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Mickey Vandeverre

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Everything posted by Mickey Vandeverre

  1. When you say "everyone else" - do you mean the forum hive? or do you mean like the people who use SL - you know, like the other 99.99% ?
  2. oh - I do have a teeny weeny question, if you don't mind. Last time I dropped in here - there were two groups feuding, and kinda got crossed in the cross-fire. Can you please tell those who do not spend all day here - - - which groups are feuding this week?
  3. oh - I do have a teeny weeny question, if you don't mind. Last time I dropped in here - there were two groups feuding, and kinda got crossed in the cross-fire. Can you please tell those who do not spend all day here - - - which groups are feuding this week?
  4. maybe - but that's quite alright - I'll just use it on my own I see that you are still charming as ever.
  5. maybe - but that's quite alright - I'll just use it on my own I see that you are still charming as ever.
  6. I used to post awesome marketing advice in the commerce forums - the group that rules the roost over there doesn't care for it much though. Would you like some marketing advice? Any questions?
  7. I used to post awesome marketing advice in the commerce forums - the group that rules the roost over there doesn't care for it much though. Would you like some marketing advice? Any questions?
  8. It's my once every 60 or 90 day check in to see if they have cleaned this place up or not, and to see if there is anything exciting going on - - Vampires! People seem to be in an uproar over vampires? or something like that? But yes, I do realize that if you are not here daily - that you meet troll qualifications.
  9. It's my once every 60 or 90 day check in to see if they have cleaned this place up or not, and to see if there is anything exciting going on - - Vampires! People seem to be in an uproar over vampires? or something like that? But yes, I do realize that if you are not here daily - that you meet troll qualifications.
  10. I generally hang-out in merchants forum. I don't think they like me answering questions over here. by "they" I mean the hive. It's ok to ask a question though, isn't it? Isn't that what a forum is for? or do you have to be up to date on all the drama to do that?
  11. I generally hang-out in merchants forum. I don't think they like me answering questions over here. by "they" I mean the hive. It's ok to ask a question though, isn't it? Isn't that what a forum is for? or do you have to be up to date on all the drama to do that?
  12. There are plenty of people who would love to answer questions. They make it sound like they are the only ones available to do so. But I'm just doing a drop-in and missed all the drama. Something about a boycott or something? They're not going to answer questions? There are lots of people who will answer questions.
  13. There are plenty of people who would love to answer questions. They make it sound like they are the only ones available to do so. But I'm just doing a drop-in and missed all the drama. Something about a boycott or something? They're not going to answer questions? There are lots of people who will answer questions.
  14. You don't know what Peggy is talking about? You didn't get a complete review in your other forum?
  15. You don't know what Peggy is talking about? You didn't get a complete review in your other forum?
  16. There is a new support account on twitter. It sounded like they would prefer that support questions/issues be sent to that account. @supportLinden sort of can't believe that you would encourage everyone to send their petty issues to CEO acct and feed. But I see that he recently handled one there. boy is that going to open up a can of worms. Oh well - live and learn
  17. There is a new support account on twitter. It sounded like they would prefer that support questions/issues be sent to that account. @supportLinden sort of can't believe that you would encourage everyone to send their petty issues to CEO acct and feed. But I see that he recently handled one there. boy is that going to open up a can of worms. Oh well - live and learn
  18. What exactly would those motives be? Are they secret? eta: are you an employee of Linden Lab?
  19. What exactly would those motives be? Are they secret? eta: are you an employee of Linden Lab?
  20. They are finally getting around to banning all the forum trolls? They have figured it out finally??? AWESOME! There is hope yet for Linden Lab!!!
  21. They are finally getting around to banning all the forum trolls? They have figured it out finally??? AWESOME! There is hope yet for Linden Lab!!!
  22. The forums lost their "charm." There is certainly no "charm" left in the forums. (if that's what you want to call it) The forums have become a roost for a rather small circle of people who have all day to manipulate, flag, and influence outcomes to what would have (in the past) been very good discussions for very diverse people to participate in, without threat of harassment. If you would like an example of the harassment - I can give you a link to another site where it occurs, based on comments that people make here. ohhh wait,...my attorney tells me that you already have that link. Linden Lab might as well take over the forum and control it to coincide with their marketing efforts. I sure as heck do not approve of them leaving it in the control of people who are bashing customers in other forums. Particularly when they are using their SL names with SEO, trying to get extra hits for that crap site. I probably won't be the last to consult with legal on that,
  23. The forums lost their "charm." There is certainly no "charm" left in the forums. (if that's what you want to call it) The forums have become a roost for a rather small circle of people who have all day to manipulate, flag, and influence outcomes to what would have (in the past) been very good discussions for very diverse people to participate in, without threat of harassment. If you would like an example of the harassment - I can give you a link to another site where it occurs, based on comments that people make here. ohhh wait,...my attorney tells me that you already have that link. Linden Lab might as well take over the forum and control it to coincide with their marketing efforts. I sure as heck do not approve of them leaving it in the control of people who are bashing customers in other forums. Particularly when they are using their SL names with SEO, trying to get extra hits for that crap site. I probably won't be the last to consult with legal on that,
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