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Mickey Vandeverre

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Everything posted by Mickey Vandeverre

  1. Well, I'm not sure where they all get their analytics from, but wordpress, blogspot, ebay and etsy give very detailed analytics, so if someone has a problem with that they need to log off the computer for good. Everyone that has an SL blog already has access to all that. If someone has a problem with that, they need to stop hopping around to all the blogs then. LL already has the stats.
  2. Thank you for taking the time to submit that Jira. It is much appreciated.
  3. Well, you can't really blame people. You go so long without any positive news, without positive efforts, without positive direction....yeah, that's an apathy-maker. I'm really tired of seeing the Bring back Last Names emails mixed in with all of my sales notifications every day, as well as a dozen other Jiras that did not get touched. I'm not voting on any more unless it is absolutely crucial. But deal is....we shouldn't have to ask. We shouldn't have to have a campaign to beg for votes on a tool that is basic and should already be in place. People that go to sell in another venue probably do not know that each tool in place is a gold mine. So they start clicking around, trying some stuff out, then they land on something that they get excited about, and figure out, and realize, holy cow, this tool is gonna make me a fortune! But the tools are there. Already in place. They have that information, Toy. They know where the site hits are coming from.
  4. It's just like any other discussion on marketing. You're talking to like maybe 6 people who care or have any kind of motivation. Most don't have a clue what tools like this could do to triple their income. Nor are they going to try. You got dead weight here. That's probably why we don't get a real marketplace. I voted on a Jira for CATEGORIES a while back - there were like 5 votes maybe. And they sure as hell did not come from the people who sit in this forum all day long and bitch and moan and make other Jiras and insist that it is our civic duty to go vote on THEIR Jira. Nope. No teamwork here. FAIL. You gotta manage on your own.
  5. I think that I shall expand a bit....if you don't mind. Yes, I know...most mind. But I just logged into another venue to wrap up biz for the day. 5 minutes, and I can tell the following: the keywords, "purplish green thing-a-ma-bob" scored in the google search today. the keywords "OMG it's stunning" scored big time in the site search today. 15 people checked out my "amazing magical golden egg" category today. 10 people looked at Golden Egg Model A - 5 of those from noon and in the next 10 minutes. at noon, when I tweeted one product....the graph shows an upswing off the chart practically. It even indicates what type of device they read the tweet on. Imagine that. when a particular product was "featured" today....that chart shows how many exact hits it got from that page. That chart shows which site page each hit came from. It updates in about 2 minutes. You tweet - 2 minutes later - bingo, there's the count for you. oh....I could go on forever. Tomorrow...those who read their charts for as little as five minutes tonight....can go in and do some serious business in the morning. Serious business that spreads across the site, then spreads via that trendy new buzz thing called "social media." Maybe make some adjustments, maybe do some things different tomorrow or the next day. (in other words....become efficient and profitable) Maybe rearrange their CATEGORIES a bit. Categories? Categories you say? Maybe redo their keywords a bit. Keywords? You know those things we slap on the page and wonder about? Hit or miss? oh....I could go on forever.
  6. My chart is similar. I quit charting back in September, but can eyeball it - the same. Merely ...let's call it a "placeholder" until they get new management on the marketplace. Not giving up several years worth of efforts and training because of one crew. It will change. I think a lot of decline has to do with not adding new product every day. My theory from watching product positioning like a hawk, by the day, by the hour, for months, then seeing downturn.....is that August and September time period, when something happened pretty much overnight, and we talked about that. Convinced it has to do with a change in algorithms. Tricky to explain, but has to do with the kind of a nosedive that a product that places first page takes after a few days. I think that the key to adjusting for that, is to list, list, list daily....like you're on a hamster wheel....and run the numbers like Josh does. I like Josh's business model....but I want a more efficient approach than climbing on that wheel every day. I want solid placement, based on past efforts....which I can get in any other venue. You do the work, you make the right stuff, it places, and it's solid. It does NOT nosedive on a whim overnight. Efficiency-wise and good-business-wise...one should not have to get on that hamster wheel daily. Your solid performers should keep you in business from day to day, without having to add 1000 more items to run a numbers game. There's no sense in running that type of show unless you're retired or independently wealthy and goofing off. If that's the case, get out of my way. NO OFFENSE to anyone. But they call this thing a "market" place. Let's "market." Adding 50 products a week, while they jack with your best sellers and leave 100 perfectly fine and perfectly sale-worthy products sitting in the middle of your store, which you have NO tools to promote, such as CATEGORIES - THE MOST BASIC OF ANY ONLINE STORE'S TOOLS.....or at the very least the opportunity to adjust your front page listing orders..... ....that's just busy work. It's not necessary. Only a hamster would do that. Unless you have a screwed up "market" place. Then....some relatively smart people that can have a dang good biz going, based solely on product already designed and available (yet hidden).....decide whether or not to spin that hamster wheel.... .....while the current crew plays around in the office, and counts on that fact that there is a steady stream of wise hamsters and not-so-wise hamsters logging in every day to cloud that very clear chart that you have there, Toy....very similar to the chart that I have. ....
