1050L$ a week? 

    quick answer is no, you just get the $650 like everyone else.  But if you switch back to the old premium you will go back to your grandfathered stipend. 

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  2. I was a troubled child.  I don't talk about it much these days.  I grew out of it.  I think everyone has had their own challenges and talking about it helps sometimes.  It helps to hear that you're not alone.  It helps to know that there are people who care.  It hurts to learn that there are people who don't care.  It's hard to know who is who.  Sharing in a safe place can be therapeutic.  I don't think that the SL forums are the best place to look for that safe place. 

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  3. I joined the SL19B group and got in before the official opening.  Didn't really experience much lag, I tend to wear just an invisible avatar mask and use that show friends only mode which helps quite a bit then I fly through the regions. 

    Since I've recently been working on cleaning up my inventory I was picky about picking up the freebies.  I searched for the gifts from vendors I know and love and looked for pictures of the gifts ( and passed if it wasn't something I wanted) when it was a vendor I'm not familiar with.  If no pic then I'd look around at what was for sale and if it wasn't my style I passed. 

    I took time outs to unpack as I hopped and shopped and made a Meh folder to toss things in that I didn't really care for. There's about 20 items in the Meh folder.  I will most likely delete that folder when I'm done.  I lean towards being a pack rat so making the folder is a useful step for me.  This is progress for me since I have folders from events going back to 2017 of stuff I never looked at again after the event.

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  4. I think empathy is great stuff.  I learned a long time ago though that my own supply of empathy is limited.  I would like to be able to feel empathy towards everyone all the time but if I try to do that then I wind up overloaded, burnt out, frazzled and useless.  So I protect myself.  I don't risk overexposure. 

    I try to avoid toxicity.  I have a few things I try to keep in mind that help.  These things run through my mind before I post. 

    An old friend of mine had a t shirt that I loved.  On the front it said, "A nuclear holocaust could ruin your day".  On the back it said, "If you let it".

    He also used to say, "What do you do with a crazy person?" Answer: "Run away"

    Then there's Thumper's father's advice.  "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all".


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