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kali Wylder

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Posts posted by kali Wylder

  1. 19 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Oh yes you do.

    And he kept coming back here, on alt after alt after alt.

    And he was definitely NOT "reformed."

    Oh him! I don't count him as someone that I know.  I suppose we were both present at an event or two but I can't count that as knowing a person.  I don't think we ever even had a conversation to speak of.  Was he perma banned?  I was long gone when it happened. 

    Well taking that into consideration, I stand by my previous statement, why take a chance of repeating such unpleasantness?

    • Like 2
  2. I don't know any reformed banned people.  I don't actually know anyone who has been banned, reformed or otherwise.  I cannot pretend to be able to judge their character, their remorse or their resolve to be better.

    But I think the state of being permanently banned from participating in the virtual platform involved more than a single chance occurrence of bad behavior.  Second chances were already given and abused prior to the permanent ban.

    Why take a chance on a bad bet? 


    • Like 4
  3. I took a long break from the forums but remained active in SL from about 2012 til whenever it was I came back to the forums a couple of years ago.  Then I took a break from SL from about July of 2020 that I guess I'm still on.  I login to SL about once a month or so now (used to log in daily for years and years).  I read the forums every couple of days or so now, more often if there's an interesting thread I'm following, less often when there's not.

    • Like 4
  4. On 3/19/2022 at 12:37 PM, Silent Mistwalker said:


    Sorry about all the ads.



    On 3/20/2022 at 1:24 AM, Jordan Whitt said:


    I signed up for a free account and get 10 free downloads a day...as well as paying for Kindle Unlimited.


    On 3/20/2022 at 11:49 AM, Lindal Kidd said:

    ...sends you a free copy of War and Peace.


    Thanks to all of you, I'm going to save all these links. 

    • Like 1
  5. So, to recap:

    Rent is is the periodic payment paid to anyone other than Linden Lab for your land in SL. You may have rights (to terraform, to sublet, etc.) granted to you by the owner or you might not, depending on the agreement you make with them.

    Tier is the periodic payment paid to Linden Lab for land in SL. Somebody pays the tier to Linden Lab for any land in SL; if it's not you then you don't own it.

    • Like 6
  6. Some people are more talented than others.  Some have more money. Some are smarter. How perfect their avatar looks is a combination of these things. When I see an avatar that I admire, I don't know exactly how they managed it until I talk to them.  So no, it's not harder to talk to them. 

    If appearance is the only thing they want to talk about, I'll soon be bored and won't really want to talk to them anymore but that's not quite what the OP is asking about. 



    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    The way some people just bring down the entire feel of the forums for me.  Oh well.  It was nice while it lasted.


    1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    When that happens to me (quite a bit some days), I do a quicker-than-usual skim of my Notifications and carefully pick which threads I'm actually going to look at and which I'm going to just ignore for a while.


    I've limited the number of threads that I follow so I don't get dragged down by most of the drama.  There are many topics that I just know are going to be more trouble than their worth.  My first clue that there is some drama going on these days is when it spills over into the peeves thread.

    • Like 4
  8. I was in the hospital for Christmas, New Years Eve, day and didn't get out til 1/3/22.  I didn't make any resolutions other than to get out and stay out of the hospital.  Did that.

    I think about my past, but I have no desire to re-live it.  I don't think too much about my future because I have some tough stuff ahead of me and I'm not in a hurry to go through it.

    I like to enjoy the simple pleasures that I have today like sitting by the fire with a good book, or going for a walk with a good friend.

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Charolotte Caxton said:

    Sorry for the super late response. I tried to think of an excuse, but I don't have one. I just haven't been online in awhile cause of the things, but Yes! I checked out my Linden Home, it's pretty cool, but I would rather have a skybox somewhere like I used to. Do we still get a plot of land somewhere for being Premium? I guess I can find out on my own, but I like talking to you.

    If you choose a camper then you have 512 leftover to buy a bit of land anywhere. Otherwise you've used up your land allotment from Premium on the Lindenhome.  You can put a skybox in the air above your Linden home if you want to. I think there are restrictions about how high in the sky but I don't remember what they are.  High enough so that you don't impede people's view from the ground or air traffic, I think.  That's what I do.  It's my dressing room.

    • Like 1
  10. I'm not sure I understand what all the fuss is about.  Is it because the lab chose Black culture as their first community to highlight?  Or is it the idea of there being more than one SL community the thing that's got everyone up in arms?  One of the reasons why people stay in SL is because they find other people here that they like and identify with and want to be around, in other words a community.  So what's wrong with making it easier to find your community by giving them a page? 

    Of course I see there are those who worry about which communities will be selected, but it sounded to me like the lab is open to our input so if you want your community to have a page all you have to do is say so and perhaps offer information so they have something to put in the page.

    Or are they reacting to the idea that if we highlight differences it's going to become a slugfest and will somehow take away their right to be xenophobic?

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