  7. Gosh, I'm not sure about the new stuff, whatever it is. Will get right on that right after I spend a week of techno-whiz-science-magic-test-this-test-that-stuff trying to figure out why I've got 30 DELIVERY PARTIALLY FAILED notations for the week. Whatever. A year is too long. Too damn long.
  8. just report it to Dakota. found 50 or 60 of those one day, and team had it all cleared up within 48 hours.
  9. holy cow - just looked over transaction list and looks like Darrel, Darrel, and Darrel are in charge of delivering. Get a grip dudes. Can't even resend the dang things - have to buy them as a gift. wazzup with that?
  10. I don't really care to use the word "bully" - I do sometimes, but I don't think it's right word. I'm kind of seeing those people simply as somewhat troubled without social skills and no reasonable options to explain themselves or their point, or whatever, without being just downright rude and socially unacceptable. What the heck you do call that? Bully reminds me of 4th grade. But maybe that's the grade level they are still on, Obviously, by the examples of names that you have mentioned....you and I have an entirely different concept of what a "bully" is. I see ya'll doing exactly that to people here. I would wager that every time an example of "bully" came up in this forum - that one of your buds names was included. So I'm just not able to grasp your point. There probably won't be many more that come around to tell you that. They simply don't bother with this forum anymore. If you want it closed to your circle that does everything your way, which is what I'm reading loud and clear.....whatever....but that ain't exactly corresponding with your point that all community members be treated with respect and opposition to "favoring" certain segments. "I have a vested interest in not standing by watching other clients being treated like something nasty stuck to the sole of one's shoe." Um yeah....me too. And I've watched one of your buds treat people just like that for several years. Nastiest example I've ever run into in the virtual world. By far. I don't want that type promoted - and I'll be back to make that clear as often times as I can.
  11. wow! you sure do know alot about Dude! You following him around too? Griffin - I'm out of time for the day to answer all your questions. you ok until tomorrow?
  12. ok, well did not want to interrupt if it was not for discussion - tend to get into trouble for that now and then. Not sure if I have background correct, just dropped in the other day, and quite an uproar over a sub-forum. The Vampire section? There's a forum for Land Owners, one for Merchants, one for people into Relationship aspects, on and on, this and that .... ....and I'll include here, that I was a little obnoxious to the Ladies who Do Breakfast in their Jammies Club, or whatever club it was.....for getting to take up space and promote their club in the forums, when no one else was doing that.... ....but got to thinking, and thought....maybe it's just a matter that no one else took the initiative. If no one else takes the initiative, and spearheads some kind of a movement or request for it.....then how can you blame another group-type for having that drive? You seem to be of the opinion that you enjoy watching people respond rudely and maybe get a kick out of it? did I read that right? I don't. Sets me off....as you well know. Would prefer that sub-set is not here. But looks like some have been given seal of approval. I very vividly recall some exchanges toward new posters or posters who do not participate frequently or daily, that make the hair on the back of my neck stand up....Maybe that's similar to you reading about vampires? In spite of all the poking by the forum regulars....looks like the vampire enthusiasts are being pretty darn nice! I could learn from that....short fuse here. Also - kinda sets a precedent....on who is allowed to participate here and who is not. Do you not think so? I mean, good lord, I get so frustrated with LL for not doing much promotion, and here they are attempting something, and they've got to deal with a dozen forum regulars who got a wee bit pissy? I watched the promotion - and I watched the numbers - and I like what I see. (well, except for all the poking they received) Looking forward to watching that type of promotional activity again. What kind of sub-forum is it that you want Carole? what type of population or community or event are you interested in contacting LL about to work up another promotion? looks like it's going well, so seems like they would open to that. Have you contacted them yet? Is this your contact to suggest an additional sub-forum? sorry, but I think I might have missed the topic of that sub-forum in your post - lemme go back and read again. eta: well Holy Cow! Looks like you have the chance!
  13. oh, sorry for not being more specific, but we're headed way off topic now! If that bothers someone, they are welcome to flag my posts, as they did some others - no sweat. but hate to leave you in the dark on that. you might experience something similar someday. in answer to your question....yeah, I've got quite a few followers, and am very active in that aspect, but even with all the exchanges and all that tweeting, never had someone come in and refer to that little nest of people. I alluded to them a few times, because it's just bizarre, but didn't give links. Gave some in private messages, and people's reaction is always similar to WTF is that? I don't know, but I've got a dude taking notes on it. So yeah, for someone to pop in out of the blue to a reference to that, was really strange. It's ok - I checked, and dude had like less than a dozen followers or so, so not an issue really beyond a wee bit of weirdness there for a moment. Not sure if you know how twitter works or not, but when you tweet something without hashtags, and you've only got a few followers - it's similar to an old phrase that has to do with a tree falling in the forest or something.....you know that phrase? I don't have it off top of head right now. Maybe that's wrong example. It's just the visual I get
  14. That was a little long. This is directed to Linden Lab? Are we allowed to discuss? or this is just a letter drop to Rodvik?
  15. I hear ya on that butthurt and stalking thing, Griffin - that's just bizarre. Other day, someone showed up on twitter referring to that freaky club of people - I think they are a fan club of mine or something, can't really figure it out, just strange - so I'm thinking, gosh, where did that dude come from? musta been butthurt or something. But to follow to another web site - then follow and watch on twitter.....Creepy!
  16. No, it was a personal glitch (I know one other person is having it, maybe others) on your name not showing up in the creator field on product. It's not solved, and sounds like it might not be able to - but that's all I needed to know, after lack of responses and closing tickets. I was very peeved about tickets being closed quickly before being able to respond with the information they requested, and now understand that is automated. Important thing is - that someone has that presence to explain and get someone into contact with proper channels - in order to keep the "peeved" moods to a minimum
  17. Very pleased with @SupportLinden on twitter response to a current dilemma. Of course, it would be nice to somehow manage to convert or twist or manipulate every glitch into a "merchant" issue and get Aplus attention from Dakota (which yes, I've tried twisting) - but not every issue can be sent there! I think it's very good move to have that presence on twitter and to have someone with people skills to respond effectively (even to the disgruntled!) Way to go!
  18. Reinstating someone who has been particularly abusive to the posters here....no, don't think that helps the "community", but there are many different kinds of communities within SL. I'm sure that type of behavior has it's own community Thank you for the business advice! Take care.
  19. looks to me like they are trying to do some extra promotion. I had hoped (yes, others have "hope" as well) that there might be promotion for artistic venues, art galleries, educational spots, non-profit organizations, travel type venues - you name it - vampires wasn't on the list. Thing is, though, that the vampire craze is full swing. If red velvet sofas were the bomb - I would be idiot not to make some. So it's kinda common sense to go with the bomb. Looks like they've got someone really aggressive and energetic to work with over - several in fact - wow - impressed. not often do they promote - although not on personal wish list - it's a popular theme. If that's what ya'll are in a huff about - asked a few questions, and no one seems to spell it out straight, but can get the gist of it a bit by reading. as for user generated content - I saw some awesome photos from Flickr posted in that vampire forum - so not sure what the issue is there ya'll have plenty of spots on the forum to control your topics - and control you do - congratulations on that - so not really sure what your problem is with featuring other segments. Seems really silly unless part of the background story is missing - often the case
  20. I think that most of your interpretation there is pretty far off - so not really going to attempt - enjoy your evening
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